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Another Hindu girl forcefully converted in pakistan

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The decision on creating Pak was not done by vote. Jinnah , Nehru and a few faithful servants of British raj are responsible.

Now that a past, if Sindhi Hindus wants to settle in India, they should be allowed to do so. We can't whitewash their sufferings and our own role in leaving them at wrong side of the border during partition in the name of looking secular.

As for Pakistani Christians, most of them migrate to European and Americans countries as their church help them in such migration, getting citizenship and expanses and thus they don't come to India.
12 year olds can legally get married in Pakistan?

Is there no minimum marriage age in Pakistan?

Muslim laws are archaic. If you don't change and get civilized, you will fall back.

India has lot of challenges and still it has progressed in the last 20 years. Pak seems to have gone worse. Pak has identity crisis! Jinnah's Pak or radical Islamic state? Decide soon.
12 year olds can legally get married in Pakistan?

Is there no minimum marriage age in Pakistan?

I heard it 16 years but they applied Sharia laws in this case to justify the marriage. Few years back, there was a similar case of a 10 years old Hindu girl.
Meghwar family flees to Karachi after girl’s ‘conversion’
Saher Baloch
Updated 12 minutes ago
View attachment 146402
MEMBERS of the Hindu community protest outside the Hyderabad Press Club on Wednesday over alleged forced conversion and marriage of a Hindu girl in Daharki a few days ago.—Dawn
KARACHI: Taking refuge in the city after receiving threats by a powerful group in Daharki, the parents of a recently converted 12-year-old girl, Anjali Kumari Meghwar, met the Karachi police chief on Wednesday to speak about their daughter’s case.

Daharki, a city of Ghotki district, has been witnessing a wave of protests since Anjali was kidnapped from her home in Mustafa Abad Mohalla in broad daylight and converted within a day, according to her parents.

“Nobody listens to the poor. But to be from a lower caste on top of that, worsens the matters for our community,” said Kundan Mal Meghwar, father of the girl, while speaking to Dawn on Wednesday.

Also read: CII urged to formulate laws against forced conversion of Hindu girls

As was seen in most conversion cases in the past, the activities of the Bharchundi Shareef shrine in Daharki was once again questioned, with the parents alleging that their girl was converted and married off under the patronage of the shrine caretakers.

Soon after the incident, the caretakers came up with a statement that they had nothing to do with the kidnapping and forcible conversion of the girl. “We only facilitate their wish. We don’t impose our own will on them,” said a spokesperson for the shrine.

Kundan refused to admit that her daughter converted and married of her free will. For proof, he had with him documents issued by the National Database and Registration Authority and her school certifying that a girl had studied in there till class four, and at present, she was aged 12.

“Riaz Sial, the man Anjali was forcibly married to, is still roaming around the area and has not been arrested so far,” Kundan continued, “whereas my daughter was handed over to the police on Friday after we requested help from an influential man in the area.”

“It’s been nine days since my daughter was taken away,” he said, “but there’s no indication about what might happen. I’m hopeful, but deep down I also know that most lawmakers representing us in the assemblies are from the upper caste, and they’ll try and protect their own first.”

Sent to shelter home

On Sunday, a civil court in Daharki, where Anjali was supposed to record her statement under Section 164 of the code of criminal procedure, sent her to a shelter home in Karachi. The family’s lawyer, Kanji Rano Bheel, however, said Anjali’s statement was not recorded, “because the statement of a girl or a boy under the age of 18 is considered illegal according to the law.”

Speaking about the case and possible punishment to those suspected to be responsible, the lawyer said: “The accused can be arrested because, firstly, the girl is underage. And according to the Child Marriage Restraint Act passed in the provincial assembly in 2013, they can be arrested and tried in a court of law. Secondly, she was kidnapped and later forcefully converted. The proof of the kidnapping is the account of her mother, Haleema, who was present when the men jumped in the courtyard of their home and dragged Anjali away.”

