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Time magazine sees Narendra Modi as 'America's other India problem'

US should have been smarter than this. They underestimated Modi & were under the illusion that Modi's political career will not take him to the top job. So they were just playing to the gallery & were trying to earn kudos from so called secular mob. Now... they are in a fix.....& will be looking for avenues to save their face.

They will come around just like EU did.
Indian courts giving him clean chit
when whole state is under the control of a dictator, what do you expect? he is too much powerful that even Judges may have wet pants. remember, He is a RSS cadre who are brainwashed to believe non-Indians(ie, Muslims,Christians,Bahais,Jews etc) who live in India as a burden on this country. I believe Modi will not be ever convicted because as of now, he is representing Hindus and seen as first step towards achieving theocratic country called Hindu Rashtra. developmental agendas are secondary.

No sane human will believe a extremist be elected as PM of a country where around 18-20crore plus non-Hindus live. Sanghparivar is inviting the self destruction to India which many Islamic countries facing due to too much religiousness.
What ? Source ?
Sorry, that should have read $10 billion creates 50,000 jobs, not $1 billion! Forgot to add that zero! Jeeez!

Obama announced Saturday that about 54,000 U.S. jobs will be created by $10 billion in new contracts for the Indian government and private companies here to buy a slew of American products, including jet airplanes from Boeing as well as engines and gas turbine technology from General Electric.
In India, Obama pushes U.S. jobs - CNN.com
The articles such as this are only to meant lay down the ground work for change of its public stance ....

Very much so. The US media is already rooting for Modi.

Notice the phrasing below

"Modi's critics say he condoned or even encouraged the violence - accusations he stoutly denies and for which no Indian court has found him responsible," Time noted.

They are careful to highlight the Indian court verdicts proclaiming his innocence. If this had been someone the US media wanted to malign, they would phrased it as,

"His critics lambast him for his inflammatory rhetoric in the lead up to the sectarian massacres which occurred under his watch".
As a matter of fact BJP does not care about it .

Many top leaders in the BJP are of the opinion that NaMo should not even apply for a visa to US even if elected .

Instead should only visit US if an invitation is put forward by US .

As a matter of fact ...BJP cares about it . that's why Rajnath Singh was ready to ' discuss' the issue while in US .

The turn of events however forced him to drop that ...

Now that the probability of BJP and Narendra modi has gone up .....they are acting 'strong ' .

They know it very well that once Narendra modi becomes PM , US will have to swallow its pride ..and accord the status to him commiserate with the post he holds as Premier of India ...

US should have been smarter than this. They underestimated Modi & were under the illusion that Modi's political career will not take him to the top job. So they were just playing to the gallery & were trying to earn kudos from so called secular mob. Now... they are in a fix.....& will be looking for avenues to save their face.

They are shameless . They have done such vote face 'n' number of times ...

all the hue and cry about human rights , values and justice etc is for the show ...

US however still watching the developments in India closely ...

Since lot of political uncertainty remains ...they will wait for the results of General elections .

Once the results are out and if it becomes clear that Narendra modi is going to be PM , they will be first to congratulate him ...and invite too .

Do you think Narendra Modi is going to forget the public humiliation caused by US state department by indicting him without trial ...???

I don't think so ...

as you said it was a great blunder ...US did not anticipate that Narendra Modi will rise in such fashion to be contender for PM post ....

This will off course steer Narendra Modi's India away from US ( Modi is expected to maintain distance from US ...he will only go for working relationship with US . He won't become Love-sick with US as our great PM MMS was ....)
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US will obviously have to deal with Modi on an entirely different note once he becomes PM. There are no questions of Ifs and buts. Modi however might not be that keen considering how he was denied visa.......but than again there are no permanent friends and foes in today's world and Indians are smart to realize this.

No self respecting person can or should ever forget his humiliation and insult ...

I do not think that Modi will totally shun US ....but he will only maintain working relationship with US .

Off course US can't expect Man Mohan Singh or Atal Bihari Vajpayee era of warmth ...

( I personally like this scenario...It is better to stay in safe distance from US ...Not a trustworthy country ... )

Modi is unlikely to turn India into overt Anti American state ....but imagine dealing with the country that banned him ....virtually indicting him without trial ....even as it continues to embrace several hard liner , rightist as well as leftists dictators and people with poor human rights records ....

