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India targets China's satellites


Sep 21, 2009
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India targets China's satellites
By Peter J Brown

The goals for India's anti-ballistic missile (ABM) and ballistic missile defense (BMD) programs may be shifting to accommodate an anti-satellite (ASAT) weapon more quickly than previously planned, and this could radically alter the agenda of US Defense Secretary Robert Gates, who is currently in the middle of a three-day visit to India.

"Memories in New Delhi run deep about how India's relative tardiness in developing strategic offensive systems [nuclear weapons] redounded in its relegation on 'judgment day' [when the nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty was signed in 1968] to the formal category of non-nuclear weapons state," said Sourabh Gupta, senior research associate at Samuels International Associates in Washington, DC.

"With its early support of the former US president George W Bush's ballistic missile defense program and its current drive to

develop anti-ballistic missile/anti-satellite capability, New Delhi is determined not to make the same mistake twice," added Gupta. "If and when globally negotiated restraints are placed on such strategic defensive systems or technologies - perhaps restraints of some sort of ASAT testing/hit-to-kill technologies - India will already have crossed the technical threshold in that regard, and acknowledgement of such status [will be] grand-fathered into any such future agreement."

After watching China's moves since the highly controversial satellite shootdown which China undertook in January 2007, India has now openly declared its desire to match China.

"There is no reason to be surprised. India is anxious to be seen as not lagging behind China - ergo - if China has an ASAT program, India can do it, too. That's all there is to it." said Uzi Rubin, a defense consultant and former head of Israel's missile defense organization.

China was not specifically mentioned by V K Saraswat, director general of India's Defense Research and Development Organization (DRDO), when he announced at the 97th Indian Science Congress earlier this month that India had begun to develop an anti-satellite capability. He declared that India is "working to ensure space security and protect our satellites. At the same time, we are also working on how to deny the enemy access to its space assets."

There is no doubt as to the identity of the "enemy" in question.

"The Indians are engaged in a major active missile defense program which, because of the technological affinity between missile defense and ASAT, could eventually grow up to the latter," said Rubin. "India, like all countries with their own space assets, is aware that ASAT is a double-edged sword and that if they embark on a program, they will legitimize the Chinese program and endanger their own national satellites."

As for Saraswat's statement - "India is putting together building blocks of technology that could be used to neutralize enemy satellites" - Rubin almost downplays it entirely.

"His is quite a tepid statement, I wouldn't make much of it," said Rubin.

On the other hand, Subrata Ghoshroy, research associate in the Working Group in the Science, Technology, and Global Security Program at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, has met senior former India Space Research Organization (ISRO) officials who were eager to let it be known that India has the capacity to respond.

"There are growing ties between ISRO and the Indian Ministry of Defense and the two are beginning to feed off each other," said Ghoshroy.

What Saraswat did was, in effect, to inject a powerful destabilizing element into the South Asian strategic equation at a time when the US is determined to do everything in its power to bolster regional stability.

When US Defense Secretary Robert Gates planned his trip to India this week, the last thing Gates probably expected to contend with was the possibility that New Delhi might be accelerating its timetable for the development of an ASAT weapon. Writing in the Times of India in advance of his visit, Gates made no mention whatsoever of space, anti-missile activities or ASAT weapons in particular, although there are certainly space-related items on the agenda.

What Gates avoided entirely was any mention of the US acting as a solid partner and supporter of India's ASAT program. While that might well be the case, it could be argued that in the interest of regional stability, the US might at least be rethinking how it will proceed in these matters in light of mounting concerns over the situation in Pakistan where China obviously enjoys significant leverage.

China's decision this month to proceed with a well-publicized test of its midcourse missile interceptor technology - just a few days after Pradeep Kumar, India's Defense Secretary, departed from Beijing - certainly has sent a strong message, while doing the US a favor in terms of providing the US with a timely excuse for allowing India to go ahead with its plans.

However, the US cannot have it both ways in the end. Courting India as a favored client for major arms purchases one moment, and as a strategic hedge against China, and then trying to promote regional stability the next moment is not a very coherent way to make meaningful progress in South Asia. The dilemma for the US is considerable.