Explaining, he spoke about a recent case in Mithi where a girl was gang-raped and later brought to the Civil Hospital Karachi for treatment. “The girl who was raped was from a Meghwar caste. In another case, a girl was kidnapped from Mitiari. So far, an FIR has not been registered in both cases. My point in bringing up these two cases is that these girls, just like Anjali, belong to a lower caste, which makes kidnapping and forcefully converting them much easier for those who wish to exploit them,” he said.

On contacting the shelter home in Karachi, initial findings of the organisation indicated that it was not a case of forced conversion.

Speaking to Dawn, PPP Senator Hari Ram stated: “We are trying our best to contact the high-ups. I have personally requested the chairman and co-chairman of the PPP to look into the growing incidents of forced conversions in the province and to specifically help the cause of the scheduled community.”

Published in Dawn, November 6th, 2014
Meghwar family flees to Karachi after girl’s ‘conversion’ - Pakistan - DAWN.COM
your view on same.. as you are expert in same issues wrt india
If it was forceful she would be protesting not some goons with banner

Its SINDH and i have no doubt that the poor girl had been kidnapped and converted by these bastards feudal lords' filthy shitty dogs.

I heard it 16 years but they applied Sharia laws in this case to justify the marriage. Few years back, there was a similar case of a 10 years old Hindu girl.

even if she is 50 years old this mentality of feudal barbarism should END. age is not the issue the feudal shitty mindset is
It would be interesting to see the plight of Ahamadis after Hindus and christians are converted...

If you start paying money, more might get converted without resistance. Christian missionaries in India usually pay to get converted. It is quick and bloodless. Ask your Saudi friends for donation.
even if she is 50 years old this mentality of feudal barbarism should END. age is not the issue the feudal shitty mindset is

how will get rid of them. Infact, Pakistan could be created because of their help and you aren't going to get rid of them anytime soon. Even your jarnails supported them in the past.
What about the Muslims who had to leave India by force? Will you allow them?

No, of course not. This is not about punishing someone or rewarding others. The land got divided between Muslims and the rest of the people. Those who were forced to leave and went west to the new country did it because they thought it would be better there. Had they traveled south to safer places inside India, they'd be Indians. They went west so they are Pakistanis and hence not India's problem.
how will get rid of them. Infact, Pakistan could be created because of their help and you aren't going to get rid of them anytime soon. Even your jarnails supported them in the past.

did you get rid of cast system? :) similarly these feudal with political powers will take time to go away. anyway these feudal will die down with passage of time. Sindh and Punjab are dens of this slave mentality but i am hopeful we are going to get rid of them
It would be interesting to see the plight of Ahamadis after Hindus and christians are converted...
Condition of Ahmadis is deteriorating far faster than the condition than Hindus.
No, of course not. This is not about punishing someone or rewarding others. The land got divided between Muslims and the rest of the people. Those who were forced to leave and went west to the new country did it because they thought it would be better there. Had they traveled south to safer places inside India, they'd be Indians. They went west so they are Pakistanis and hence not India's problem.

After 50 years, if India shines, and Pak remains poor, it would be interesting to see if India allows immigrants. May be even Muslims would try to get Indian visa or equivalent of green card!
Condition of Ahmadis is deteriorating far faster than the condition than Hindus.

why dont you take them to their den qadiyan in India :lol: BTW they are the most wealthy people here having own airport and also any Muslim cant enter their den in rabwah
did you get rid of cast system? :) similarly these feudal with political powers will take time to go away. anyway these feudal will die down with passage of time. Sindh and Punjab are dens of this slave mentality but i am hopeful we are going to get rid of them

Caste system is a social system which would be erodated by more education(we have already demolished hereditary job system of Caste system). But Feudalism is a political system with a support of state and there is nothing you could do to get rid of it, even your jarnails like Ayub Khan, Zia Ul Haq and Musharraf couldn't.
Its SINDH and i have no doubt that the poor girl had been kidnapped and converted by these bastards feudal lords' filthy shitty dogs.
the girl was poor before accepting the light of islam, now she is not and what's wrong if someone accept islam with his/her own free will?
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