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Iraqi group says fired shells at Saudi Arabia

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I hope Iraq invades Saudi Arabia and throw out the Saudi regime.
One iraqi tribe like bani tamim or bani Assad can invade Saudi Arabia iraqi and iranian high school kids are more than enough to invade the entire gulf
One iraqi tribe like bani tamim or bani Assad can invade Saudi Arabia iraqi and iranian high school kids are more than enough to invade the entire gulf

"Iraqi tribes"? Both of those tribes are Arab tribes originally from Saudi Arabia. They are spread in several Arab countries from Morocco in the West to Oman in the East. They all identify as Arabs who are now citizens of various Arab countries, of course outside of their nationality. But thank you for showcasing your ignorance once again and for having your deluded wet dreams. Until anything happens in the future then there has only been one conquest regarding those two countries and it came from the Arabian Peninsula. You know the rest of the history.

So stop embarrassing yourself and worry about Iranian matters as a supposedly Iranian. I heard that you had some good news yesterday. Better celebrate that.

There will be no war between Saudi Arabia and Iraq and there is no need for that.
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What good could be achieved be achieved by attacking Saudi Arabia?

If the news is true, Saudi Arabia shall not waste time and report it to UN.
They can't because we would do the same with the tons of legal proofs we have against them. I believe that was just a message to these blood suckers that they need to stop interfering inn Iraqs affairs unless otherwise.

My opinion is that i do not agree with you. How ever what you are indulging is open terrorism, proves nothing more.
I believe, S.Arabia and Pakistan indeed, can both nail you down with only one missile independently.
@BATMAN I don't want to insult my brothers Pakis so stay away of my way, Iraq was and still bigger than you 33 times the west needed almost the whole world to stand with them including you to defeat it although they knew it most of Iraqis never wanted that war and never support it now you even cant stand India alone this is just a twist of your ear to wake you up.
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Zarqawi is not the nightmare but a civillian killing pussy, he should have been captured alive instead, don’t kill him, let a pig eat him.
The reason they killed him is that all the secrets go with him too otherwise that pussy would be captured like his kind.
The point you are trying to make is childish.

You should condemn them the least, which everybody expects.
Did you ever condemn the tekfiri shaikhs who publicly spread their hate and fatwa towrds the others did you condemn the tekfiri crimes in Iraq did your regime recognize the Iraqi gov you start it and you have to live with it just like us.

WWII was the last greatest struggle and the greatest the world has ever witnessed. I feel its importance is downplayed. It was a decisive event in human history.

Well, Hitler did serve his nation in WWI as a infantry soldier, he captured four enemy soldiers single handedly, he got wounded in the leg from enemy shrapnel, he became blind after enemy chemical attack on his position. For his bravery and acts of courage he was awarded the Iron Cross first class and Iron Cross Second Class.

If Hitler died on the battlefield in 1941 or any time before 1945, who would lead Germany? Hitler was what held Germany together, and his people remained loyal to him to the bitter end.

Its not as easy as you put it.

What if you end up wounded and get captured alive? The Soviet Commissars and NKVD were infamous for their various torturing methods.

And escaping wasn't a logical choice since for the rest of his life Hitler would be on the run constantly. His presence in any country would pose a immense burden on that nation's gov.t and thus he would be expelled.

Hitler himself gives valid reasons for his choice in his final words:

regardless all his crimes against the human being but I can't believe someone compared him to some craps like Saddam or Zarqawi.

Not until the basement dude appears.

Keep dreaming ...
No Shrines ...
No self-lashing ...
No tomb crawling ...
You wrong apparently we have men that willing to do it but all we need time.
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Yep. I always do, Sir.
Did you ever condemn the tekfiri shaikhs who publicly spread their hate and fatwa towrds the others did you condemn the tekfiri crimes in Iraq did your regime recognize the Iraqi gov you start it and you have to live with it just like us.

regardless all his crimes against the human being but I can't believe someone compared him to some craps like Saddam or Zarqawi.

You wrong apparently we have men that willing to do it but all we need time.

So you support genocide.

