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Wagha Border Ceremony(Drama) should be stopped.

Words of true wisdom.
Wish you were around a bit earlier
@Aamna14 and I could be good to each other.
alas too late now.
Too late for you to come in with so much wisdom and seniority to save us the little ones from obvious destruction.
Don't worry she will come again tonight (maybe I am wrong...newyear party)
Man, you should write her name correctly..she will again get mad at you..:lol::lol::lol:

Senior Members , please respond .This is put in a more articulate way than OP and is the same thing .
lets make a market there ..duty free shop kinda thing ...
btw ai like that drama ..its awesum ..

Senior Members , please respond .This is put in a more articulate way than OP and is the same thing .

Yes; trust a wise and thinking person like Farooque Sheikh to put it so succintly in to well-chosen words. That 'goddam tamasha' there is the one reason that I'll tell somebody not to join the BSF and then face the prospects of knee-replacements.
I agree with it - its just a waste of time and resources - the international border should rather be sealed like it is in normal cases.....
Completely agree with the OP .

IMO , the wagah ceremony is a useless one .
What is the purpose of this show????? Satisfying one's ego..... I remember reading about the health issues faced by those involved in this show..... Is it worth continuing??? I would say a big fat "NO"....

But then both the countries can take step towards stopping this show..... All they need to do is ask their guys not to perform.... with out opposition there is no fun and the other will automatically stop....
I visited that place last to last year and really guys what an pathetic display of aggression and utter non-senselessness,which can be anything but patriotism.Yes I agree that feeling of Nationalism is great but to this point??Showing aggression to two nuke powered state having already strained relation.
when do we stop believing that MIGHT IS RIGHT.
IN current world scenario Trade is Might and It is Right.

Give us FTA :-)

My Question is. Why is an Indian getting butt hurt over display of nationalism, and think of it as an "aggression" ?

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