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Major General Sanaullah and Lt Colnol has died in IED blast in upper dir

Very sad news.

RIP to the brave soldiers.

Condolences to friends and family.

I hope PA makes these terrorist dogs pay.
On September 9, during the inauguration of the Jashan -i-Kumrat; a 10 day long sports festival, Maj-Gen Sanaullah, the commander of security forces in Malakand Division, had said that the Army has secured the western borders of the country by thwarting the nefarious design of the terrorists. It is an irony that yesterday, Maj-Gen Sanaullah, along with Lt.Col Tauseef and L/Nk Imran were killed in IED attack, which was claimed by the TTP. This is the not the first time these terrorists have chosen a cowardly way to target our soldiers. Our condolences go out the families of Maj-Gen Sanaullah, Lt.Col Tauseef and LanceNaik Imran. We stand by the people of Pakistan in their time of grief and support their efforts to counter terrorism.

Abdul Quddus
DET-United States Central Command
U.S. Central Command
The Peace Delusion


The Peace Delusion

WHILE approaching our problem of terror and courting peace in earnest there is no room for false bravado. Why object to state functionaries sitting down with disaffected citizens if that can sort out misconceptions that have angered or deluded them into declaring war on the state?

Didn’t Clausewitz, the god of war wisdom, settle once and for all that ‘war is merely the continuation of policy by other means’? So if policy can be pursued by peace talks why yelp for internecine bloodletting?

The logical critique of the inane resolution produced by the all-party conference (APC) isn’t rooted in the desire for vengeance or a conceited notion of honor. An eye-for-an-eye doesn’t produce justice or peace, but revenge. When a state punishes criminals it is not for a singular object but for a whole range of considerations including retribution for wrongful actions, closure for victims, deterring crime to maintain peace in society and reforming the recalcitrant. The moral argument against peace talks is weak.

The loss of over 40,000 citizens and soldiers is an unspeakable tragedy. But wars always produce casualties. If the argument that all blood shed in war must be avenged were to hold, no war would ever end. The paramount obligation of the state is not to fathom the best way to mourn or honour the dead, but to protect the life and liberty of the living. And if as a nation we are unsure whether our Constitution, the sovereignty of our state and a tolerant society are worthy causes, isn’t the choice between war and peace a fake one?

In other words why go to war over pursuit of a policy when the policy is up for negotiation if unacceptable to our adversary. So if we are willing to remodel the vision and future of Pakistan, its laws, political system, foreign policy and social norms, as desired by the Tehreek-i-Taliban Pakistan (TTP), why fight? The critics of the APC’s romantic notion of peace through talks are neither opposed to peace nor talks. Their argument is that there is no real likelihood of talks succeeding and their failure will produce dividends for the TTP.

And in case a miracle happens and talks succeed, the terms on which peace will be secured will either be unsustainable or will require altering the vision for the future of Pakistan in a manner that will be nothing less than complete surrender to the forces of regression and intolerance. The APC resolution thus reinforces the harrowing sense that our national leadership either utterly lacks comprehension of the problem facing us or those at the helm have adopted Madame de Pompadour’s approach to problem solving: ‘after us, the deluge’.

The seeds of militancy and terror were not sown in 2001 when Pakistan elected to side with the US ‘war on terror’. That choice only exposed a design flaw in our national security thinking. We sowed the seeds of militancy when, encouraged by the US in the 1980s, we decided to brainwash, train and employ jihadis in pursuit of our national security policy in Afghanistan. Unlike mercenaries motivated by money or a regular soldier under military discipline, the ****** militant was manufactured without a ‘turn-off’ switch.

If jihad against infidel Russia was right in the 1980s how could jihad against infidel Yanks be wrong in 2001? It was not jihadists who rebelled against the state; it was the state that rebelled against a just religious cause by agreeing to sleep with the enemy, the jihadists argue. The point is that a state cannot share monopoly over violence with any private militia, whether motivated by religion or not, precisely because it cannot allow a private group to challenge its foreign or security policy backed by threat of use of force.