Also if that logic gets applied the same way to Sunni minorites why do you complain if Shias kill Sunnis, again hypocrisy, but I think your unserious anyway.

See this guy and his kind they're for sale not more they getting paid for what they say certainly. But that's doesn't mean the mentality of wahhbis or alsalool is not working towards this goal since all they need is puppets like them rule their countries this way no talk about freedom or democracy. They want the same kind of rule that happen in the medieval time.
My opinion is that i do not agree with you. How ever what you are indulging is open terrorism, proves nothing more.
I believe, S.Arabia and Pakistan indeed, can both nail you down with only one missile independently.

:lol: big fail on your part, "you" will neither attack nor can actually stick a nail to anything except your own coffin. You should have just knew better before commenting. The details are quite foggy and I wouldn't take Battats words for sh!t. He could claim to invade the USA for I could know. The mortars could be anything from gunfire to unexploded ammunition from previous wars. They fell in an empty desert, don't expect these small mortars to reach far into the KSA.

On the other hand, if anyone should be complaiming than it it should be Iraqis. We are getting Saudi suicide bombers, Saudi terrorists and even vehicles with Saudi licence plates.

Look at 03:10 and 8:40.

IF the attack is real and has actually taken place, then Iraq is not responsible for such attacks just as the Saudi government doesn't claim to support the Saudi terrorists in Iraq.

Another Saudi terrorist trying to sneak across the Iraqi border using Iraqi army uniform.

Actually the mortars hit areas around Hafar al-baton and there the landscape looks like the photo below. People are free to google it.


The area is famous for its agricultural lands, sheep herding etc. Very quite part of KSA.

We hear this talk about Saudi Arabians "this and that" but the reality is that we are talking about a number not exceeding more than a few hundred people since 2003. And regarding the suicide bombers then we are also not talking about more than 40-50 individuals overall in that 10 year period. Many from the very beginning of the conflict aimed at the coalition forces. Anyway I don't support suicide bombings even if that is done against the enemies of Islam or a unjust and occupying non-Muslim force of a Muslim country/people unless there are no other options of targeting them although in principal the perpetrator commits suicide which is strictly illegal if done deliberately.

Today and for the last many years the Sunni-Shia infighting in Iraq has been mostly done by locals. Just read the news. The sole fact that there are only like 10 Saudi Arabian prisoners in Iraq says it all. All those leaders of those various groups are Iraqis. Just look at the participation of Iraqis in Syria on both sides. They outnumber everyone by far aside from the native Syrians. It is about time to look inwards than outwards all the time. Before the 2003 there was a certain Saddam Hussein. Before that there were Arab-Kurdish clashes for decades. Iraq has always been a hotbed for sectarianism. Is it really a coincidence that we are talking about a country that now has incorporated the city of Karbala? Even old accounts are mentioning sectarianism in Iraq. Of course there were periods where that was a smaller problem but it was always there. It is not something that was exported to anybody.

How can KSA do anything about the few Saudi Arabian citizens who go anywhere outside of the borders? The border with Iraq is sealed off. Not by Iraq but by KSA. There are large fences, it is bordered by military personal etc. Saudi Arabian citizens are not allowed to travel to Iraq even. There is no proof of any governmental support - at most some private founding.

And that does not even amount to much because most of the funding ISIS and others inside Iraq get is through corruption, bribing and threatening locals to give a percentage of their earnings to Al-Qaeda. Hence all the fliers often distributed by such groups at night issuing threat x or y and a demand of paying. Let us just say that I know it from first hand sources.

Anyway I find all this difficult to take seriously because the Al-Maliki regime is obviously turning a blind eye to the Shia terrorist groups at large.

How can a so-called "wanted" terrorist be able to make a 1 hour interview in brought daylight in the middle of Baghdad if he is wanted? We are not talking about some Haidar but apparently the leader of the Iraqi HizbAlShaitan (refuse to call them "Gods party") That gives a very low credibility to the Iraqi regime of not being sectarian or treating all terrorist groups the same way.

