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Assam Violence : Thousands flee fearing more attacks

Unless you have prove that these dead guys were BD immigrants I would continue to think that Indians have disowned their own people and have shown complete indifference to their death.
In 1970, the population of Bangladesh (East wing of Pakistan) was 20% MORE than that of then West-Pakistan (West wing) that is why Sheikh Mujib got majority in Pakistan assembly in 1970 election with his seats won in East Pakistan (Bangladesh side); however in 2013, the population of Bangladesh is merely 155 million which is 20% LESS than the 185 million current population of Pakistan. Actual population of Bangladesh should have been not less than 220 million by adding 15% to the current population of Pakistan.

Where did the missing (60 million) Bangladeshi disappear to, in the last 40 years?

I dont think that Pakistan took them in.
In 1970, the population of Bangladesh (East wing of Pakistan) was 20% MORE than that of then West-Pakistan (West wing) that is why Sheikh Mujib got majority in Pakistan assembly in 1970 election with his seats won in East Pakistan (Bangladesh side); however in 2013, the population of Bangladesh is merely 155 million which is 20% LESS than the 185 million current population of Pakistan. Actual population of Bangladesh should have been not less than 220 million by adding 15% to the current population of Pakistan.

Where did the missing (60 million) Bangladeshi disappear to, in the last 40 years?

I dont think that Pakistan took them in.

In 71 - east Pakistan's population was around 71 million and west Pakistan's was around 68 million, I don't know from where you got 20% figure. And after 71 growth rate of Pakistan has been higher than Bangladesh that's why we have more population.
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In 1970, the population of Bangladesh (East wing of Pakistan) was 20% MORE than that of then West-Pakistan (West wing) that is why Sheikh Mujib got majority in Pakistan assembly in 1970 election with his seats won in East Pakistan (Bangladesh side); however in 2013, the population of Bangladesh is merely 155 million which is 20% LESS than the 185 million current population of Pakistan. Actual population of Bangladesh should have been not less than 220 million by adding 15% to the current population of Pakistan.

Where did the missing (60 million) Bangladeshi disappear to, in the last 40 years?

I dont think that Pakistan took them in.

Any illegal people living in your country is your own fault. Your fault that you did not secure the borders. Don't put the blame of your failures on others.
Any illegal people living in your country is your own fault. Your fault that you did not secure the borders. Don't put the blame of your failures on others.
So now we are cleaning up our own mess(according to you),do you have any problem with that!Plus it's not the GoI that has ordered the massacre,the crime has been perpetrated by rogue Bodo militants.Indian Govt. is trying it's level best to normalise the situation but the terrain is actually helping the insurgents.So it's technically not our fault....:coffee:
I am a assamese.. i know these Bangladeshis from my back of my hand. The problem is bangladeshis have infiltrated into assam in such numbers that they are creating problems for the very indigenous people.. hell they are even settled in Kaziranga National Park.. and GOI is turing blind eye to it for vote bank politics.. GoI have given them ID proof.. Aadhar Card.. Ration Card and even Passport.. Problem started a year ago between bodo and muslims.. but this time its little different.. as my father has gone near that place for work where massacre happened he told me it all started when 2 Bodo girls are capture and raped, 1 was killed and thrown into river another survived somehow and alerted near by bobo village, and no media covered this story as election was going on the state.. from that point onward bodo militant are looing for a revenge.. So, you settle illegally in bodo land.. spread like cancer.. you rape young bodo girls.. and you expect bodo militant group to be silent?? Bodo demand is simple.. vacate there land.. but these Bangladeshis who are settled illegally continues to spread like cancer .. and they keep on spreading. Every blood shed on either side, Mr. Tarun Gogoi is responsible.. he keeps on playing vote bank politics and indigenous people are suffering.. 90% of all crimes from looting to murder are commited by these bangladeshi muslims. They have become a huge headache for us.. Hope next government takes some tough steps to kick these illegal settlers out of India.