US is going to pay hefty price for Visa denial to Narendra modi ....if he comes to power .
namo namo jappo chale aayenge yankee .. :rofl:
If Narendra Modi becomes PM , 'same' US - that pretends to be protector of human rights and values ...will be ready to mollycoddle him ...

The articles such as this are only to meant lay down the ground work for change of its public stance ....

Narendra modi denied visa for ' allegation' of having condoned Gujarat violence ...

How about trying George Bush for the massacre of millions of Iraqi ???

It is standard practice to give Visa to all heads of state. Modi is the kind of person who will get a visa only if he becomes head of state- like several african dictators. The US screws everyone in the world, but they will never elect one that screws their own people as their president. They've got very high standards on who leads them.
when whole state is under the control of a dictator, what do you expect? he is too much powerful that even Judges may have wet pants. remember, He is a RSS cadre who are brainwashed to believe non-Indians(ie, Muslims,Christians,Bahais,Jews etc) who live in India as a burden on this country. I believe Modi will not be ever convicted because as of now, he is representing Hindus and seen as first step towards achieving theocratic country called Hindu Rashtra. developmental agendas are secondary.

No sane human will believe a extremist be elected as PM of a country where around 18-20crore plus non-Hindus live. Sanghparivar is inviting the self destruction to India which many Islamic countries facing due to too much religiousness.

"He is a RSS cadre who are brainwashed to believe non-Indians(ie, Muslims,Christians,Bahais,Jews etc) who live in India as a burden on this country".
Any source of that?You are terribly mistaken .I also worked in RSS in my higher secondary class time.In that class they only talk about depth of Hindu religion,there is no hate speech in that class.From them I know this fact.Hindu religion is not a authoritarian religion or conservative.It is a way of life.Accept all goodness in other religions .Dont criticize or attack other religions.This what I am taught from RSS.But some disturbed person also infiltrate in RSS.But people like that cant stay in RSS for long

As a matter of fact ...BJP cares about it . that's why Rajnath Singh was ready to ' discuss' the issue while in US .

The turn of events however forced him to drop that ...

Now that the probability of BJP and Narendra modi has gone up .....they are acting 'strong ' .

They know it very well that once Narendra modi becomes PM , US will have to swallow its pride ..and accord the status to him commiserate with the post he holds as Premier of India ...

They are shameless . They have done such vote face 'n' number of times ...

all the hue and cry about human rights , values and justice etc is for the show ...

US however still watching the developments in India closely ...

Since lot of political uncertainty remains ...they will wait for the results of General elections .

Once the results are out and if it becomes clear that Narendra modi is going to be PM , they will be first to congratulate him ...and invite too .

Do you think Narendra Modi is going to forget the public humiliation caused by US state department by indicting him without trial ...???

I don't think so ...

as you said it was a great blunder ...US did not anticipate that Narendra Modi will rise in such fashion to be contender for PM post ....

This will off course steer Narendra Modi's India away from US ( Modi is expected to maintain distance from US ...he will only go for working relationship with US . He won't become Love-sick with US as our great PM MMS was ....)

You are right.Modi will not forget attack against him.He know how to play cards.But in all it is good for our country.
It is standard practice to give Visa to all heads of state. Modi is the kind of person who will get a visa only if he becomes head of state- like several african dictators. The US screws everyone in the world, but they will never elect one that screws their own people as their president. They've got very high standards on who leads them.

The standards of their presidents are well known to the whole world ....

The very first US president George Washington was racist , bigot and liar ....He had 40 over slaves despite his being founding father of just and god's own America ...

Among recent ones ...George Bush ranks worse among all time blood thirsty rulers ...he was responsible for carnage of millions of Iraqis ...

In form of Bill Clinton ...they had serial sex maniac as their president ....

despite the revelation of Monica Lewinski scandal ....Clinton was saved from impeachment by senate...

these 3 alone speak volumes about pretty high standards Americans have about those who rule over them ... !!!
when whole state is under the control of a dictator, what do you expect? he is too much powerful that even Judges may have wet pants. remember, He is a RSS cadre who are brainwashed to believe non-Indians(ie, Muslims,Christians,Bahais,Jews etc) who live in India as a burden on this country.

Take it easy.


