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China Conducts First Test of New Ultra-High Speed Missile Vehicle

Troll fest was started by an Indian member as usual. "Dontsuspendme". And because of the idiot I got my first strike.

On topic, if this is the Ultra High Speed Missile with a Mach 10 or 12, then what about the Indian AGNI which claims to have Mach 24???
Agni-V - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Where does it say that the A5 has a terminal velocity of Mach 24?

edit: OT A hypersonic glide vehicle, impressive work.
Can't you see it? I have also posted the link of the article.

Ah I did. To be honest, I would disregard most of what the Indian media says. Most reporters have no idea what they are talking about.

Most ICBMs have a terminal velocity of Mach 12-14. But that's beyond the scope of this thread.

So this was a test of an unpowered boost-glide vehicle, atleast that is what I can ascertain.

Gosh darn it'd be so good if the Chinese were a bit more transparent in their aerospace industry. Would love to read about the materials work that went into this :(

Indians are claiming that Agni V is more accurate than Russian and American ICBM's... no doubt that sort of propaganda works if you are spreading it among the people who don't know anything about missiles.

India’s Missile Modernization Beyond Minimum Deterrence - FAS Strategic Security Blog

That's believable, the advances in processor tech has galvanised to a point where better trajectory control can be modeled. Environmental factors can also be simulated as one of the factors for calculations.

This was not possible before the advent of supercomputers.

China too has improved the accuracy of it's DF-21D in such a way.

edit: Okay to be honest, I'm not entirely sure about the DF-21. But I'm fairly sure that, that is what the Indians have done.
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Mach 24 .......

The first cosmic velocity!

India want to start the star war !
Troll fest was started by an Indian member as usual. "Dontsuspendme". And because of the idiot I got my first strike.

On topic, if this is the Ultra High Speed Missile with a Mach 10 or 12, then what about the Indian AGNI which claims to have Mach 24???
Agni-V - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Well, we are sorry if one among us spoiled your party. I think, that dude took Terminal Velocity of Agni V too seriously not knowing that very ballistic missile of its class has an equal or better TV .

Congratulations on your achievement China. You guys amaze the world every day. Keep em coming.
Where does it say that the A5 has a terminal velocity of Mach 24?

edit: OT A hypersonic glide vehicle, impressive work.
The link I've provided, now look at the right column of the article.

Okay, I've posted it here for you. This is the reason I do not rely on Wiki. :)

TypeIntercontinental ballistic missile[1][2]
Place of origin
Service history
In service2014[3][4] (testing)
Used byStrategic Forces Command
Production history
ManufacturerDefence Research and Development Organization (DRDO),
Bharat Dynamics Limited (BDL)
Unit cost500 million (US$8 million)[5]
Weight50,000 kg[6]
Length17.5 m[7]
Diameter2 metres (6 ft 7 in)
Warhead weight1,500 kilograms (3,300 lb)[8]
EngineThree stage solid fuel
rangeOver 5,000 kilometres (3,100 mi)[1][9][10]
SpeedMach 24[11]
systemRing laser gyroscope and inertial navigation system, optionally augmented by GPS. Terminal guidance with possible radar scene correlation
Accuracy<10 m[12]
platform8 × 8 Tatra TEL and rail mobile launcher (canisterised missile package) [13]
TransportRoad or rail mobile
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Committee Members React to Chinese Hyper Sonic Missile Test

McKeon, Forbes and Rogers weigh in

Washington, D.C. - House Armed Services Committee Chairman Howard P. "Buck" McKeon, Rep. Randy Forbes (VA) and Rep. Mike Rogers (AL) issued the following statement after learning of a Chinese hyper sonic cruise missile test.

“While round after round of defense cuts have knocked America’s technological advantage on its back, the Chinese and other competitor nations push towards military parity with the United States; in some cases, as in this one, they appear to be leaping ahead of us. This situation does nothing to support peaceful coexistence in the Pacific. We have dithered for three decades now, delaying badly needed replacement equipment for our troops, relying on hardware that was built during the Reagan years.

"The Asia Pacific is fast becoming a powder keg. Allowing nations that do not share our respect for free and open avenues of commerce:rofl: to gain a strategic advantage over the United States and her allies only brings us closer to lighting the fuse."

Rep. Randy Forbes (VA) is the Chairman of the Subcommittee on Seapower and Projection Forces and Rep. Mike Rogers (AL) is the Chairman of the Subcommittee on Strategic Forces.
The link I've provided, now look at the right column of the article.

Okay, I've posted it here for you. This is the reason I do not rely on Wiki. :)

TypeIntercontinental ballistic missile[1][2]
Place of origin
Service history
In service2014[3][4] (testing)
Used byStrategic Forces Command
Production history
ManufacturerDefence Research and Development Organization (DRDO),
Bharat Dynamics Limited (BDL)
Unit cost500 million (US$8 million)[5]
Weight50,000 kg[6]
Length17.5 m[7]
Diameter2 metres (6 ft 7 in)
Warhead weight1,500 kilograms (3,300 lb)[8]
EngineThree stage solid fuel
rangeOver 5,000 kilometres (3,100 mi)[1][9][10]
SpeedMach 24[11]
systemRing laser gyroscope and inertial navigation system, optionally augmented by GPS. Terminal guidance with possible radar scene correlation
Accuracy<10 m[12]
platform8 × 8 Tatra TEL and rail mobile launcher (canisterised missile package) [13]
TransportRoad or rail mobile

Ahh, I see. It was tucked away there.
The link I've provided, now look at the right column of the article.