Our problem of militancy won’t end with the end of the US war in Afghanistan. It won’t end till there exist armed private militias in Pakistan inspired by the virile belief that they have a legitimate right to forcefully change state policies, our political and legal system or social norms, and possess the means to do so.

There can be no sustainable peace in Pakistan so long as the state views religion inspired militants as a useful weapon that can be controlled and put to good use in the national interest. There can be no sustainable peace till the state is open to allowing militants self-governed sanctuaries in our bad outlands or urban pockets. There can be no sustainable peace if it is a product of the courtesy or mercy shown by militants and not their diminished capacity to inflict violence.

There can be no peace till the state willingly tolerates violence and hatemongering in the name of religion. There can be no peace till the state continues looking away as our foreign Muslim friends fund and patronise sectarian groups in Pakistan. And there can be no peace if it hangs on the promise to implement the Sharia, when there is no agreement in the country over what that means. Shouldn’t the APC have addressed some of these thorny matters?

The manner in which the APC has endorsed unconditional talks with the TTP creates two problems. One, it legitimises the pro-terror narrative that has confused and polarised our nation ie terrorists might be mistaken in killing fellow citizens, but that is understandable because they are so incensed by wrongful state policies. And two, it is terrorists who are setting conditions and defining the framework of talks and not the state, and as a consequence if talks fail the onus will be on the state.

The most charitable assessment of the APC could have been that the sense of tolerance and accommodation exhibited by the APC will cultivate public opinion in favour of use of force in case talks fail. But the manner in which the TTP has responded, our tyrants might just be ahead of our leaders even when it comes to shaping public opinion. Maybe we are being needlessly cynical and our leadership is working with a grand strategy: if you can’t beat ’em, join ’em.

practically the peace talks are over but there has to be inquire on how did the terrorists get to know that sanaullah wasn't going to use heli, but rather would use road?

practically the peace talks are over but there has to be inquire on how did the terrorists get to know that sanaullah wasn't going to use heli, but rather would use road?

you nailed

while we all growl at Jamat Islami, PTI and Nawaz league (for appearing to be soft on terrorists due to offering talks) and this incident happens... just sit back and think how come the TTP has such good intelligence that

it ambushes our planned surprise attacks?
knows about our troops movements
knows when to down a helicopter when its carrying a star officer
knows the route and time of a star officer to blow him up (many times)
manages to sneak in the most guarded Mosque and execute senior officers and their children

the worse case was one that we all missed
its about the ease
its about the confidence
its about the outrageous gal that the terrorists show that they can decide to kill our soldiers just like they kill the shia passengers.

a year or two ago, a single army jeep was parked by the river in Punjab (sorry forgot the place). and within an hour someone just saw them the bridge, headed to the nearest madrassah and got the gun came back and shot all the army personnel from the bridge and drove away as if it was no big deal.

in this particular case, I blame inside help, we know we have radicalized society,then why not we can also have radicalised elements in the army? its not sourced from Sweden or Denmark is it? its from same people who consider Taliban and Al Qaeda as true Muslims. and then we are told that our nuclear assets are safe ... yea right

tic toc ... tic toc .. wait for the day when TTP will do a Mehran over Kahuta or Nilore...

just a matter of time.

PTI, Jamat Islami and nawaz league cant be blamed for seeking peace with the killers because these parties have come to power from the votes of the people who see our helpless army failing badly in curbing the terrorism.

Seems to be an attack to derail the peace talks, TTP are not looking for peace or ceasefire - they probably are looking at fulfilling their agenda.

