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Chinese Navy To surpass U.S navy by 2015

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you criticized what?is it about chinese celebrate national day?is it about "only chinese govt and media do the propaganda"? your point is more than "pretty sad" ........it's pathetic.capitalism finished the "brainwash" work before communist achieve this goal,there is no "angel party" in this world,most chinese is smart enough to identify the propaganda,people like you never do..... yeah, grow up
I am not going to waste my time on trying to make sense of that nonsense. Suffice to say that since I came on here I have debunked just about every piece of Chinese and Russian claims about their military hardwares and that is what galled you. And I back up what I debunked. Once my national origin is known, as if I had kept it a secret anyway, the only thing you and your child-pal could do is to take cheap shots at this Viet-American who dare to challenge the superior Chinese. Yeah...The both of you have much growing up to do.
I am not going to waste my time on trying to make sense of that nonsense. Suffice to say that since I came on here I have debunked just about every piece of Chinese and Russian claims about their military hardwares and that is what galled you. And I back up what I debunked. Once my national origin is known, as if I had kept it a secret anyway, the only thing you and your child-pal could do is to take cheap shots at this Viet-American who dare to challenge the superior Chinese. Yeah...The both of you have much growing up to do.

Cheap shot ? you mean letting people know about our national

origin ?

Oh no, I am an American citizen just like you, But I am very proud to

let the world know I am one Proud Young Chinese too !!

What about you ? ? strange response from you. :cheesy:

I am not going to waste my time on trying to make sense of that nonsense. Suffice to say that since I came on here I have debunked just about every piece of Chinese and Russian claims about their military hardwares and that is what galled you. And I back up what I debunked. Once my national origin is known, as if I had kept it a secret anyway, the only thing you and your child-pal could do is to take cheap shots at this Viet-American who dare to challenge the superior Chinese. Yeah...The both of you have much growing up to do.

most of time,it's american claims about our military hardwares,PLA keep everything secret,it fits our concept of the war,your media propagate “china threat” every day,then megalomania like you jump out of nowhere and claim chinese is fooling people.... right again,you shouldn't waste your time on your childish words
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I am not going to waste my time on trying to make sense of that nonsense. Suffice to say that since I came on here I have debunked just about every piece of Chinese and Russian claims about their military hardwares and that is what galled you. And I back up what I debunked. Once my national origin is known, as if I had kept it a secret anyway, the only thing you and your child-pal could do is to take cheap shots at this Viet-American who dare to challenge the superior Chinese. Yeah...The both of you have much growing up to do.

Oh yeah, forgot to salute you for your one against the whole Chinese

nation brave act !!

You know what, I must confessed, I really started to admire you as

an old man with such a young heart.

Since we both live in US, may be we can get together for some fun

with my PS-3 ? you sure sounds like a good mate.

most of time,it's american claims about our military hardwares,PLA keep everything secret,it fits our concept of the war,your media propagate “china threat” every day,then megalomania like you jump out of nowhere and claim chinese is fooling people.... right again,you shouldn't waste your time on your childish words
Buddy...The American media is not under the control of the US government. Those talking heads can say anything they want and often there are plenty who dispute what they say. You do not like what I said about the Chinese military? Then who is stopping you from proving me wrong? No one. Then what is stopping you from proving me wrong? Ignorance. You do not know the basic principles of the many claims the Chinese government spews thru the Chinese media. I do know those basic principles because I have relevant experience in certain areas. I provide a service to the readers by presenting those basic principles, pointing out certain gaps and even outright fallacies. The ones who are being childish here are YOU and your PS3 playing virtual warrior child-pal. No one take this current claim about the PLAN seriously. Oh...Right...It is 'secret'.

So here is a toast to Chinese 'secret'...:cheers:
Buddy...The American media is not under the control of the US government. Those talking heads can say anything they want and often there are plenty who dispute what they say. You do not like what I said about the Chinese military? Then who is stopping you from proving me wrong? No one. Then what is stopping you from proving me wrong? Ignorance. You do not know the basic principles of the many claims the Chinese government spews thru the Chinese media. I do know those basic principles because I have relevant experience in certain areas. I provide a service to the readers by presenting those basic principles, pointing out certain gaps and even outright fallacies. The ones who are being childish here are YOU and your PS3 playing virtual warrior child-pal. No one take this current claim about the PLAN seriously. Oh...Right...It is 'secret'.

