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Egypt, Pakistan join military campaign against Houthis

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Sep 20, 2014
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RIYADH: Saudi Arabia said Thursday that five Muslim countries including Egypt and Pakistan want to participate in the Gulf-led military coalition against Huthi rebels who have seized large swathes of Yemen.

Together with Jordan, Morocco and Sudan, they have “expressed desire to participate in the operation” against the rebels, which the kingdom dubbed “Firmness Storm”, Saudi SPA state news agency said.

Saudi Arabia and four other Gulf states, including Bahrain, Kuwait, Qatar and the United Arab Emirates, announced earlier a decision to “answer the call of President Hadi to protect Yemen and his people from the aggression of the Huthi militia.”

The kingdom’s ambassador to the United States announced from Washington that a coalition of 10 countries, including the five Gulf monarchies, had been set up to protect the Yemeni government.

Adel al-Jubeir did not name other members of the coalition.

The United States said it would provide “logistical and intelligence support” to the operation.

Saudi-owned al-Arabiya news channel said the UAE sent 30 jet fighters to Saudi Arabia to take part in the air strikes, while Jordan will be participating with six aircraft.

The channel also said that Egypt and Pakistan would dispatch jet fighters and warships to take part in the campaign.

Yemeni President Abedrabbo Mansour Hadi had urged Arab countries to intervene militarily as anti-government forces closed in on the southern city of Aden, where he had taken refuge.

Yemen has been gripped by growing turmoil since the Huthi rebels overran the capital Sanaa in September.

Operation 'Firmness Storm': Saudi says Pakistan wants to join fight against Yemen rebels - The Express Tribune

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Pakistan never offer anything like that.. i guess this news only circulate in indian media.. Saudia wants our Army to defend its borders from ISIS only .. Pakistan will never involve with reginal conflict.
how can a smaller force like the houthis beat an army??

so much cowardice I have seen lately.

is it lack of morale???
First those Air Heads (GCC Rulers) gave aid to Syrian Rebels to Fight against Shia Ruler (Bashar-ul-Asad) and the result is now inform ISIS an uncontrollable threat to them and now they started against Yemen's Shia Rebels,

They have thousands of Kilometers long border with Yemen and Iraq who will come to protect them as their Soldiers use Sun Burn protection creams and always want to be in Air Conditioning Environment.

I think this news is just a lame excuse nothing else and Pakistan army has to be neutral and enjoy the show. The Oil will not protect the borders of Saudi Arabia.

I was in Middle East for 6 years.

We have to be part of it and I think we already are

We must not have to be the Part of it..... we already made this kind of Mistake in Afghan - Russia war and whatever is happening now in Pakistan is a gift from that participation.
First those Air Heads (GCC Rulers) gave aid to Syrian Rebels to Fight against Shia Ruler (Bashar-ul-Asad) and the result is now inform ISIS an uncontrollable threat to them and now they started against Yemen's Shia Rebels,

They have thousands of Kilometers long border with Yemen and Iraq who will come to protect them as their Soldiers use Sun Burn protection creams and always want to be in Air Conditioning Environment.

I think this news is just a lame excuse nothing else and Pakistan army has to be neutral and enjoy the show. The Oil will not protect the borders of Saudi Arabia.

I was in Middle East for 6 years.

We must not have to be the Part of it..... we already this kind of Mistake in Afghan - Russia war and whatever is happening now in Pakistan is a gift from that participation.
No becoming part of it would be the biggest mistake we ever made Mr
This news is BS.. and we shouldnt get involved in wars that are not our own.

To some extent Pakistan can help,sooner or later we will have to chip in our contribution,for now air strikes and etc,etc will do .Guys your thoughts , @Pomegranate ,@syedali73 ,@DESERT FIGHTER ,@Green Arrow .

Yes i think the saudis can do it on their own .... what we should do is only defend the borders of Saudis that would be enough what happens outside Borders of Saudia should not by our concerns .......
To some extent Pakistan can help,sooner or later we will have to chip in our contribution,for now air strikes and etc,etc will do .Guys your thoughts , @Pomegranate ,@syedali73 ,@DESERT FIGHTER ,@Green Arrow .
Getting into Saudi mess will be a huge mistake on part of Pakistan. We must stay away from this. I fully support to send our troops for the defense of the holy cities but to fight in Yemen alongside Saudis, no way.
Getting into Saudi mess will be a huge mistake on part of Pakistan. We must stay away from this. I fully support to send our troops for the defense of the holy cities but to fight in Yemen alongside Saudis, no way.
I have to disagree,you might have noticed how these radicals are expanding all over the region,sooner or later they will look to target us.How about airstrikes,military aids etc etc .
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