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Can Japan show the West how to live peacefully with Islam?

There is no parallel of hiding a mass murderer like Bin Laden by Pakistan and that too next to a military base.

And yet US does nothing but acknowledges the scarifies made by Pakistan. :lol:
Isn't Islam just 1400 odd years old.The world definitely seems a lot older than that.

read my quote again unless you have some comprehension issues.

A pattern of coexistence with its muslim community is a mold that makes it distinctive. Islam has always been part of the world since the birth of it.

After they accepted their status as sub-humans,paid extortion money in form of jizya and agreed to suffer all the atrocities and barbarism of muslims.

Sub-human in your imagination only. Your won words exposed your level of knowledge and further proof my point about Indians.

The non-muslim subjects in an Islamic States are levied a ‘tax’ which is termed ‘Jizya’ inShariah in leiu of the tax levied on the muslim subjects in the same State which is termed ‘Zakaah’ in Shariah.

The Jizya tax is levied on the non-muslim subjects in an Islamic State in order to enable the State to protect their lives and property from external enemies.It is the duty of the State to protect their citizens at times of war, where the non-muslim subjects will not be required to join the army;whereas it is a duty of the muslims in the State to join the army and fight the enemies.When a ‘jizya’ paying non-muslim citizen becomes old and/or jobless, it was the duty of the State to provide him a monthly stipend from the National Treasury.

That is called justice and far more than that since Muslim are committed to pay Zakah and also to fight against the enemies while the non Muslims enjoy the proaction, practice their own life freely enjoying full social equality. If there was any kind of atrocities against the Non Muslims of any kind then you wouldn't see non Muslims living in those Muslim societies whether in the past or in present time and have coexisted for centuries.

Seems to be the other way round in reality.Muslim terrorists attacked the west and the west acted in self-defense.Not to mention the "sensitive and moderate" muslim immigrants in the western world who demand sharia for their adopted countries.

No it seems not, The west attacked Afghanistan and then Iraq so expect a retaliation against any form of aggressiveness.

Yeah,except the fact that the migrants have little or no rights and have to put up with all the whims of the saudis especially those migrants which they consider racially inferior to them

The current number of migrants says otherwise. 3 million Indians are living happily in my country with NO IF SO BUT.

Look who is taking about ignorance and learning.

Indians stupidity is well known.
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No it seems not, The west attacked Afghanistan and then Iraq so expect a retaliation against any form of aggressiveness.

West attacked Afghanistan after Talibs/Qaida attacked US. You cannot fault them on that. Instead they have been too kind to Afghanistanis.

The current number of migrants says otherwise. 3 million Indians are living happily in my country with NO IF SO BUT.

Most of Indian migrant to Saudi Arabia are muslims so that analogy would not stand.
read my quote again unless you have some comprehension issues.
A pattern of coexistence with its muslim community is a mold that makes it distinctive. Islam has always been part of the world since the birth of it
Couldn't you be more careful to have clarity in your sentence formation?Not my fault you can write with clarity.

Sub-human in your imagination only. Your won words exposed your level of knowledge and further proof my point about Indians.
The non-muslim subjects in an Islamic States are levied a ‘tax’ which is termed ‘Jizya’ inShariah in leiu of the tax levied on the muslim subjects in the same State which is termed ‘Zakaah’ in Shariah.
The Jizya tax is levied on the non-muslim subjects in an Islamic State in order to enable the State to protect their lives and property from external enemies.It is the duty of the State to protect their citizens at times of war, where the non-muslim subjects will not be required to join the army;whereas it is a duty of the muslims in the State to join the army and fight the enemies.When a ‘jizya’ paying non-muslim citizen becomes old and/or jobless, it was the duty of the State to provide him a monthly stipend from the National Treasury.
That is called justice and far more than that since Muslim are committed to pay Zakah and also to fight against the enemies while the non Muslims enjoy the proaction, practice their own life freely enjoying full social equality. If there was any kind of atrocities against the Non Muslims of any kind then you wouldn't see non Muslims living in those Muslim societies whether in the past or in present time and have coexisted for centuries
Blah,blah,blah..why should the ones who do not believe in Islam pay taxes to the clergy anyway?
Now coming to the fairness of the jizya vs Zakaah,how is the due amount of "tax":pleasantry:determined?Is it the same amount for both jizya and zakaah?
Coming to the treatment of other beliefs,I have to look no further than pakistan to see how minorities are treated.All very islamic you see.

No it seems not, The west attacked Afghanistan and then Iraq so expect a retaliation against any form of aggressiveness
Again,ignorance at display,or is that in your parallel dimension Afghan liberation took place before 9/11?