So here is a toast to Chinese 'secret'...:cheers:

don't give me that innocent crap that there is no U.S media under the control,if that's true, iraq war would't have happened,CNN wouldn't become dumb when Israel razed school and hosipital with depleted uranium bombs,ambulances wouldn't become a police vehicle, slaveholder, separatist and cultists wonldn't become the "freedom fighter",some of your media are also controled by the military enterprises and parts who is funding them, by the Pentagon who need a threat for U.S military expansion,you are just too stupid to realise that,if you don't like what i said,prove me wrong,is your ignorance stoping you?please tell me what kind of "basic principles" you know about china
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"...don't give me that innocent crap that there is no U.S media under the control"

They aren't. Just that simple.

"Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances."
1st Amendment to the Constitution of the United States Of America.

This is a fact. It has been tested in our appeals courts numerous times and numerous legal precedents have been established which guide the day-to-day operations, practices, and legal codification. Further, for the most part and in very similar form these same rights and governmental responsibilities are commonplace among many of our neighbors in the west.

What regulates or shapes the message of the media? The marketplace. It is large, diverse, and highly competitive. Competition doesn't necessarily mean the first to press with the news but the perspective or "slant" upon how it is viewed.

Print competes with electronic media. All are privately owned in America with the exception of funding provided to NET/PBS. Within each media channel, you've a wide range of perspectives from FOX to MSNBC, Huffington to Roggio, McClatchy to Reuters.

That is simply the so-called mainstream. The variety of political perspectives offered within small and independantly-held entities is FAR larger than that.

All compete with one another for "circulation" or "hits" that sell advertising. The most commonly accepted mediums have the largest viewership and, thus, likely receive the greatest percentage of advertising dollars. Their abilities to impress a discerning and sophisticated readership or viewership long used to demanding and receiving access to a wide source of news venues drives the professionalism of these reporting staffs and their editors.

You can write or say, literally, whatever you want these days and censorship for foul language and nudity has largely disappeared. In fact, it is really left to the realm of the editorial staff and the ownership's sense of decorum there.

Muzzle a reporter by refusing to run his/her story? Sure. They may quit, though, and take their story or investigation elsewhere.

The checks and balances existing are driven by the demands of the market. It is UNPRECEDENTED reporting freedom the likes of which mankind has heretofore experienced.

"...if that's true, iraq war would't have happened,CNN wouldn't become dumb when Israel razed school and hosipital with depleted uranium bombs,ambulances wouldn't become a police vehicle, slaveholder, separatist and cultists wonldn't become the "freedom fighter"

This represents an incoherant jumble of red herrings and are emotion-tinged while lacking specific cites to particular and clear examples. Can you construct a lucid argument that displays a "big brother" control over all media in the west, specifically America?

I doubt so as for every example of an incident and how it's reported, I'll show you a counter-factual example that diminishes such. My impression, without trying to be offensive, is you simply may not understand how truly LARGE and DIVERSE this media is nor how competitive its marketplace has evolved.

That competition DRIVES the engine of evolution and development. The only western media that I've ever considered owned by the government might be the BBC and the Canadian Broadcasting Corp.

You are not, as a British or Canadian citizen, limited to those media however. Moreover, many will suggest that the BBC and the Canadian Broadcasting Company are hardly government mouthpieces despite whatever financial assistance they may receive.

Some of America's best news comes from the publically-funded NET/PBS. Wall Street Week, MacNeil-Lehrer, FRONTLINE, NOVA, and much more are privately-produced but publically funded.

I won't argue about Chinese media. I know very little about it. I understand that there is censorship of the internet. Perhaps. Perhaps not. If so, to what degree, I couldn't say. I've only occasionally read Xinhua but have found little obviously objectionable about its reporting.

