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India successfully tests Nirbhay cruise missile

@Chak Bamu I know you are one moderator who is unbiased in judging such things. I rest my case to you.

I think think tank analyst should refrain from from trolling. But in recent times few of them has really gone of the hook.
Come on think tanks, be responsible & unbiased.
Well everyone is same when it comes to India Section Trolls........ no need beg .... just give them ....BURNOL:rofl::rofl::rofl: , they need badly...

Even their Sr. are running out of their dream stories excuses ....... without any link/ support to their fancy dreams.
Congratulations to India and DRDO for such a successful flight. It is really a great achievement, and judging by DRDO's present technological advancement and the characteristics of Nirbhay, it has left Babur a bit behind (though deployment status is another story).
Exactly which turbofan is being used aboard Nirbhay?

For those expecting the range extension of Nirbhay, there are 3 fundamental ways of range extensions for subsonic cruise missiles:
1. More efficient turbofan
2. Missile redesign to accommodate more fuel.
3. Increase length of the missile body.
Now, unless there is official confirmation, range is not likely to be increased. Reason being, the turbofan has already a quite good performance, and I doubt there will be a better one available anytime soon. Same is the case with internal design. And comparing with other renowned cruise missiles, the length is already optimum (however only as much as 0.5m of extension in length could give rise to considerably large range extension).

Now if "4 more " waypoints where covered then only 10 Way points where planned. And when the controllers saw extra fuel they went for the extra 4 waypoints. That dose point towards that Nirbhay can take commands from the controllers and can have "Lock-On After Launch" and if it can report back it's vitals also it can report back a realtime video link which can be analysed to further optimize it's mission. And dose this also validate that we are using sat-com for the communication with it ?? 1050Km

Umm fuel consumption is already per-determined, so there is nothing like "when they saw extra fuel...". Most probably the extra waypoints were also planned, but only 10 were required by the test parameters.
Lock-on after Launch is not practical in this case as the required TERCOM maps have to be fed prior to launch for an accurate terrain hugging flight.
Real-time (not really, with a lag) video transmission back to monitoring station is a must for a cruise missile test.
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To all the Pakistanis DRDO chief himself has confirmed that Nirbhay missile covered more than 1000km.

@Zarvan @Windjammer @teesraoindiothunter @balixd @DANGER-ZONE @Munir

AvinashChander, Scientific Advisor to Defence Minister, Secretary Department of Defence R&D and DG DRDOspeaking after the completion of the mission, said "the missile maintained an accuracy better than 10 meters throughout its path and covered a distance of more than 1000 km." “The successful indigenous development of ‘Nirbhay’ cruise missile will fill a vital gap in the war fighting capabilities of our armed forces" he added.

Print Release

@Chak Bamu I know you are one moderator who is unbiased in judging such things. I rest my case to you.

I think think tank analyst should refrain from from trolling. But in recent times few of them has really gone of the hook.
Come on think tanks, be responsible & unbiased.
im wondering.... why they give TTA tag to these people!!!
Instead tag Indian TTAs and get them to give this guy's post a negative rating...and the post should go in a hide mode until reviewed by a mod.

@nair @scorpionx @SpArK @sancho @sandy_3126

your call guys...I don't think anybody should be allowed to troll in the "Indian defence" section atleast......especially not a TTA.
This guy sullied our nation!!

India successfully tests Nirbhay cruise missile | Page 18

post# 267

Oh, Mlle. @levina ji. That alleged TTA is just only an analist on pdf; where all these labels sometimes seem to have been distributed liberally like toffees to keep a bunch of squabbling, squally and snotty kids pacified.
I see no reason to give that person any more credence.
But this analist also has some real comic value; I must concede. He came up with an incredible fairy-tale to explain why NATO in the hoary days of the Cold War code-named a particular Soviet war-plane "Farmer" on the JF-17 thread. I had a huge belly-laugh reading that, just as others like Gambit and Syed Ali Haider and other really knowledgeable members did. Do read that too. Then you'll understand how meaningless some of the pdf "label-wallas" are.
I don't take such absurd fulminations seriously. Neither should you. It just makes pdf look more foolish.
Well everyone is same when it comes to India Section Trolls........ no need beg .... just give them ....BURNOL:rofl::rofl::rofl: , they need badly...

Even their Sr. are running out of their dream stories excuses ....... without any link/ support to their fancy dreams.

I am not begging mate. I have been here in pdf for long enough to know who is who. I could have tagged other admins as well, but I didnt.
I dont expect fair treatment, coz I know we wouldnt do the same if it was an indian site. I hate trolling, be it by indian or pakistani. Feeding a troll is as bigger crime as trolling yourself.
im wondering.... why they give TTA tag to these people!!!

coz it depends on the number of posts. I think 100 post is the criteria to become full member, 5000 to be senior member, 10000 to be elite member & so on. Thats why I never put too much emphasis on TTA, untill admins introduced the rating system.
coz it depends on the number of posts. I think 100 post is the criteria to become full member, 5000 to be senior member, 10000 to be elite member & so on. Thats why I never put too much emphasis on TTA, untill admins introduced the rating system.
Actually that's not true. TTAs are appointed and it has nothing to do with post count.
coz it depends on the number of posts. I think 100 post is the criteria to become full member, 5000 to be senior member, 10000 to be elite member & so on. Thats why I never put too much emphasis on TTA, untill admins introduced the rating system.
TTAs are not appointed based on posts. and number of posts can be misleading as there are many pathetic trolls with more than even 10000 posts and elite title.
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