Saraswat was quite careful in his choice of words, and went out of his way this time to assure any interested parties, including Gates, that no actual ASAT tests were now planned by India.

Saraswat has good reason to be very careful about his choice of words. A day after the US Navy cruiser USS Lake Erie shot down an errant US spy satellite in February 2008, for example, former Indian president APJ Abdul Kalam - one of the key players in India's nuclear and missile programs - told reporters at a DRDO-sponsored International Conference on Avionics Systems in Hyderabad that India has, "the ability to intercept and destroy any spatial object or debris in a radius of 200 kilometers. We will definitely do that if it endangers Indian territory".

Saraswat, on the other hand, was less specific at the time. And while seeming to agree with Kalam's statement, he did not do so with absolute certainty.

"It is just a matter of time before we could place the necessary wherewithal to meet such requirements," Saraswat said. "We can predict and can always tackle such challenges."

India's position at the time of the China's ASAT test in January 2007 is hard to ignore. Pranab Mukherjee, India's external affairs minister, appealed for a more reasoned and less destabilizing approach by all nations as their military activities in space intensified.

"The security and safety of assets in outer space is of crucial importance," said Mukherjee. "We call upon all states to redouble efforts to strengthen the international legal regime for peaceful uses of outer space. Recent developments show that we are treading a thin line between current defense-related uses of space and its actual weaponization."

The same theme surfaced in a speech last year about the Indo-US Civil Nuclear Agreement given by Shyam Saran, special envoy to the prime minister on climate change, at the Brookings Institution in Washington DC last March, when Saran briefly mentioned ASAT weapons.

"India is one of a handful of countries with significant space capabilities. We have a large number of communications and resource survey satellites currently in orbit. Although this does not fall strictly within the nuclear domain, the need to ensure the peaceful uses of outer space, is important for nuclear stability and international security," said Saran.

"We welcome [US President Barack Obama's] intention to join multilateral efforts to prevent military conflict in space and to negotiate an agreement to prohibit the testing of anti-satellite weapons. This is an area of convergence on which we would be happy to work together with the US and contribute to a multilateral agreement."

In early 2010, India's objectives are very clear.

"From a political/diplomatic angle, the guiding principle of India's missile defense/ASAT policy is not much different from China's - ie, maintain a basic political commitment to the non-weaponization of space, or, at minimum, the non-deployment of space-based offensive capabilities in global disarmament talks while assiduously cultivating the domestic technical capability to use space-based resources for strategic missile defense purposes," said Gupta.

At this point, nobody believes that some sort of magic firewall separates ongoing work on ABM and ASAT systems in a growing number of countries around the world.

"As for the linkage between BMD and ASAT, the linkage is very obvious - many Low Earth Orbit satellites orbit no higher than the ceiling of large BMD interceptors (like the US-built SM3, which was used by the US to shoot down a satellite in February, 2008) which are designed to take out very fast targets with km/sec closing speeds. Some modifications are necessary of course to take into account the greater closing speeds, but nothing drastic," said Rubin.

Saraswat knew this all too well back in 2008 when he admitted that India's efforts to deploy a missile defense system had been given a substantial boost by radar technology for tracking and fire control which the DRDO developed jointly with Israel and France. (See China can't stop India's missile system, Asia Times Online, Jan 16, 2009.)

"Israel is playing a major role in the ABM program. One can read from the open literature that they are helping India upgrade the Green Pine radar to act as the so-called Long-Range Tracking Radar (LRTR) that India has deployed and used during its ABM system tests," said Ghoshroy. "The Israelis are also reportedly providing UAV-type [unmanned aerial vehicles] platforms for forward-deployment of radars. I would not be surprised if BMC3 [battle management, command, control, and communications] expertise for the ABM system is also shared with India."

Rubin disagrees with this assessment.

"As for the question of an Israeli-Indian link in missile defense, I'm not aware of such a link since the US banned the sale of [the] Arrow [missile interceptor]," said Rubin. "If the US lifts the ban then [US defense contractors] Lockheed Martin and Raytheon will see to it that Israel is squeezed out. Anyway, the Indians have embarked on their own program."