Sick minded Indians being happy with this massacre.
lol look whos talking.. a country where hindus christians sikh minority population have gone down drastically by either killing them.. or forcefully converting them.. you dont have any right to comment here.

and FYI these are not indian muslims.. they are bangladeshis.. hope you know the difference..
Sick minded Indians being happy with this massacre.
Well what can we say,it's our country and it's our rule!But then again we aren't the ones killing those illegal immigrants.The ones responsible for this massacre are some rogue Bodo militants who want these pole vaulters out of their territory by hook or by crook:coffee:
Well what can we say,it's our country and it's our rule!But then again we aren't the ones killing those illegal immigrants.The ones responsible for this massacre are some rogue Bodo militants who want these pole vaulters out of their territory by hook or by crook:coffee:

for a second thought.. i actually support these bodo millitants.. they are doing what GoI shud have done long time back, that is to kick them out.. Its not like all started suddenly from today.. Bodo people have requested GoI from time to time to remove these illegal settlers from the region as they consider it as their ancestral land.. but as usual Con-gress trying to appease muslims for Vote Bank didnt took single action against Bangladeshis. So bodo people took law into their own hand..
A bunch of savager defend massacre of innocent.
Sitting in US you are commenting on our problem ?? tell me what do you know about Assam influx ? what do you know about Bangladeshi infiltrators ?

Dont comment which you have no idea about..
Do not justify killed innocent women or children because you thought of them as the illegal immigrant in your country, worse you condemn the killing of hindhu as an act of terrorism but all Indian in here defend the massacre of the muslim and deserved to be killed.
Do not justify killed innocent women or childrend because you thought of them as the illegal immigrant in your country, worse you condemn the killing of hindhu as an act of terrorism but all Indian in here defend the massacre of the muslim and deserved to be killed.

we are not defending.. its the fault of GOI.. they should have kicked them out of our country.. but instead played vote bank politics.. n now its back firing.. you expect local indigenous people will be silent when 2 bodo girls are raped ? Bodo militant are already fighting with GOI .. they just need a chance to kill more Muslims to get sympathy and support from local bodo people.
the problem with Bangladeshi muslims is that they dont try to improve their living standard.. they will marry 2-3 wives and produce 10-12 childrens per family living in extreme proverty.. now think how fast they will spread out.. its obvious local people are being threatened of being minority themselves..
its not like muslim millitant will be silent.. they will be also planing TiT for Tat soon .. and this clashes will continue until GOI solves it by dialogue and kick those illegal settlers out
Geeze Indian go
we are not defending.. its the fault of GOI.. they should have kicked them out of our country.. but instead played vote bank politics.. n now its back firing.. you expect local indigenous people will be silent when 2 bodo girls are raped ? Bodo militant are already fighting with GOI .. they just need a chance to kill more Muslims to get sympathy and support from local bodo people.
the problem with Bangladeshi muslims is that they dont try to improve their living standard.. they will marry 2-3 wives and produce 10-12 childrens per family living in extreme proverty.. now think how fast they will spread out.. its obvious local people are being threatened of being minority themselves..
its not like muslim millitant will be silent.. they will be also planing TiT for Tat soon .. and this clashes will continue until GOI solves it by dialogue and kick those illegal settlers out

Indian Government have no control over it territory? Millions men army are powerless against the insurgent to defend your claim of the territory? Probably this territory don't belong to India therefore Indian government couldn't enforce their authority over this land? Since the socall Bodo not consider to be Indian and India illegally occupy their land, first India need to get out of their land and then this massacre of Muslim should all be blame on the indegenious people of that region and not the Indian or Indian government.

When narrative fit India justifiable claiming territory, Bodo consider to be part of Indian population but when the opposite from the narrative and anything reflect negatively on India, Bodo nothing more but the insurgent killed the muslim that illegally lived in the region.
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Geeze Indian go

Indian Government have no control over it territory? Millions men army are powerless against the insurgent to defend your claim of the territory? Probably this territory don't belong to India therefore Indian government couldn't enforce their authority over this land? Since the socall Bodo not consider to be Indian and India illegally occupy their land, first India need to get out of their land and then this massacre of Muslim should all be blame on the indegenious people of that region and not the Indian or Indian government.

i cant stop laughing.. i told you again man.. dont comment which you have NO idea whatsoever..
1) bodo people dont want freedom from India.. they want Bodo land like Telangana.. Do you know what is Telangana ? go google..
2) Sealing and manning every corner with bangladesh is not at all possible because of geographical reasons.. most inflitration happens through river.
3) As you are in US you must know how Mexicans try to sneak into US illegally.. and how they are dealt with when they get caught by US law enforcers they are deported same day or even jailed.. well same thing doesnt happen here in India sadly and its total opposite.. so whos fault is it ? GoI or local people ?
4) if you still think forcing muslims people out is wrong. then read my previous post again and again.. and may be u can stop commenting..coz you have 0 knowledge about this.

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