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Deployment of THAAD: News & Discussions

Yes you have. And I will say that China should not be too concerned on what South Korea plans to do inside her borders. China, as much as it claims a non-interventionist policy, is meddling in the internal security affairs of South Korea, it should not. If the South Koreans decide deploying 5-10 THAAD batteries is necessary to counter Pyongyang's Nodong - Taepodong - Hwasong - Musudan delivery system(s), then they should have the right to do so without the interference of other nations in the region. Period.

So are you saying that if China aim nuke at Japan, Japan should not be concerned because we also do inside our border and Japan will have no business of meddling in our affaire? I guess you shouldn't have problem with this neither right?.
So are you saying that if China aim nuke at Japan, Japan should not be concerned because we also do inside our border and Japan will have no business of meddling in our affaire? I guess you shouldn't have problem with this neither right?.

I'm sure China already has some of its batteries aimed at Japan, and what they do is their own accord. Just know that Japan has taken the measures to respond in tandem. Japanese and American forces train unrelentingly for such exigencies. Its part of the job of our Armed Forces personnel.;)

Now, let's get back to the subject matter: South Korea.
I'm sure China already has some of its batteries aimed at Japan, and what they do is their own accord. Just know that Japan has taken the measures to respond in tandem. Japanese and American forces train unrelentingly for such exigencies. Its part of the job of our Armed Forces personnel.;)

Now, let's get back to the subject matter: South Korea.

And why you need to take measure if you're not concern? you ask us not to be concern that THAAD can knock down our missiles and you're taking measure to respond to our missiles which also deployed on our soil...what kind of logic is that?
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And why you need to take measure if you're not concern? you ask us not to be concern that THAAD can knock down our missiles and you're taking measure to respond to our missile that deploy on our soil too...what kind of logic is that?

SK is making a deal by exchanging the AIIB with the THAAD.

While to deploy the THAAD might not be a friendly gesture, but it is still technically not a real threat to China.

However, you cannot neglect of the domino effect creating by the AIIB.

SK can deploy the THAAD any time if they want, but we will still invite them to join our AIIB. :lol:

We are making noise it is not because we are nervous, but rather we are trying to get more political bargaining chips from them. :azn:
And why you need to take measure if you're not concern? you ask us not to be concern that THAAD can knock down our missiles and you're taking measure to respond to our missiles which also deployed on our soil...what kind of logic is that?

We've taken measures to deal with the Soviet Union when it existed, measures for other states is just a continuation of our security apparatus. Again, what we decide to do security wise and within our area of control is up to us. China has no say in our internal affairs.

SK is making a deal by exchanging AIIB with the THAAD.

While to deploy the THAAD might not be friendly gesture, but it is still technically not a real threat to China.

However, you cannot neglect of the domino effect creating by the AIIB.

SK can deploy the THAAD any time if they want, but we will still invite them to join our AIIB. :lol:

We are making noise it is not because we are nervous, but rather we are trying to get more political bargaining chips from them. :azn:

South Korean policy makers are mature. They already enjoy over 70 billion dollar trade balance over China, tapping into the AIIB will prove beneficial for their plans to improve infrastructure. All of this while they increase their ABM capability -- its a WIN-WIN situation, really. Seoul is pragmatic as it is wise. :)
@Horus, how about organizing a formal debate for this topic?

Will SK be justified in deploying THAAD in its territory and will it alter the status quo with respect to the US-China military balance?

Looks like there are enough participants with strong opinions on the opposing view. Creating a formal debate will make this discussion more precise and focused, with sources needed to back up each claims.

@Genesis + team VS @Nihonjin1051 + team.

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Worrying or not is none of you guys to concern about
I have stated clearly the test result of THAADs in my last post and dont know why it is so hard to understand a simple sentence
There is still time for us to figure out how to over-power THAAD
Pls be patient


Yuan Dynasty Celodon Vase decorated with
symatric fish shaped ornament on 2 sides

Make more nukes. Not that hard.

We never have any intention of bombing South Korea. But you must remember any change in the balance of MAD will have a proper response.

We never force them not to deploy THAAD. We only warn of the consequence if they do. We respect their sovereignty but we have our own security concern. They can deploy whatever they want. We will have a proper response to protect our national security. Is that clear?

What kind of proper response? Deploy your own Chinese version of the THAAD to North Korea? That wouldn't be a problem.

No, China can make situation worse for SK if they want, they just have to arm NK with advance fighter jets, SAMS & Other modern systems and make them NCW capable 21st century fighting force and they will keep China's interest safe. :D

Shrugs* North Korea already has nukes so can't make things any worse than it is now. Not to mention South Korea is deploying its own cruise missiles to hit every part of the country. The U.S. refused to give South Korea Tomahawks, so they developed their own.
Not at all. Nuke is primarily used for our power generations in China


Enamel handpainted overglaze
snuff bottle with recessed bottom
and gilt metal cap

Indeed, so it shouldn't be a problem.
Make more nukes. Not that hard.

What kind of proper response? Deploy your own Chinese version of the THAAD to North Korea? That wouldn't be a problem.

Shrugs* North Korea already has nukes so can't make things any worse than it is now. Not to mention South Korea is deploying its own cruise missiles to hit every part of the country. The U.S. refused to give South Korea Tomahawks, so they developed their own.

NK Nukes are strategic weapons not tactical ones and they are more deterrent against aggression of big powers not mainly against SK as both side are same nation with different political and economic system, therefore conventional weapons are always very important for NK. If NK could deploy Mig-29K/35D & J-11Bs with good AWACS and NCW upto 60 to 100 in numbers combined then things will change in the region militarily and will put pressure on regional players.
China should strip its North Korean pet of nukes and i'm sure S. Korea will give up THAAD.
China should strip its North Korean pet of nukes and i'm sure S. Korea will give up THAAD.

How? Maybe while we're at it, we can also get fat Kim to open up his country and pull off his head as a soccer ball. All have the same chance of success.

Without arms I mean.
How? Maybe while we're at it, we can also get fat Kim to open up his country and pull off his head as a soccer ball. All have the same chance of success.

Without arms I mean.

Time to test the J10B in battle.:azn:
China should strip its North Korean pet of nukes and i'm sure S. Korea will give up THAAD.
But the N Korean nuclear issue is more between N Korean and US. As I understand it, N Korea will give up its Nuclear bombs if a peace threaty is sign. But US do not want to sign a peace threaty that would preserve the Kim regime. US wants a regime change. US also still maintain N Korea as one of the axis of evil. Not to mention the base in S Korea. Due to US hostile attitude towards N Korea, they develop the bomb to defend themselves. N Korea also only wants to talk to US but US is happy just to maintain the status quo.

I'm sure China already has some of its batteries aimed at Japan, and what they do is their own accord. Just know that Japan has taken the measures to respond in tandem. Japanese and American forces train unrelentingly for such exigencies. Its part of the job of our Armed Forces personnel.;)

Now, let's get back to the subject matter: South Korea.
No, if China aim its missiles at Japan, Japan will know it and will use it as an excuse to blame China for escalating tensions.

China policy is very clear. It all about reducing tension to facilitate peaceful development.
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