Okay, I've posted it here for you. This is the reason I do not rely on Wiki. :)

TypeIntercontinental ballistic missile[1][2]
Place of origin
Service history
In service2014[3][4] (testing)
Used byStrategic Forces Command
Production history
ManufacturerDefence Research and Development Organization (DRDO),
Bharat Dynamics Limited (BDL)
Unit cost500 million (US$8 million)[5]
Weight50,000 kg[6]
Length17.5 m[7]
Diameter2 metres (6 ft 7 in)
Warhead weight1,500 kilograms (3,300 lb)[8]
EngineThree stage solid fuel
rangeOver 5,000 kilometres (3,100 mi)[1][9][10]
SpeedMach 24[11]
systemRing laser gyroscope and inertial navigation system, optionally augmented by GPS. Terminal guidance with possible radar scene correlation
Accuracy<10 m[12]
platform8 × 8 Tatra TEL and rail mobile launcher (canisterised missile package) [13]
TransportRoad or rail mobile

They should mark it as Mach 124, for the earth itself is running at no less than M100 to orbit the sun.
Congress Reacts to Chinese Hypersonic Missile Test


The Chinese military executed a hypersonic missile test last week and three members of Congress are already saying the Chinese “appear to be leaping ahead of us” in regards to developing the technology.
It’s hard to tell if they are correct as few details have been released on the test and how it compares to the advances made by the U.S. military, which has executed multiple hypersonic tests in the past few years.

A hypersonic missile must travel between Mach 5 and Mach 10, or 3,840–7,680 miles per hour in order to be considered hypersonic.

U.S., China, India and Russia have all researched hypersonic missiles in order to pierce missile defense systems not built to intercept such fast moving missiles. Today’s cruise missiles travel about 500 to 600 miles per hour.

Republican House Armed Services Committee members Rep. Howard P. “Buck” McKeon, Rep. Randy Forbes and Rep. Mike Rogers issued a joint statement Tuesday saying they are concerned in light of hearing about the Chinese test about America’s ability to maintain its technological advantage with the level of budget cuts that Congress has approved.

“While round after round of defense cuts have knocked America’s technological advantage on its back, the Chinese and other competitor nations push towards military parity with the United States; in some cases, as in this one, they appear to be leaping ahead of us,” the lawmakers said in the statement. “This situation does nothing to support peaceful coexistence in the Pacific. We have dithered for three decades now, delaying badly needed replacement equipment for our troops, relying on hardware that was built during the Reagan years.”

It’s unclear how much the committee members know about the test versus what information exists in the media as all three attended a closed committee hearing Tuesday. However, for the Chinese to have leaped ahead of the U.S. on hypersonic missile technology, it means their missile test must have been as successful as the one flown by the U.S. last May.

During that test, the hypersonic missile tested by the U.S. Air Force reached a maximum speed of Mach 5.1 at 60,000 feet after the missile was released from a B-52H Stratofortress.

Called the X-51 WaveRider built by Boeing Co., the test was declared by the Air Force as the “longest air breathing hypersonic flight ever.” The test was the fourth and final mission of the nine-year $300 million project.

The WaveRider program has run out of money and the Air Force is waiting to see when a follow-on hypersonic missile program will be approved. Officials have said they hope to deploy unmanned hypersonic weapons as early as 2025.

The test executed by the Chinese appears to be different than the one completed by the U.S. Air Force in May. China has reportedly set up programs to develop both a scramjet that could be launched from a bomber and one launched from an intercontinental ballistic missile.

The test conducted last week by the Chinese was by a hypersonic missile launched from an intercontinental ballistic missile traveling over China. Under this scenario, the hypersonic weapon was launched from the ICBM before it returned to Earth. It’s unclear if the hypersonic missile hit a target or the speed the Chinese had hoped.

In 2011, the Army completed a similar test when it launched a three stage booster rocket equipped with the Advanced Hypersonic Weapon. The AHW glide vehicle reached hypersonic speeds after it was launched from Hawaii. The missile never left the Earth’s atmosphere.

Again, it’s hard to say if the Chinese hypersonic test was more advanced based on the lawmakers’ statement.
Again, it’s hard to say if the Chinese hypersonic test was more advanced based on the lawmakers’ statement.
It probably was hyperbole on the comment. But the most important thing to keep in mind is that despite the collapse of the Soviet Union, the US is still bound by several treaties that the Russians continues to hold since Russia is the natural descendant of the Soviet Union and therefore the obvious inheritor of those treaties.

Some treaties, such as trade related, cannot be enforced, and most of those the Russians would be glad to get rid of them anyway so they can have money since they lost the satellite states with that collapse.

But for arms related treaties? You can bet your next year's salary that the Russians will and have done their best to prove to the world, particularly the US, that those treaties are still valid and at least morally compelling to obey, if not physically enforceable. And because of that, the US either do not have certain missile capabilities or is not as well developed as we could have been.
Is china going to built a super advanced hypersonic missile which will hit any target around the globe in 30 second. Then this is a breaking news, china may take Diaoyu island very easy. The japs will free delivery the island quicker.
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