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All new CX-1 supersonic anti-ship cruise missile (ASCM) - Chinese Answer to Brahmos

Is the Onyx the exact same as the Brahmos? If so, why was their a need to "jointly" develop the BrahMos? If the BrahMos is vastly superior to any previous "iteration" of the missile as some claim, then why haven't the Russians specifically deployed the BrahMos? India Ok'd the purchase of 200 of them for its airforce as early as 2012 but nary a peep from Russia. Curious.

And yes, I admit the Onyx is in service. The Brahmos? Not so much.
I don't know because I have not way of telling. Do you?
Joint developments are the order of the day, its a commercial thing. Is Euromil there because Russian helicopters are poor? Or because collaboration opens up new market opportunities?
Why would the russians buy a competing 'international' product when they have a domestic product?
Why do the russians have to follow the same purchasing pattern as the Indians (their defence needs aren't the same, nor are their financial situations, nor their Industrial capabilities)?

Brahmos not in service?
Aside from the proof of concept conversions of 2 Rajput (one box launchers, one VLS), what AShM is carried by Talwar batch 2, Shivalik and Kolkata class ships? In fact, any ship with the Russian universal VLS could fire Brahmos (including new Russian ships). And doesn't the Indian army have 3-4 regiments using the missile ground to ground?

First you state Onyx is not in russian service, not Brahmos not in Indian service. What is your point?
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Good point!

The answer is that Ruskies only give'em mos, that´s why only Brahmos. Brahmos here and there and eveywhere. the next thing you know, they gonna stick brahmos inside their navals, too. :lol:

Without Brahmos, what you think where DRDO gonna get ` a smaller ramjet missile like this` even after they stripsearch allover the country? :rofl:
Why is a smaller Brahmos M such an issue? There is also a mini-Moskit (Kh-31/AS-17) becuase the Original Moskit is so f-in large that its unsuitable for air launch from all but the largest planes (kh-41: Su-27/33 can carry 1 on centreline, versus 4 Kh-31)..

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I don't know because I have not way of telling. Do you?
Joint developments are the order of the day, its a commercial thing. Is Euromil there because Russian helicopters are poor? Or because collaboration opens up new market opportunities?
Why would the russians buy a competing 'international' product when they have a domestic product?
Why do the russians have to follow the same purchasing pattern as the Indians (their defence needs aren't the same, nor are their financial situations, nor their Industrial capabilities)?

Brahmos not in service?
Aside from the proof of concept conversions of 2 Rajput (one box launchers, one VLS), what AShM is carried by Talwar batch 2, Shivalik and Kolkata class ships? In fact, any ship with the Russian universal VLS could fire Brahmos (including new Russian ships). And doesn't the Indian army have 3-4 regiments using the missile ground to ground?

First you state Onyx is not in russian service, not Brahmos not in Indian service. What is your point?

My point is the BrahMos is basically a monkey model missile that the Russians don't want because they have something better in service. In which case the "joint" development aspect of it is more Indian hot air. The Russians are extremely good at scamming India out of money.
I don't know because I have not way of telling. Do you?
Joint developments are the order of the day, its a commercial thing. Is Euromil there because Russian helicopters are poor? Or because collaboration opens up new market opportunities?
Why would the russians buy a competing 'international' product when they have a domestic product?
Why do the russians have to follow the same purchasing pattern as the Indians (their defence needs aren't the same, nor are their financial situations, nor their Industrial capabilities)?

Brahmos not in service?
Aside from the proof of concept conversions of 2 Rajput (one box launchers, one VLS), what AShM is carried by Talwar batch 2, Shivalik and Kolkata class ships? In fact, any ship with the Russian universal VLS could fire Brahmos (including new Russian ships). And doesn't the Indian army have 3-4 regiments using the missile ground to ground?

First you state Onyx is not in russian service, not Brahmos not in Indian service. What is your point?
The need to produced proof is you. You are the one trying to lumber brahmos with onyx. Now you claim you can't? Brahmos is different from onyx. If not, why the need for a joint venture? India shall just straight buy onyx and no Brahmos. I have long say you are pro indian. Trying to defend indian Brahmos on same ground with onyx is a joke. :lol:

Finally agentorange claim Brahmos is not in service with Russian not onyx. Stop playing with words. I know what game you trying to play.
can someone confirm if this is CX-1 being test fired from VLS?


How exactly?
Half on IN's modern warships are equipped with the klub 'sizzler' and half with the brahmos.IN had choice to get any of these but chose the brahmos for its future warships-so that tells me that the evaluation of the In seems to different than ur 'opinion'.
What is being said here by some members is brahmos is easy to intercept because its'a high-flying missile'.This is not really true.Another accusation is its heavy and non-manueverable-this is false.

Brahmos seems to be able to use two types of trajectory a high profile launch followed by a dive and final flight at around 120 kms as sea skimmer.Or a pure sea skimming mode in which its range is reduced.

Here brahmos following sea skimming mode doing a s-manuever to defeat countermeasures.This disproves 'its bad at manuevering'.Also we know india inducted land based block-3 brahmos speciafically modified for use in arunachal pradesh mountains in china border.They are capable of avoiding any mountain terrain obstacle by manuevering and then hitting fortified targets.

Secondly what is forgotten is brahmos is not meant to be launched singly but in salvoes -acc to russian doctrine.I read somewhere that the soviets calculated that between tu-22 backfire bombers and the oscar class SSGNs they would need a salvo of 18-24 supersonic cruise missiles to overwhelm the defenses of an AEGIS CBG by brute volume of firepower.(each oscar class carrying 24 p-700 granit-the predecessor to the yakhont).Now this was a 80s concept-defenses have improved ,but so have the missiles and their guidance systems.In salvo mode a supersonic missile like brahmos is worth 3 subsonic missiles due to the reaction time factor.
Also we don't have to deal with a US CBG,potentially at best 1-2 chinese CBGs coming in through the malacca straits(and that too not before another 10 yrs at least).I seriously doubt chinese CBG is anywhere near us battlegroup .Also we will have our unsinkable carrier the andaman and nicobar islands directly sitting on the route.Just one squadron(18) of su-30 mkis each armed with 3 brahmos(the new brahmos mini about to enter service-mig-29k and su-30 mki will be able to carry 3 instead of 1 will be able to release salvoes of upto 54 missiles.This is to discount the brahmos on surface ships and subs(we have klubs and exocets on subs for now).
I would say brahmos gives our mig-29ks on the 2 carriers and naval air arm immense flexibility.Each able to launch upto 3 brahmos each.This gives our mig-29ks immense mobile firepower available from the carrier that can i daresay match anything in the anti ship department .
As for PN,its not a boast to say its more or less defenceless against the missile with its archaic air defense systems on board its ships.

So i would argue no it's not a piece of crap.

This forum is like treasure hunt, one need to go through pages of garbage to find gems like this post. :tup:
why is this dummy missile that does not fly being compared to the best AsCM in the world?
what has this forum come to?
Reading the thread, I have come to the conclusion that the Brahmos is a glorified firecracker.
coming to conclusion about indian stuff based on the opinions of chinese. you BDs are brilliant. no wonder bangladesh is the worlds greatest superpower
why is this dummy missile that does not fly being compared to the best AsCM in the world?
what has this forum come to?
best ASCM is ss-19n shipwreak and sunburn if your brahmouse is world best so why they induct by it manufacturer, your mother RUSSIA:lol:

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