I look forward to your thoughts as I might learn more about the chinese media market and its complexities or otherwise.

aimmarul, just ignore that person. he has the typical type of us cold war thinking style so he interprets that the usa is standing at the most top of moral high ground and look down on every other, they feel like they can point their dirty finger to accuse the others and brutally interfere weaker ones affairs while they dont know how ****** themselves. kinda sad for the current world.
I've only occasionally read Xinhua but have found little obviously objectionable about its reporting.

Good post S-2! I would add that occasionally when I have clicked on a Xinhua article I have had to abandon it ASAP as my McAfee site advisor security software immediately gives me an "unsafe" site warning. So, I am actually afraid to go there for fear of catching something even worse than commie state controlled propaganda.
"...don't give me that innocent crap that there is no U.S media under the control"

They aren't. Just that simple.

"Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances."
1st Amendment to the Constitution of the United States Of America.

This is a fact. It has been tested in our appeals courts numerous times and numerous legal precedents have been established which guide the day-to-day operations, practices, and legal codification. Further, for the most part and in very similar form these same rights and governmental responsibilities are commonplace among many of our neighbors in the west.

What regulates or shapes the message of the media? The marketplace. It is large, diverse, and highly competitive. Competition doesn't necessarily mean the first to press with the news but the perspective or "slant" upon how it is viewed.

Print competes with electronic media. All are privately owned in America with the exception of funding provided to NET/PBS. Within each media channel, you've a wide range of perspectives from FOX to MSNBC, Huffington to Roggio, McClatchy to Reuters.

That is simply the so-called mainstream. The variety of political perspectives offered within small and independantly-held entities is FAR larger than that.

All compete with one another for "circulation" or "hits" that sell advertising. The most commonly accepted mediums have the largest viewership and, thus, likely receive the greatest percentage of advertising dollars. Their abilities to impress a discerning and sophisticated readership or viewership long used to demanding and receiving access to a wide source of news venues drives the professionalism of these reporting staffs and their editors.

You can write or say, literally, whatever you want these days and censorship for foul language and nudity has largely disappeared. In fact, it is really left to the realm of the editorial staff and the ownership's sense of decorum there.

Muzzle a reporter by refusing to run his/her story? Sure. They may quit, though, and take their story or investigation elsewhere.

The checks and balances existing are driven by the demands of the market. It is UNPRECEDENTED reporting freedom the likes of which mankind has heretofore experienced.

"...if that's true, iraq war would't have happened,CNN wouldn't become dumb when Israel razed school and hosipital with depleted uranium bombs,ambulances wouldn't become a police vehicle, slaveholder, separatist and cultists wonldn't become the "freedom fighter"

This represents an incoherant jumble of red herrings and are emotion-tinged while lacking specific cites to particular and clear examples. Can you construct a lucid argument that displays a "big brother" control over all media in the west, specifically America?

I doubt so as for every example of an incident and how it's reported, I'll show you a counter-factual example that diminishes such. My impression, without trying to be offensive, is you simply may not understand how truly LARGE and DIVERSE this media is nor how competitive its marketplace has evolved.

That competition DRIVES the engine of evolution and development. The only western media that I've ever considered owned by the government might be the BBC and the Canadian Broadcasting Corp.

You are not, as a British or Canadian citizen, limited to those media however. Moreover, many will suggest that the BBC and the Canadian Broadcasting Company are hardly government mouthpieces despite whatever financial assistance they may receive.

Some of America's best news comes from the publically-funded NET/PBS. Wall Street Week, MacNeil-Lehrer, FRONTLINE, NOVA, and much more are privately-produced but publically funded.

I won't argue about Chinese media. I know very little about it. I understand that there is censorship of the internet. Perhaps. Perhaps not. If so, to what degree, I couldn't say. I've only occasionally read Xinhua but have found little obviously objectionable about its reporting.