Pakistan should follow India and the US - ie, no negotiations with terrorists.
you nailed

while we all growl at Jamat Islami, PTI and Nawaz league (for appearing to be soft on terrorists due to offering talks) and this incident happens... just sit back and think how come the TTP has such good intelligence that

it ambushes our planned surprise attacks?
knows about our troops movements
knows when to down a helicopter when its carrying a star officer
knows the route and time of a star officer to blow him up (many times)
manages to sneak in the most guarded Mosque and execute senior officers and their children

the worse case was one that we all missed
its about the ease
its about the confidence
its about the outrageous gal that the terrorists show that they can decide to kill our soldiers just like they kill the shia passengers.

a year or two ago, a single army jeep was parked by the river in Punjab (sorry forgot the place). and within an hour someone just saw them the bridge, headed to the nearest madrassah and got the gun came back and shot all the army personnel from the bridge and drove away as if it was no big deal.

in this particular case, I blame inside help, we know we have radocalized society,then why not we can also have radicalised elements in the army? its not sourced from Sweden or Denmark is it? its from same people who consider Taliban and Al Qaeda as true Muslims. and then we are told that our nuclear assets are safe ... yea right

tic toc ... tic toc .. wait for the day when TTP will do a Mehran over Kahuta or Nilore...

just a matter of time.

PTI, Jamat Islami and nawaz league cant be blamed for seeking peace with the killers because these parties have come to power from the votes of the people who see our helpless army failing badly in curbing the terrorism.

you show a horrible picture of the future, that I often think too, but neglect saying to myself, no, no it cannot happen... an inquiry must take place and culprits be given death sentence..

I just hope there is way to control all this, else its just a matter of time we turn into a battle turf..

I was also wondering why no nishan-e-haider given to any of our soldiers or officers in WOT??

also that could it be a result of group fight between officers, expecting promotion?
you show a horrible picture of the future, that I often think too, but neglect saying to myself, no, no it cannot happen... an inquiry must take place and culprits be given death sentence..

I just hope there is way to control all this, else its just a matter of time we turn into a battle turf..

I was also wondering why no nishan-e-haider given to any of our soldiers or officers in WOT??

also that could it be a result of group fight between officers, expecting promotion?

plz stop creating false or wrong ideas about PA its officers, there is no group fighting among them, & its no ANA, in which everone gets a medal jst for carrying a gun in uniform?
Pakistan has suffered from "Murder of History" where we have taken folk myths perpetuated by Tribals in Pakistan and made it as official Pakistani history. A lot of myth in Pakistan have been created by the racist Pakistani mindset where they hold the fairer Pashtoon superior to darker Punjabi.

The truth when learned is very different. The Tribals have been defeated hundreds of time before and can be always defeated. However these days the racist PTI has taken over the mantle of portraying Tribals as either Innocent victims or Invincible warriors whenever it is convenient. Below is my reply to a Racist Afghani regarding their history.

"Azmal Khan, go and read your history from Original sources not what was taught to you by neo-Nazi, racist Afghan Millat teachers! Personally I hate to talk about 'pure race'. As no one is 'pure' as you hope and claim.

The area of Khorasan (most of present day north Afghanistan) after the Arab invasions and supermacy was finally ruled by the local Persian Samanid dynasty. A lot of Tajiks, Uzbeks, Hazaras still prefer claim their origin to the Samanids not the Abdali servant of Nadir Afshar (Qazalabash Turk).

Ghaznavi were 100% Turk tribes. In fact they fought against Hindu/Buddhist/Atheist/Animast Pashtun tribes to control these areas. The founder of the dynasty was Sebüktigin (ruled 977–997), a former Turkish slave who was recognized by the Samanids (a Persian Muslim dynasty) as governor of Ghazna. As the Samanid dynasty weakened, Sebüktigin a Turk, consolidated his position and expanded his domains as far as the Indian border.

Muslim historians Ibn Haukal, Utbi and Alberuni are ALL unanimous that uptill the time of Mahmud Ghaznavi i.e. almost four hundred years after the death of the Prophet, most of the Afghans were still non-Muslims. Mahmud Ghaznavi 'had to fight against the infidel Afghans in the Sulaiman mountains.' Even 200 years later in the encounter between Mohammad Ghori and Prithviraj in 1192 A.D., according to Farishta, Hindu/Buddhist/Animist/Pagan/Shamanist/Zoroastrian Afghans were fighting on the side of the Rajput Chief. The cavalry flank of Prithvi Raj Chauhan was made up of Afghans.

