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Now India is expanding its embassy in Islamabad

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Sep 12, 2008
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LAHORE - After giving 58 acres of land to the US Embassy, the Indian Embassy in Islamabad has also been allotted 10-acre land for its expansion, it was learnt on Tuesday.

The Indian Embassy will construct more offices as well as residences on the land, provided to it in the Diplomatic Enclave. Besides that, Indian commandos and security guards would be deployed at the Embassy for security purpose.

It has been learnt that the land has been given after a request by New Delhi.

However, a government department had made provision of land conditional to some steps.

Highly-placed government sources said it is not an unusual thing. Keeping in view modern day requirements, the Indian request was accepted and “we are well aware of the situation”, they said.
It has been learnt that construction work has been started for expansion of the Indian Embassy.

On the other hand, some circles in Islamabad are expressing their reservations over the allotment of land to the Indian and US embassies, besides raising questions regarding the purpose of providing land to these embassies.

They say that at least the Parliament should have been taken into confidence over this sensitive matter.

These circles also are of the view that a question arises whether Pakistan’s friendly countries, including Saudi Arabia, China, and other Muslim states have land equal to that of the US and Indian embassies’ and as to why these countries did not feel need to expand their missions and take extra security steps.

Moreover, China’s protest over unnecessary expansion of the US mission as well as extra security measures and later its denial is being discussed in the government and diplomatic circles. It is being said reservations of friendly countries over the issue should not be neglected, because this would isolate Pakistan at the international level.

IT would seem to be open season on embassies' expanding in Islamabad after getting easy access to prime land courtesy a compliant CDA. However, the news of the Indians expanding their embassy should be a cause for concern on a number of counts. To begin with, what is the need for the Indians to expand their embassy given how all dialogue and expansion of relations between Pakistan and India are at a standstill? With India maintaining an intransigent posture on renewal of dialogue and an aggressive stance on the Mumbai terrorism, the possibility of increased interaction between the two countries seems to have effectively been put on the backburner. So it would appear a trifle absurd to have more Indian diplomats and covert operatives coming in to Islamabad.

Equally disturbing is the news that Indian commandos and security guards will also be deployed. Given that the security of diplomats and missions is the responsibility of the host government, it is inexplicable why Pakistan would accede to the Indian design of bringing in their commandos and guards. Already, we have gone against international diplomatic conventions in allowing the US their marines and other armed personnel. To allow Indian commandos and guards - probably covert operatives - when we have already admitted to Indian destabilisation in Balochistan seems to reveal a suicidal bent on the part of the Pakistani government.

With US marines and the rechristened Blackwater (as Xe Worldwide) already causing fears amid the residents, Indian commandos would add to the security mess prevailing in the capital. The free-wheeling approach adopted by the government in relation to all manner of armed foreigners coming into Islamabad borders on an underlying anarchy in decision-making. Given how President Zardari is so keen to involve Parliament in issues relating to Balochistan and food security, perhaps it is time decisions relating to foreign embassies not only expanding but bringing their own armed personnel should also be put before parliament which can make a unified policy recommendation based on the relevant international laws and norms. Pakistan's complicated security situation demands nothing less.
Why are the least trusted countries being allowed to expand their embassies and being allowed to bring in their commandos, security guards, and marines into Pakistani soil and not friendly countries like China, Turkey, Saudi Arabia and other friendly countries of Pakistan?
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Why are the least trusted countries being allowed to expand their embassies and being allowed to bring in their commandos, security guards, and marines into Pakistani soil and not friendly countries like China, Turkey, Saudi Arabia and other friendly countries of Pakistan doing the same?

are out Intelligence agencies and army sleeping on all this??:lazy:
Why are the least trusted countries being allowed to expand their embassies and being allowed to bring in their commandos, security guards, and marines into Pakistani soil and not friendly countries like China, Turkey, Saudi Arabia and other friendly countries of Pakistan?

because other "friendly" countries don't need so much security paraphernalia. Get it?

If there is an attack on any embassy in Islamabad, give me the top two targets you have. Exactly.

Some folks find bad intent in every peaceful gesture their own government tries to make. I don't know how anyone can be so critical of everything.
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because other "friendly" countries don't need so much security paraphernalia. Get it?

If there is an attack on any embassy in Islamabad, give me the top two targets you have. Exactly.

Some folks find bad intent in every peaceful gesture their own government tries to make. I don't know how anyone can be so critical of everything.

Pakistan is the least trusted country in India. What if Pakistan decided to expand its embassy in New Delhi and bring in Pakistani commandos and security guards in Indian soil?

How would the Indian public react?

And why does Indian embassy in Islamabad need 10 acres of land for security?

Ask your government why is it allowing such an Horrendous act...according t you...whats the point shouting here........ anyways no such request has been made by Cash starved Pakistani Government to expand their embassy in India...
Pakistan is the least trusted country in India. What if Pakistan decided to expand its embassy in New Delhi and bring in Pakistani commandos and security guards in Indian soil?

How would the Indian public react?

And why does Indian embassy in Islamabad need 10 acres of land for security?

For now the expansion request for Indian embassy has been accepted by government of Pakistan.
No such expansion requests have been recieved by New Delhi.
New Delhi would be reacting keeping in mind the nature of request and the actual need intended
Relax, India is not going to deploy a battalion there.just few(may be less than 100) of them. cause, Indian embassy will surely on the hitlist of the terrorists.
Relax, India is not going to deploy a battalion there.just few(may be less than 100) of them. cause, Indian embassy will surely on the hitlist of the terrorists.

When was any Indian diplomat or any Indian citizen who entered Pakistan legally targeted in Pakistan?
Relax, India is not going to deploy a battalion there.just few(may be less than 100) of them. cause, Indian embassy will surely on the hitlist of the terrorists.

And definitely they would be under the watch list of ISI.......

And Sir precaution is always better then cure with the recent developments. We do trust the people of Pakistan and government of Pakistan. The real danger is the non state actors which do not have control.
are out Intelligence agencies and army sleeping on all this??:lazy:

Ofcourse they are not. Might be they found nothing so fishy in this. But ofcourse some people are trying their level best to convert it into some conspiracy.

This was a formal request which is made from India. It is accepted by Pakistan. Now if this much is open, there is nothing to smell. Anyways, India will not be making her bases there. India know it's embassy will be under constant scrutiny from Pakistan security establishment. So please do not jump into conclusion. Unless you prove that even the construction workers are RAW agents...:bounce::bounce:
R u trying to say that there are 0%chance of embassy being attacked?

R u trying to say that there are 0% chance of embassy being attacked in India?

You didnt answer my question, when was any indian diplomat or any indian citizen who entered Pakistan legally ever targeted inside Pakistan?
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