I look forward to your thoughts as I might learn more about the chinese media market and its complexities or otherwise.


this is why chinese don't give a damn about what western media report









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no you need to work on your Army, Airforce and Navy, as it is evident it should.
Next you'll be having, bows and arrows tribesmans of the Amazons- nope thats been done by Vietnamese or Kindergarten literally attacking you and you talk about Taliban !
One step at a time please.
And forget India its third rate, military is only good to kills own personnel wouldn't handle the starving, poor, ill-treated non-combants population that it harbours.

Seriously thanks to mention about our superiority in our technology it really shine through. with Jet engines and high tech rockets. The pushing of ships, you may confuse with Trucks with fuel efficient engines . :rofl:
Never heard of it ? Typical red neck hick description, anyhoo. :partay:

Man, you really are showing up your inbreed genes intelligence aren't you ?

There is the matter of the insurgency(ironically named only by the US, really they are freedom fighters - see an interesting 80's US film called RED DAWN) in Iraq and the so called Taliban in Afghanistan to beat though, which aint a laughing matter. I know dude truth hurts. Still its nice to see that Allah(swt) is the best of planners - Freedom for all humans on earth, Freedom against Right-wing capitalism.

Yes I know India, can't match up with Chinas Quality and Quantity. They beat India every single time. :china: :china: :china:

and to think that the Chinese wants to catch up with such a weakling of a US military which has no fighting quality. :lol:
Tell me, where were you, when they were giving out the grey matter
interests, all that matters. do you think by writing in black and white in your law can guarantee your 100 percent pure without bias media?? then what viewpoint and stance they stand for a traditional mainstream usa media? can your absolutely be certain that your law enforcer, media, plutocracy and politicians sitting in white house do not reach some concensus to maximise usa national interests as well as individual interest by means of influential but somehow bias propaganda?
interests, all that matters. do you think by writing in black and white in your law can guarantee your 100 percent pure without bias media?? then what viewpoint and stance they stand for a traditional mainstream usa media?

Buddy...In the US, it is ENCOURAGED to have media bias, the more the merrier. The question is: Are there government CONTROLS of the media, meaning not just one newspaper or TV company, but ALL forms of media, from print to electronics? The answer is NO, there are no such government controls.

Here is a small pairing of 'liberal' versus 'conservative' media:

- The New York Times vs The Wall Street Journal
- MSNBC vs Fox
- The Nation vs The National Review

Do you like Fox News? No? Why not? But why do you criticize Fox News but not MSNBC or CNN? You do not like Rush Limbaugh? Then who is stopping you from following Noam Chomsky? No one. Both men are in the media and have their listeners/readers. Rush Limbaugh is a right-wing neocon and Noam Chomsky is an anarcho-socialist. Take your pick. The US government leave Chomsky alone for him to spew his hatred of his country. He is very biased.

There are US government control media: The Voice of America (VOA) radio broadcast which is targeted for overseas audience, or something like The Army Times or Navy Times who are for very specific audiences as their titles implied. Each one of them do have biases. We do not expect The Army Times to lobby for the Navy, do we? So your argument is worthless. In the US, the mainstream media SHOULD have biases, as long as the government is not forcing any news organization to do its bidding.

can your absolutely be certain that your law enforcer, media, plutocracy and politicians sitting in white house do not reach some concensus to maximise usa national interests as well as individual interest by means of influential but somehow bias propaganda?
Fine...Then all you have to do is show everyone the name of the news organization that is giving out government propaganda.
no, you have totally mistaken me, it is not to bias towards the truth, of course to disclose the scandals made by the top officials. but the question is how the media can effectively supervise every move done by the official, as the media is not given the law enforcer kinda power to impplement the complusive mandatory investigation. a successful corrupted and scandal case is always a perfect hybrid of the failure of the law enforcer , influential politician figures, money mountainous plutocracy conglomerate, perhaps their collaboration still is currently undergoing without proper notice by politic-apathy public. so to manipulate the media can keep the politic-apathy public out of knowing the dirty work done by their allegedly morally upright government, is there any solution to prevent the media from being drowned in the overwhelming influence of the upper headed decision makers to report the truth which may sometimes hurt the interests groups??
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