The current number of migrants says otherwise. 3 million Indians are living happily in my country with NO IF SO BUT.
Living ?more like surviving.Happily?Yeah damn right!!They are so happy to be thrashed by any racist saudi that comes their way.

Indians stupidity is well known.
I dunno,Saudis don't exactly score high on intellect you know.Inbreeding and its genetic effects and all.
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Japan is representing a great pattern for many to learn from not only the west. A pattern of coexistence with its muslim community is a mold that makes it distinctive. Islam has always been part of the world since the birth of it and Muslim have lived side by side with those of different ideological beliefs. In the past few years the west decided to launch an offensive campaign against Islam, invaded Muslim countries, killed innocent people, stole the resources and forcibly tried to impose their imperialistic capitalistic ideology expecting no resistance and retaliation.!

Saudi Arabia is a country that hosts around 10 million foreigners from different backgrounds, religions, and cultures. Christian have their own private places of worship so do the hindus, sikhs, and the rest. A places like Jeddah, Riyadh and Khobar cities is an example of multicultural environment where everyone lives by the other peacefully and joyfully. There is no problem with Saudi Arabia government but a balance b/t the conservative and the liberal is essential for our society structure.

Mind those indians which are anti-Islam by nature and have limited understanding of Islam. Despite their ignorance they refuse to learn.

That is why I advocate that Muslims should get the same level of freedom and constitutional rights like non-Muslims get in KSA. I hope Muslims living in non-Muslim countries will be fine with such arrangement, e.g. total ban on loud-speakers in mosques and making state approval mandatory before construction of Mosques, total ban on mass-prayers on Fridays particularly in public places. Total ban on conversion to Islam.
I think the writer was merely expressing the level of acceptance Japanese have with muslim adherents. Also, the scenario in Japan is devoid of terrorism and extremism , which many media outlets usually associate with Islam.
Wait till they reach 5-10% thats when the problem starts and then see what happens,Every non-muslim country which had muslim population over 5-10% has fights and problems.
over 10=20% they want sharia rule imposed and special courts for them.
India has been defending against islamic hordes since past 1000 years.Take our word for it, they are all rosy in the beginning, the brotherhood, the peace, iftar blah blah blah India too first gave permission to the arab muslims traders to build their places of worship in kerala,later when they grew in number they attacked the same king who let them practise and trade in his kingdom,
As some priest said" Islam is growing here and there are many conversions with marriages etc."
That is where your problem will start.It is a slow poison you wont even know when they become majority and you become minority in your own country. :D
Wait till they reach 5-10% thats when the problem starts and then see what happens,Every non-muslim country which had muslim population over 5-10% has fights and problems.
over 10=20% they want sharia rule imposed and special courts for them.
India has been defending against islamic hordes since past 1000 years.Take our word for it, they are all rosy in the beginning, the brotherhood, the peace, iftar blah blah blah, but later as some priest said" Islam is growing here and there are many conversions with marriages etc."
That is where your problem will start.It is a slow poison you wont even know when they become majority and you become minority in your own country. :D

Even in India Sharia Courts have proliferated under the nose of the Secular Government. They are constricting Mosques over government lands which is essentially land grabbing. Right now Sharia Courts have no legal status, but it won't be surprising that they will start using the "Religious Freedom" plank to get legal sanction.
Wait till they reach 5-10% thats when the problem starts and then see what happens,Every non-muslim country which had muslim population over 5-10% has fights and problems.
over 10=20% they want sharia rule imposed and special courts for them.
India has been defending against islamic hordes since past 1000 years.Take our word for it, they are all rosy in the beginning, the brotherhood, the peace, iftar blah blah blah India too first gave permission to the arab muslims traders to build their places of worship in kerala,later when they grew in number they attacked the same king who let them practise and trade in his kingdom,
As some priest said" Islam is growing here and there are many conversions with marriages etc."
That is where your problem will start.It is a slow poison you wont even know when they become majority and you become minority in your own country. :D

Still a better love story than twilight.

Bunch of mythical racist/bigoted idiotic garbage

That is why I advocate that Muslims should get the same level of freedom and constitutional rights like non-Muslims get in KSA. I hope Muslims living in non-Muslim countries will be fine with such arrangement, e.g. total ban on loud-speakers in mosques and making state approval mandatory before construction of Mosques, total ban on mass-prayers on Fridays particularly in public places. Total ban on conversion to Islam.


In India, are "Azans" public? Like does the masses hear loud Azan voice via loud-speaker from mosques? or no?