Lastly there is a difference between what private citizens do that no country can control (not everyone at least if you want to go somewhere and do something you will do it ultimately regardless of the control) and having a terrorist group openly threatening to invade KSA and "liberate Makkah and Madinah" and operating freely from country x (in this case Iraq) and attacking country y (in this case Saudi Arabia) from Iraq's soil.
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Iraqi hypocrisy is coming down all way.

All Iraqis refused to condemn the attack as of right now. At this point, I think we should not speed up the normalization process.
Iraqi hypocrisy is coming down all way.

All Iraqis refused to condemn the attack as of right now. At this point, I think we should not speed up the normalization process.

Condemn some "rockets" falling in some empty land, we don't even know if the details are are accurate or not, but since you want a condemnation, than most Iraqis inclyding the government have condemn this foolish act. But when will we Iraqis get an official condemnation for the Saudi incitement and support of terrorists in Iraq, if not by the saudi stats than by the shieks of fitna.

Lastly there is a difference between what private citizens do that no country can control (not everyone at least if you want to go somewhere and do something you will do it ultimately regardless of the control) and having a terrorist group openly threatening to invade KSA and "liberate Makkah and Madinah" and operating freely from country x (in this case Iraq) and attacking country y (in this case Saudi Arabia) from Iraq's soil.

Saudi terrorists killed arrested or have been to Iraq and left number over a thousand, not in the tens.
There are plenty of channels operating from KSA which are calling and supporting "mujahideen" in Iraq, I'm pretty sure you've heard of Safa. They openly support and encourage terrorist operations and even make phone calls with terrorist leaders. Il refrain from linking videos but you can search and see them for yourself. So why isn't anything being done about such channels in the KSA?

The Saudis in the video are near the Syrian border, so the Saudi government is supporting these groups who are fighting not only in Syria, but also in Iraq. A few weeks ago some advanced rockets were found with these terrorists, the rockets are from the KSA's support for the "rebels", thy are funding their way into Iraq.
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Saudi terrorists killed arrested or have been to Iraq and left number over a thousand, not in the tens.
There are plenty of channels operating from KSA which are calling and supporting "mujahideen" in Iraq, I'm pretty sure you've heard of Safa. They openly support and encourage terrorist operations and even make phone calls with terrorist leaders. Il refrain from linking videos but you can search and see them for yourself. So why isn't anything being done about such channels in the KSA?

Please provide reliable sources for those being in the "thousands". I am sure that the Saudi Arabian regime is having a clear clue about the number of citizens who suddenly disappeared, are never heard off again or captured somewhere outside it borders be it for petty offenses among students in the West, Muslim world, Arab world, tourists or people going to zones of conflict. @Yzd Khalifa should have a clue about the number of such cases since 2003.

I said in the hundreds which I still believe is much more realistic than in the thousands. I simply don't believe that. Even during the 8 year long Afghan-Soviet war where the case for Jihad was clear for all to see there were not even thousands of Saudi Arabians and at that time the state even encouraged people to go. No such thing happened in connection to Iraq.

Post them. Don't know the channel and if it exists then that channel is privately owned. Why it has not been closed down I don't know if what you say is correct.

But if you are referring to channels with somewhat extreme views or ties to certain militant organizations then that is far from uncommon in the region.

I am also not sure what you are talking about. "Sheikhs of fitna". Ok. No Saudi Arabian cleric that is part of the Ulama, only legal board of clerics that can issue any fatwa, has permitted suicide attacks in Iraq or anywhere else on earth. Even the Grand Mufti did not approve of private individuals going to Syria even though I disagree with it and many others since I believe that there is very much a case for going to Syria seeing the massacres of Muslims there. That is another discussion altogether though.

Those Sheiks btw. are one of the most learnt and respected sheikh in the Muslim world. Some of the have the most prestigious positions a sheikh can have for example being one of the Imams of Al-Masjid Al-Haram.

When certain Western media are making some outrages reports and make certain claims if any Muslim cleric in Saudi Arabia or elsewhere said something they always take it out of the context and often make it up. And even most of those sheiks that utter such "fatwas" are private sheikhs and thus not authorized to make any authoritative fatwa.
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