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PDF Color Scheme

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so then i am done....hope this is what you were expecting @WebMaster
I had issues uploading the word file and also i couldnot upload more than 10smileys in one post so i had to post them all in 6 diff posts.

chalo buh bye


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Indian flag is something must to have....

I can't find my old threads, the older PDF website showed me all the threads, now the new style only shows me the threads that I posted in the new style, so my old threads are gone from my thread list
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please please please change the color scheme... it looks cr@p! please!

the whole console looks so alien that I just step back to see if a better version is available or I will return later... content has gone for a toss...

Webby should have been better prepared before such massive changes to the core of the site
please please please change the color scheme... it looks cr@p! please!

the whole console looks so alien that I just step back to see if a better version is available or I will return later... content has gone for a toss...

Webby should have been better prepared before such massive changes to the core of the site

Its being worked on, please be patient.
Zis site looks like Crap now! How many human sacrifice I need to get the old site back?
I'm LOVING the new artwork features that just came onlien, as I was beating up some chinese fools :D

Built code like this myself once... hint, webdesigners of PDF ; youtube playlist video backgrounds :D FTW! <grin>
I'm LOVING the new artwork features that just came onlien, as I was beating up some chinese fools :D

Built code like this myself once... hint, webdesigners of PDF ; youtube playlist video backgrounds :D FTW! <grin>

What do you mean by youtube playlist video backgrounds?

You want me run youtube in the background? :D
woha, niiiceeeeeeeee turned out very good :D
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