After that Mongols invaded these lands and ravaged and pillaged Herat, Balkh and most of Afghanistan. After that the Timurid dynasty rose who was a Tatar/Mongol with strong backing of Uzbek Turks. Again nothing to do with your 'white' Pashtoons.

Afterwards you had Babur the Mughal invading. He was a Chughtai Turk and even documented the pillars of Afghan heads he created in his own book "Tuzk-e-Babri".

When Babur invaded India and fought an epic battle with the Rajput Chief 'Rana Sanka' (considered a battle betweeen Muslims and Hindus) , the Rajputs had with them Mahmud Lodhi, out to avenge his father's defeat with 10,000 Afghans. Most of the Afghan perished along with the Rajputs against the Babur's army.

When Akbar was the emperor of the Mughal empire and this included Kabul and Kandahar there were two rebellions both were crushed by Rajput armies of the Mughals. Even in the twilight of the Mughal empire, Emperor Aurangzeb sent in Rajput chief (Raja Jaswant Singh) to punishing the Afghans for their rebellion.

Finally your favourite Ahmed abdali came on the heels of Nadir Shah Afshar Qazilbash (the Turk-Persian King). However right after the death of Ahmed abdali the ares East of Khyber were quickly lost to the Ranjit Singhs army.

When the Sikh were fighting their 3rd and final battle against the British the Afghan king even sent a 5000 strong cavalry (hoping this alliance would help them take Peshawar), however as soon as the Sikhs were defeated the Afghan cavalry ran back to Khyber non-stop!

Later on the British even helped supported the Afghan kings in their war against Persia (First Ango-Persian war) and even gave money and arms to the ruling Afghan dynasty as part of their great game strategy against Tsarist Russia and Iran. Until 1910 the foreign policy of so called Afghanistan was controlled by British empire and the so called Afghan king was given a Stipend by the British every year :-)

Except for the short raids/rule of Ahmed abdali we have little to do with Afghan history. Take your infatuation with tribes and 'whiteness' back to your country. Pakistan's pillars are not its tribes or ethnicity, but its shared history, Islamic principles and an ideology which will inshallah serve to create a strong and peaceful country."
grouping is natural.

sorry to not be with you on it, & sory that you cant understand it, how pakarmy works?
only thing i can tell you is that, in PAKARMY you just wait for whatever be thrown at you?
with musharaf of bieng prime example here, who didnt hve the proper backings, but still made it out to be the best of COAS of PA, its highly undrstanble that, its your performences in field, but not in the drawing rooms like politicians in this country?
sorry to not be with you on it, & sory that you cant understand it, how pakarmy works?
only thing i can tell you is that, in PAKARMY you just wait for whatever be thrown at you?
with musharaf of bieng prime example here, who didnt hve the proper backings, but still made it out to be the best of COAS of PA, its highly undrstanble that, its your performences in field, but not in the drawing rooms like politicians in this country?
sorry brother you are talking of good old peace times. grouping exists for sure in the army but not like we know in the public and private sector etc.

leader is talking about possible grouping in sense of people being pro-caliphate etc. there have been desertions and entire conveys simply surrendering to taliban without a fight. you can see videos over it. there are people likin the military that tried bloody coup to install caliphate and then there arae those who have their smiling pictures taken with TTP leadership

attacks on Mehran, Minhas and GHQ have been only possible through inside help
this poor general also possibly died due to a leak hence the terrorists waiting with a control device and claimed a big hit. its a tragedy that Pakistan army only got some barren hills and discarded caves to show as the progress against the terrorists but the TTP always has much more graphic and shocking score to show.
sorry to not be with you on it, & sory that you cant understand it, how pakarmy works?
only thing i can tell you is that, in PAKARMY you just wait for whatever be thrown at you?
with musharaf of bieng prime example here, who didnt hve the proper backings, but still made it out to be the best of COAS of PA, its highly undrstanble that, its your performences in field, but not in the drawing rooms like politicians in this country?

perxez was teh worst CinC.....he had army engineers chcecking electrcity meters.....and sold of the country for dollars..
FIR shall be registered against Imran Khan and his partner in crime, Nawaz Sharif.
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