Jam Saheb Digvijaysinhji in Balachadi with Polish child actors of the play Cinderella. Also seen is Fr Pluta (in uniform), the commandant of the camp.

Gandhinagar, 18 March 2013

Recollecting Gujarat’s old connection with Jews, Chief Minister Narendra Modi recalled that erstwhile prince Jamsaheb of Jamnagar had given shelter with dignity to nearly 6,000 women and children belonging to Jew community from Poland, who had fled Siberia during Second World War.

Talking to American Jews Committee (AJC) expert and Director of Asia Pacific Institute Ms Patricia Marcus here, Mr. Modi said the Jews in Gujarat are emotionally attached to the people of Gujarat for long.

While AJC is engaged in ensuring human rights and democratic privileges of Jews residing across the globe, Ms Marcus is associated with American Democratic Party for international affairs.

They discussed a wide range of topics related to Israel’s cooperation and relation with India and particularly Gujarat’s development and its contribution to India and Asia’s growth, changing global economic scenario and energy security, besides Gujarat bridging relations with America. Gujarat has special relation with Israel in water management, agriculture and energy.

Others present on the occasion included AJC active alumni Dr Bharatbhai Barai, Jews Synagogue’s Benjamin and Chief Minister’s Additional Chief Secretary K. Kailashnathan.

Chief Minister recalls Gujarat connection of Jews (Video) | DeshGujarat
The standards of their presidents are well known to the whole world ....

The very first US president George Washington was racist , bigot and liar ....He had 40 over slaves despite his being founding father of just and god's own America ...

Among recent ones ...George Bush ranks worse among all time blood thirsty rulers ...he was responsible for carnage of millions of Iraqis ...

In form of Bill Clinton ...they had serial sex maniac as their president ....

despite the revelation of Monica Lewinski scandal ....Clinton was saved from impeachment by senate...

these 3 alone speak volumes about pretty high standards Americans have about those who rule over them ... !!!

The unwritten rule of the American presidency is- screwing the rest of the world is ok, but you don't screw at home. They booted out Nixon because he 'bugged' (and he had the biggest landslide victories). And you have a man here who's at least stalked a woman. Now figure why America walks and craps all over the planet. The americans will NEVER allow a man like modi to become their president. That's why the strange lack of hypocrisy in this stand of theirs.
when whole state is under the control of a dictator, what do you expect? he is too much powerful that even Judges may have wet pants. remember, He is a RSS cadre who are brainwashed to believe non-Indians(ie, Muslims,Christians,Bahais,Jews etc) who live in India as a burden on this country. I believe Modi will not be ever convicted because as of now, he is representing Hindus and seen as first step towards achieving theocratic country called Hindu Rashtra. developmental agendas are secondary.

No sane human will believe a extremist be elected as PM of a country where around 18-20crore plus non-Hindus live. Sanghparivar is inviting the self destruction to India which many Islamic countries facing due to too much religiousness.

FUD my friend.


All you are saying is there are great monsters viz., Modi, RSS & Sangh Parivar who will destroy India without looking at how the states under their rule have performed. You have not even looked at their past performance.
I again say you are just spreading FUD
that's fine when defining Linux/FOSS issues. not fine if used outside of that context. reserved for microsoft the evil corporation - that is!
Modi, RSS & Sangh Parivar who will destroy India without looking at how the states under their rule have performed. You have not even looked at their past performance.
I believe it is blind worshipping and huge expectations. I respect your belief on Modi and BJP(and it's umpteen radical organizations) magically resolves all the problems of India as I assume you living in a religious society. wherever religion and theocracy gains momentum, it is the start of downfall, not limited alone to Islamic countries.
The US screws everyone in the world, but they will never elect one that screws their own people as their president. They've got very high standards on who leads them.

They clearly have good standards of citizens too. Anti India Islamic snakes that are bred in India under 'secularism' are usually squashed at birth in the US. All their citizens are patriotic and do not go around bombing and killing their other citizens under "Islamic jihad". Nor do their citizens fraternize with their enemies to undermine the US.

........Sanghparivar is inviting the self destruction to India which many Islamic countries facing due to too much religiousness.

Is that a threat ? or is it wishful thinking ? ...guess what. India refuses to self destruct and those wish its destruction for religious reason will die frustrated.
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