According to Gupta, Israel's primary role is two-fold: sale of off-the-shelf defensive platforms at the present time to cover gaps in India's defense preparedness, such as the "Phalcon" phased array radar system slowly giving way to joint research and development projects in the future, such as the short-range naval anti-missile system.

"Other point radar and anti-missile defenses currently in the pipeline include aerostat (blimp/balloon-based) radars to provide coverage in sparse border areas as well as a medium-range anti-aircraft system,' said Gupta. "India's government sector defense research and development unit has a particularly poor track record in developing air-defense systems. Given Israel's immense defense-industrial sophistication in radars and avionics, the relationship between the two parties is likely to remain more in the supplier-purchaser mode rather than the joint collaborator mode."

For India, Israel is all about access to cutting-edge platforms and technologies without the unpleasant compromises to India's much cherished strategic autonomy that similar systems from the US entail.

"Though Israel with US co-development assistance has made immense strides in its strategic anti-missile capabilities, the Israeli-Indian anti-missile defense conversation has mostly concentrated on plugging gaps in the area of point defenses. Theater and strategic defenses particularly have been a lesser focus," said Gupta. "Also, the conversation has mostly been a bilateral one, and not a [trilateral] one, except [when] US technologies are embedded within Israeli systems."

More than anything else, the US is trying to open doors, not close them, as far as defense sales to India are concerned. However, India has enjoyed a long-term and relatively stable relationship with the Russians, and while that relationship has been a bit rocky of late, India may see the Russians as more reliable - and perhaps more affordable - than others standing in line.

"The Russians will come in much cheaper than the US and possibly, also the Israeli systems. For example, the Russian ABM system S-300-PMU2 is much less expensive and better performing than the US's PAC-3 or THAAD systems," said Ghoshroy.

According to Gupta, while India is increasingly open to distributing its near-term procurement needs according to the quality of the bids, India remains reticent to the extreme in broadening its procurement of strategically salient items beyond its trusted Russian sales partner.

"This calculation will change only slowly even as US defense suppliers slowly build up a relationship of trust starting with sales of platforms and moving gradually perhaps thereafter towards co-licensing/development with its Indian private defense sector partners," said Gupta.

What India really wants is for its ASAT-related technology to evolve quite quickly because India senses that China's lead is steadily increasing.

"India's anti-missile system is still embryonic. They do not yet have an infrared sensor that will be absolutely necessary for tracking and final homing," said Ghoshroy. "The Chinese obviously got that technology since they were able to track and hit their satellite."

Asia Times Online :: South Asia news, business and economy from India and Pakistan

Bangalore: Taking serious note of China’s growing defence capabilities, particularly its anti-satellite (ASAT) weapon system, Air Chief Marshal PV Naik on Friday sought the development of India’s own missile system that can destroy enemy satellites.

“Our satellites are vulnerable to ASAT weapon systems because our neighbourhood possesses one,” Naik said, while delivering the Air Chief Marshal LM Katre memorial lecture at the HAL Convention Centre here.

“We need to develop ASAT technology. It is one of our challenges of future war capability,” he said.

He was referring to the vulnerability of a series of communication, weather and remote-sensing satellites of the Indian Space Research Organisation (Isro), which are in orbit.

If the satellites are targeted, there could be widespread chaos in the country. Indian TV channels would go off the air, satellite communication links would snap, and there would be no updates on weather and climatic data, which is crucial for aviation, shipping and meteorology.

Isro also has the Technology Experiment Satellite, launched on October 22, 2001, in orbit.

The satellite is equipped with a one-metre resolution camera and
is capable of sending images of troop movements and installations.

The first images of this satellite were requisitioned by the United Statesfor its Afghan operations.

“Defending our space-based assets is important and the IAFhas to protect them,” said the air chief.

China demonstrated its ASAT capability in January 2007; the US followed suit the next year. These are the only countries with ASAT capability as of now.

S Chandrashekhar, National Institute of Advanced Studies, who is studying India’s space weaponisation, toldDNA that scientists only need to fine-tune the existing missile and rocket-launching technologies to develop an ASAT system that will act as an effective counter to China’s.
Pakistan should also try to get the anti-satellite technology.

