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China Conducts First Test of New Ultra-High Speed Missile Vehicle


Uh, getting lifted to orbit and dropped into atmosphere isn't really the same as other hypersonic concepts around the world, like X-51 and MBDA LEA.
Also, i presume it wasn't an air breathing vehicle which is a technological milestone in it's own.

My layman's opinion is that this would be the future warhead for all ICBM's (iirc Russian's have a similar programme for their ICBM's going) and China is probably especially interested in arming DF-21D with it. A warhead like this would fit perfectly in the Chinese area denial doctrine.
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China confirms hypersonic missile carrier test
By Reuters
Published: January 15, 2014

The hypersonic glide vehicle (HGV) was detected flying at 10 times the speed of sound over China last week. PHOTO: FILE

BEIJING: China has flight-tested a hypersonic missile delivery vehicle in a move that was scientific in nature and not targeted at any country, the Defense Ministry said on Monday.

A Chinese military build-up has raised regional jitters.

Many countries in Asia have welcomed a stated US intention to shift more attention and military assets back to the region. They are beefing up military spending and ties with Washington.

“Our planned scientific research tests conducted in our territory are normal,” the Beijing Defense Ministry said in a faxed response to Reuters. “These tests are not targeted at any country and at any specific goals.”

The statement confirmed a report by the online Washington Free Beacon newspaper that the hypersonic glide vehicle (HGV) was detected flying at 10 times the speed of sound over China last week. A spokesperson for the US Defense Department told the newspaper it was aware of the test.

The Free Beacon said the test made China the second country after the United States to have successfully tested a hypersonic delivery vehicle able to carry nuclear warheads at a speed above Mach 10 – or 12,359 kilometers per hour.

Three decades of double-digit, annual increases in military spending have accelerated Beijing’s ambitious build-up and allowed Chinese Defense factories to boost the quality and performance of home-grown weapons and military hardware.
Chinese military experts yesterday hailed the test as a breakthrough.

It makes China the second country after the US to have successfully tested a hypersonic delivery vehicle capable of carrying nuclear warheads at a speed above Mach 10.

Such a weapon has long been seen as a game-changer by security experts as it can hit a target before any of the existing missile defence systems can react. Once deployed, it could significantly boost China's strategic and conventional missile force.

It is designed to be carried by an intercontinental ballistic missile. Once it reaches an undisclosed sub-orbital altitude, the vehicle jettisons from the rocket and nose-dives towards the target at a speed of Mach 10, or 12,359km/h.

Russia and India are also known to be working on such a weapon.

In 2010, the US tested the Lockheed HTV-2 - a similar delivery vehicle capable of reaching speeds of up to Mach 20.

Last week's test shows that China has managed to close the gaps with the US. Chinese scientists said China had put "enormous investment" into the project.

More than 100 teams from leading research institutes and universities have been involved in the project.

Purpose-built facilities test various parts of the weapons system. The Chinese Academy of Sciences, for instance, has recently built one of the world's largest and most advanced hypersonic wind tunnels to simulate flights at up to Mach 15 at the Institute of Mechanics in Beijing.

Professor Wang Yuhui , a researcher on hypersonic flight control at Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, said she was not surprised by the test last week because China was technologically ready.

The objective of hypersonic vehicles was to outmanoeuvre and penetrate a missile defence system, she said.

"With a speed of Mach 10 or higher, it cannot be caught or tracked because defence systems don't have enough time to respond," Wang said.

She said the US remained the indisputable leader in the field but no country was ready to deploy the first practical hypersonic missile as many technological challenges remained. One outstanding issue was how to achieve precise flight control at such high speeds.

Scientists are also trying to develop a better "super material" that can withstand the high temperatures during hypersonic flights.

"I am sure many tests will be carried out after last week's flight to solve the problems," Wang said. "It's just the beginning."

Li Jie , a Beijing-based naval expert, said hypersonic weapons were of strategic and tactical importance to China.

"Many technical issues have not been solved and no country has made it ready for use in the field," he said.

"But it is a challenge we must surmount, and we are throwing everything we have at it."

Ni Lexiong , a Shanghai-based naval expert, said China might still need some time to catch up with the US but the day could arrive sooner than many expect. "Missiles will play a dominant role in warfare and China has a very clear idea of what is important."
a flying warhead that doesn't follow predictable parabolic path?

one of american concepts
Not involved just in this one project but a number of projects that make use of the near space。

Projects of a similar nature will be revealed in the future。
“While round after round of defense cuts have knocked America’s technological advantage on its back, the Chinese and other competitor nations push towards military parity with the United States; in some cases, as in this one, they appear to be leaping ahead of us,”

When a nation is trying be over-smart, most the time it just make thing worst for itself: by setting embargo, labeling China as competitor and try to build alliances against it, US is hoping to forever to contain, weaken China and confine it within the first island chaine. Personally I think it was the most stupid foreign policy, this not only encourage China to rise the level of technology sophistication toward military parity which is the last thing US wants. Reversely if 30s years ago U.S had a long term vision to be the supreme leader of this world after the collapse of U.R.S.S it should have treated China equally among Asians countries, when China feel secure as others, why do we need such thing as ASAT, DF-21D, Aircraft Carrier and this Hypersonic missiles? these are the consequence
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When a nation is trying over-smart, most the time it just make thing worst for itself: by setting embargo, labeling China as competitor and try to build alliances against it, US is hoping to forever to contain, weaken China and confine it within the first island chaine. Personally I think it was the most stupid foreign policy, this not only encourage China to rise the level of technology sophistication toward military parity which is the last thing US wants. Reversely if 30s years ago U.S had a long term vision to be the supreme leader of this world after the collapse of U.R.S.S it should have treated China equally among Asians countries, when China feel secure as others, why do we need such thing as ASAT, DF-21D, Aircraft Carrier and this Hypersonic missiles?

The embargo plus the Taiwan issue are the main reasons. When Taiwan was pushing for independence back in the late 90's the US made the mistake of sending forces telling China they would intervene. Because of the US meddling with this affair it was clear China will have to modernize rapidly. Also the patrols near China's border with their Impeccable and the Hainan incident contributed it as well. We have to thank the Americans for this :)
Why not preprogram the path while infra sensor is added to allow antonomous self locate of target. As long as the hyper missile do not fly in a straight predictable path. It is virtually impossible to counter with current ttechnology.
The embargo plus the Taiwan issue are the main reasons. When Taiwan was pushing for independence back in the late 90's the US made the mistake of sending forces telling China they would intervene. Because of the US meddling with this affair it was clear China will have to modernize rapidly. Also the patrols near China's border with their Impeccable and the Hainan incident contributed it as well. We have to thank the Americans for this :)

Yes I remember 2003 incident of the collision between U.S C-130 with J-8 which our pilot got killed. Sure we have to thanks americans for many things, without blocking China from join ISS, maybe Chinese still like monkeys walking on earth, we certainly wont have our independent Taikaunauts and spacelab. Thanks for denying GPS to us, we got our Beitou.
And thanks them for cyber attack that have sharpening Chinese cyberwafre tools. Embargo against Backhawk spares part, we got our own Z-20 :lol:..I really appreaciate American's contribution for our scientific progress...well I guess.
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