In Muslim-majority countries, this is the case. But in West, there are no azans coming out of Mosques that masses hear.

How is it in india?

Still a better love story than twilight.

Bunch of mythical racist/bigoted idiotic garbage
Whats mythical racist/bigoted garbage? it is truth which i speak, if you say islamic aggression against india since the past 1000 years is a myth then you are using the typical taqqiya method, deny everything bad and claim yourself as saint, the world knows about you, we know about you.
Muslim conquests on the Indian subcontinent - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Are these also myths, your myths are well documented facts.You can't fool us.

Still a better love story than twilight.

Bunch of mythical racist/bigoted idiotic garbage

Instead of responding in two-liner why don't you present a counter argument supported by facts? Truth is that you cannot.

If you think that you have got a point to make start by responding to post #231
Even in India Sharia Courts have proliferated under the nose of the Secular Government. They are constricting Mosques over government lands which is essentially land grabbing. Right now Sharia Courts have no legal status, but it won't be surprising that they will start using the "Religious Freedom" plank to get legal sanction.
It is because of opposition from BJP and hindu parties they haven't had sharia courts otherwise we would be another islamic country.Japan is naive to think them as buddishts who came peacefully and were assimilated by asian countries not through sword but by logic.
Even in India Sharia Courts have proliferated under the nose of the Secular Government. They are constricting Mosques over government lands which is essentially land grabbing. Right now Sharia Courts have no legal status, but it won't be surprising that they will start using the "Religious Freedom" plank to get legal sanction.

Sharia court have legal status in matter of personal law. Rajiv Gandhi ensured that.



In India, are "Azans" public? Like does the masses hear loud Azan voice via loud-speaker from mosques? or no?

In Muslim-majority countries, this is the case. But in West, there are no azans coming out of Mosques that masses hear.

How is it in india?


What is your point?
Sharia court have legal status in matter of personal law. Rajiv Gandhi ensured that.


What is your point.

Wrong information you have. There is no parallel judiciary in India. But yes, the Judicial verdicts are based on Muslim Personal Laws in Civil and Domestic feuds concerning Muslim families.
Couldn't you be more careful to have clarity in your sentence formation?Not my fault you can write with clarity.

You moron the same sentence I copied pasted again. It isn't my problem that you couldn't understand.

Blah,blah,blah..why should the ones who do not believe in Islam pay taxes to the clergy anyway?
Now coming to the fairness of the jizya vs Zakaah,how is the due amount of "tax":pleasantry:determined?Is it the same amount for both jizya and zakaah?

Coming to the treatment of other beliefs,I have to look no further than pakistan to see how minorities are treated.All very islamic you see.

You responded whoever suits you leaving behind some important points. Here let me re-quote again highlighted this time.

The non-muslim subjects in an Islamic States are levied a ‘tax’ which is termed ‘Jizya’ inShariah in leiu of the tax levied on the muslim subjects in the same State which is termed ‘Zakaah’ in Shariah.

The Jizya tax is levied on the non-muslim subjects in an Islamic State in order to enable the State to protect their lives and property from external enemies.It is the duty of the State to protect their citizens at times of war, where the non-muslim subjects will not be required to join the army;whereas it is a duty of the muslims in the State to join the army and fight the enemies.When a ‘jizya’ paying non-muslim citizen becomes old and/or jobless, it was the duty of the State to provide him a monthly stipend from the National Treasury.
That is called justice and far more than that since Muslim are committed to pay Zakah and also to fight against the enemies while the non Muslims enjoy the proaction, practice their own life freely enjoying full social equality.

Find me a society that still applies Jiyza on Non Muslims. Indians in Saudi Arabia enjoy free tax and social benefits like full health insurance, roundtrip ticket and so on whereas the Saudis still obligated to pay Zakat.

Again,ignorance at display,or is that in your parallel dimension Afghan liberation took place before 9/11?

Im referring to the US invasion of Afghanistan and Iraq. The incident of 9/11 was politically motivated not religiously you moron.

Living ?more like surviving.Happily?Yeah damn right!!They are so happy to be thrashed by any racist saudi that comes their way.

A country where social classification is still practiced talking about racism! Around 10 million living in KSA as we speak non of them were subjected to racism except one or two by morons like you. Every society has bad apples within not only KSA just like the Saudi girl who was stabbed to death couple days ago in the UK due to her dress code.

I dunno,Saudis don't exactly score high on intellect you know.Inbreeding and its genetic effects and all.

Maybe we have been affected by indian stupidity disease since it spreads in the air.
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