Its not difficult with current capabilities of Pakistan my friend. I think policy makers work on threat perception. Till date there is no threat perception as far as Indian satellite capabilities are concerned.
1. India do not have dedicated military satellite.
2.Even if it has it is too inadequate to influence war planning.

Adding: But yes there is no harm to keep an eye, plan and prepare.
India dont have much in space related to military. All up there is for communication, for farmers, climate, etc etc. India will test ASAT once we launch our very own advance sattelite for military. Then ASAT is must. i Heard and read india already started to build one.
Its not difficult with current capabilities of Pakistan my friend. I think policy makers work on threat perception. Till date there is no threat perception as far as Indian satellite capabilities are concerned.
1. India do not have dedicated military satellite.
2.Even if it has it is too inadequate to influence war planning.

India dont have much in space related to military. All up there is for communication, for farmers, climate, etc etc. India will test ASAT once we launch our very own advance sattelite for military. Then ASAT is must. i Heard and read india already started to build one.

what are you an idiots.. it's like saying pakistani or indian nukes aren't a threat to each other LOL... satellites are the foundation behind which ground, air and naval attacks are planned..LOL

And don't give me, this rubbish of how their ONLY for civil purposes, satellites are launched with the intentions of reconnaissance and imaging of enemies territory... all civilian, so called non-military satellites performs such tasks.. please.. spare us of your indian chalaki and deception
what are you an idiots.. it's like saying pakistani or indian nukes aren't a threat to each other LOL... satellites are the foundation behind which ground, air and naval attacks are planned..LOL

And don't give me, this rubbish of how their ONLY for civil purposes, satellites are launched with the intentions of reconnaissance and imaging of enemies territory... all civilian, so called non-military satellites performs such tasks.. please.. spare us of your indian chalaki and deception

What r u ..a fool or what????:lol:

U dont think that all sattellites are civilian based??

U r showing ur ignorance..go and study....:hitwall:.

heard of cartosat...oceansat....edusat..IRS series..INSAT series....what r they ???military satellites???

anyways tat is expected....from u pakistanis....whose every fabric of life is controlled by ur army...

we in india know..how much EDUSAT is helping us...distance education and all that stuff has got a boost coz of this sattelite..

OCEANSAT satellites have helped government prep for cyclone warnings...and helped the fishermans a lot.....

One advice..dont give me ur BS Pakistani conspiracy theories...:blah:

coming back to topic.
ASAT is needed even if we dont have a dedicated military satellite for now....coz ASAT will be used to destroy satellites of hostile nations....
^^^ Eventhough some of satellites such as INSAT series, EDUSAT etc are cannot be called a military/spy satellites. The others such as IRS series and the recently launched RISAT and CARTOSAT can be used for military purposes.
What r u ..a fool or what????:lol:

You are the ignoramus cow dung, evidence provided below:

U dont think that all sattellites are civilian based??

you don't even make sense, word of advice; THINK before you TALK...

U r showing ur ignirance..go and study....:hitwall:

yes I definitely need to go back to school... LOL

If your going to refer to someone as being ignorant, or addressing ignorance, then please spell the word correctly, clearly displays your level of intelligence..:toast_sign:

heard of cartosat...oceansat....edusat..IRS series..INSAT series....what r they ???military satellites???

Your a driveling lamebrain; your naming a bunch of satellites and saying their non military???? so should i go on naming U.S and pakistani satellites and how they're all classified as non-military, understand the pattern you A hole.

anyways tat is expected....from u pakistanis....whose every fabric of life is controlled by ur army...

This isn't advice but development objective for of the entire 1.4 billion population of india to get this jackass an education so he can read and write and COMPREHEND. Scroll to the top of this website and slowly repeat after me: PAKISTAN DEFENCE FORUM

we in india know..how much EDUSAT is helping us...distance education and all that stuff has got a boost coz of this sattelite..

well I guess not enough....

OCEANSAT satellites have helped government prep for cyclone warnings...and helped the fishermans a lot.....

One advice..dont give me ur BS Pakistani conspiracy theories...:blah:
Where the hell have I stated these consipiracy theories that your claiming about, learn to read before you make a complete a ss of yourself.. and embarrass the entire Indian community within this forum...

