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Pakistanis freak out over Islamabad U exhibit showing Israeli culture

Pakistani people are the dumbest you can find on this planet, they dont want to learn about the people they dont like, they consider Jews their enemy yet they dont want to learn anything about their enemy. how would they fight the jews if they know nothing about them.

so son what do you want to do when you grow up
I want to finght Jews
how would you know who is a jew
I dont know, never seen'em, never read about'em, never been to their exhibitions



When I worked in Beverly Hills---there were 4 synagouges close to the dealership---early 90's---jewish families would be walking to their worship centers----.

I just wanted to let you guys know---not all jews are white---at least 25% of them could pass for my family.
According to eye witnesses, this is what happened Sir:

QUOTE: “They attacked the Israel stall and smashed everything, everybody was running out of the hall, it was so scary,” the student said.

Unconfirmed allegation.
If true, that is wrong but still does not excuse the illegal stall in the first place.
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"If it were the local administration removing the display, then it would be proper, but the way these lady ghundas did so is the problem".

I bet this poster and liberal fascists of his kind would still have problem, for anything that is even REMOTELY related to Islam/Muslim/Pakistan is indigestible for them. Their stance on everything from allowance (no compulsion) of 4 marriages to covering oneself modestly is testament of their immense hatred and INTOLERANCE towards Isalm.

Religious fascism (and I literally hate Jamaat Islami for her role in introducing it) is indeed a problem but the liberal fascists have their fair share in the nurturing of intolerance in Pakistan and elsewhere. Deaths of tens of thousands of Palestinians/Kashmiris, their everyday sufferings, abduction of their lands, denial of even the basic human rights etc everything is fine for them but resistance towards these injustices becomes terrorism for them. Truly Abominable attitude.

If you are going to quote my words, at least have the decency to acknowledge them Sir.


Back to the topic, the issue that is important in the context of this thread is the intimidation of the student body by right wing student militias that holds nearly all institutions of higher learn to their rigid demands and stifle independent thought and inquiry. The rest of what is being attempted as validation is simply BS.
There is every way to justify Israel's existence Sir.

The current state of Israel is the result of collaboration between colonialist Jews and colonialist Britain -- without the consent of the local Palestinian inhabitants.

It is as if colonial Britain had allowed millions of Eskimos to colonize Gujarat and declare an Eskimo State there, forcibly evicting most of the Indians living there.
Unconfirmed allegation.
If true, that is wrong but still does not excuse the illegal stall in the first place.
This is not the problem you see, the problem is, they consider it their RIGHT to curse your religion, your prophet, your book, your religious teachings, your cultural practices while at the same time they deny your right of denfeding. They are asking for complete and absolute submission and nothing less. This attitude or demand of their's has resulted in the reaction we see in the Islamic world.
Back to the topic, the issue that is important in the context of this thread is the intimidation of the student body by right wing student militias that holds nearly all institutions of higher learn to their rigid demands and stifle independent thought and inquiry. The rest of what is being attempted as validation is simply BS.

No, the issue is the illegal activity of activists to promote a racist, colonialist entity, in blatant violation of rules.

Nobody would excuse a bunch of pro-apartheid activists putting up a South African stall in defiance of restrictions.

I read the source. It is an unconfirmed claim by an anonymous "student".
In any case, I already stated that any illegal activity is wrong -- by the promoters or the protesters.
No, the issue is the illegal activity of activists to promote a racist, colonialist entity, in blatant violation of rules.

Nobody would excuse a bunch of pro-apartheid activists putting up a South African stall in defiance of restrictions.

Which Rules are these that apply in this case, Sir? Please quote them, thanks.
The current state of Israel is the result of collaboration between colonialist Jews and colonialist Britain -- without the consent of the local Palestinian inhabitants.

It is as if colonial Britain had allowed millions of Eskimos to colonize Gujarat and declare an Eskimo State there, forcibly evicting most of the Indians living there.
Exactly how Jews or Israelis used to live there before being forcibly evicted from those same lands. You can not pick and choose what period of history you want to look at.

And secondly, the Arabs lost the World war, yes? What do you think happens when you lose a war Sir? The victor imposes certain conditions and costs to you, yes?
And Arabs accepted those terms.
This is not the problem you see, the problem is, they consider it their RIGHT to curse your religion, your prophet, your book, your religious teachings, your cultural practices while at the same time they deny your right of denfeding. They are asking for complete and absolute submission and nothing less. This attitude or demand of their's has resulted in the reaction we see in the Islamic world.

Nothing of the kind Sir. What you claim is the reaction in the Islamic world is only its own demons consuming themselves and causing death and destruction primarily within the Islamic world itself.
Exactly how Jews or Israelis used to live there before being forcibly evicted from those same lands. You can not pick and choose what period of history you want to look at.

Jews were evicted by Romans.
And Jews themselves were conquerors -- they massacred Canaanites to take over their land.
Jews were only one in a series of conquerors of the land: they have no historical claim to the land.

And secondly, the Arabs lost the World war yes? What do you think happens when you lose a war? The victor imposes certain conditions and costs to you yes?
And Arabs accepted those terms.

Arabs were not a major party in the World War.
The Turks and the Brits were the main opponents.

The Brits promised the Arab tribes that they would give them an Arab homeland if they rebelled against the Ottoman Turks. The Brits reneged on their promise: they broke up the Middle East into lost of tiny kingdoms (instead of a united Arab land), and they gave part of it to Jews.

Which Rules are these that apply in this case, Sir? Please quote them, thanks.

Read the OP. The Israeli stall was illegal and put up without permission in the first place.
Jews were evicted by Romans.
And Jews themselves were conquerors -- they massacred Canaanites to take over their land.
Jews were only one in a series of conquerors of the land: they have no historical claim to the land.

Arabs were not a major party in the World War.
The Turks and the Brits were the main opponents.

The Brits promised the Arab tribes that they would give them an Arab homeland if they rebelled against the Ottoman Turks. The Brits reneged on their promise: they broke up the Middle East into lost of tiny kingdoms (instead of a united Arab land), and they gave part of it to Jews.
The fact that you acknowledge that Jews were evicted from that land automatically implies you also acknowledge that what is currently Israel is not Arab lands either.

You can not choose one particular period of history and then point out to say - 'oh look! those are arab lands'
And if you do - by the same token, in this period of modern history - those are Jewish lands.

And so..Whether a major party or a minor party. The Arabs lost the war. Costs were imposed on them and a part of the land was given to Jews to build their country - the same way Jordan got a country.

So frankly, by any logic or reason Israel has rights on that land. The thing wrong they do is - go beyond and try to usurp more and more land from Palestinians.

Ignorant wannabes promoting Nazi culture set up the stall.

People of conscience objected to promotion of Nazi culture.


then you have no forking idea about MUN.

Please get educated first.

normal people ? According you
i am nt an islamist yet i am enraged emough
try keep that in perspective

your rage is based on utter ignorance about MUN.
The fact that you acknowledge that Jews were evicted from that land automatically implies you also acknowledge that what is currently Israel is not Arab lands either.

You can not choose one particular period of history and then point out to say - 'oh look! those are arab lands'
And if you do - by the same token, in this period of modern history - those are Jewish lands.

YOU are the one who is claiming that Jews have some special right to the land because of history.
I am simply saying that the Arabs were living on the land in modern times until the Jewish colonialists came and took over the land in collusion with the British colonialist rulers.

The Arabs lost the war.

Actually, the Arabs (as British allies) won the war (from the Ottomans).

However, the Brits reneged on their word and gave part of the land to Jews instead.

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