No one is forcing you to stay here and listen to pakistani conspiracies, So STFU and don't let the door hit you on our way out.

ASAT is needed even if we dont have a dedicated military satellite for now....coz ASAT will be used to destroy satellites of hostile nations....

what ever you want to call it, name, it describe :blah::blah::blah:
remember it's a threat to our national security and we will counter such Hindustani capabilities
what are you an idiots.. it's like saying pakistani or indian nukes aren't a threat to each other LOL... satellites are the foundation behind which ground, air and naval attacks are planned..LOL

And don't give me, this rubbish of how their ONLY for civil purposes, satellites are launched with the intentions of reconnaissance and imaging of enemies territory... all civilian, so called non-military satellites performs such tasks.. please.. spare us of your indian chalaki and deception

Have you read my post? you are making an arguments lol for the sake of making an argument nothing else. I have reported your post for using inappropriate language.

I was answering to one of PDF member who was concerned about Pakistan's capabilities. I think this will help you to read my post again.
remember it's a threat to our national security and we will counter such Hindustani capabilities

It was very pleasing to hear from you. I wish after when Pakistan will counter Indian capabilities, India will further enhance its inadequate military satellite capabilities furthermore.

I can assume you have heaps of information about Indian satellites! So please help me with your view if India can use Google earth for reconnaissance and territorial monitoring.

Have you read my post? you are making an arguments lol for the sake of making an argument nothing else. I have reported your post for using inappropriate language.

I was answering to one of PDF member who was concerned about Pakistan's capabilities. I think this will help you to read my post again.

first you should be banned due to the fact your making false accusations against pakistani user on this forum, where exactly have I used inappropriate language towards you.. If it's regarding responses to other users read their post first then spew your absurd lies and perform your typical indian trickery..

read my post before making such inane comments, whats wrong with these indians they can't understand basic English, must of had quite an affect being constantly abused by americans callers and becoming hypered low life, lying pricks..

just so these people understand and can't further make false reports and accusations. My post was response to indian misrepresentation and if you need further explanation or refute my line of reasoning, everyone is more than welcome to debate me on the issue rather than making up erroneous accusations and lies...
first you should be banned due to the fact your making false accusations against pakistani user on this forum, where exactly have I used inappropriate language towards you.. If it's regarding responses to other users read their post first then spew your absurd lies and perform your typical indian trickery..

read my post before making such inane comments, whats wrong with these indians they can't understand basic English, must of had quite an affect being constantly abused by americans callers and becoming hypered low life, lying pricks..

just so these people understand and can't further make false reports and accusations. My post was response to indian misrepresentation and if you need further explanation or refute my line of reasoning, everyone is more than welcome to debate me on the issue rather than making up erroneous accusations and lies...

Sorry for late response.

You have quoted two members as an Idiot this is my objection.

You have quoted/accused Indians satellite programme as solely military base which is not correct. I can prove this with my previous assertion that Pakistani defence policy makers are more intelligent than you and me. If India could have created a overwhelmingly challenging military satellite programme the alarm would have gone off in Pakistan. With current very mature missile capabilities Pakistan can make anti satellite projectiles any given day but as i have said before the threat perception is main criteria to work up counter measures. That is why Pakistan can not afford to waste resources when there is no threat perception.

I don't know what you are trying to say here. You are bashing Indians on English, mentality, American callers, abuse, 'chalaki', trickery and so on??

I will really appreciate if you can discuss with me something related to this topic.

BTW i am not a call centre guy. I am an intensivist (India) and i treat people with poly trauma, head injuries and CVA. These days i am supporting my wife in Sydney for her Masters in Ultra Sound Physics. So please do not run your imagination to mention my profession.

Yes, India has more capability in men and equipment since day one 1947, but that is OK. We still captured 28% of Kashmir in 1948 and 1971. India did defeat us through covert operations through 20 years of Muqti Bani Terrorists training, but did not have the courage with all the equipment to attack East Pakistan. We have fought India when the soldier ratio was 9:1, but today it is 2:1 and we will make sure that revenge of East Pakistan is leveled with Moaist insurgency in every Indian state.

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