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Iranian Chill Thread

We still have feudals in Pakistan today. They are known as land barons, but they control a lot of wealth with land accumulation. They have evolved to political dynasties in Pakistan today, so I was curious if there are wealthy and priveledged families like this in Iran as well.
Yes, they were many of such families in past but now they are only in limited numbers. MohammadReza Shah removed most of these families under the plan called "White Revolution of the Shah and the Nation". It severely damaged Iranian agriculture sector as a side effect. Also, the oil money, specially from the past half of century, has made Government too powerful; hence most of the rich feudal families got weaker and weaker and mostly immigrated to USA and UK.

Bahat kare sakhsi daram chon kheyli vaghte commentato mikhunam. Ba kodum barname mituni chat koni?
Go to the comment #22978.
BTW, avoid engaging in useless troll wars with Turkish members, and please delete your last post in Mahabad thread ;)
Yes, they were many of such families in past but now they are only in limited numbers. MohammadReza Shah removed most of these families under the plan called "White Revolution of the Shah and the Nation". It severely damaged Iranian agriculture sector as a side effect. Also, the oil money, specially from the past half of century, has made Government too powerful; hence most of the rich feudal families got weaker and weaker and mostly immigrated to USA and UK.

Interesting. Many farmers from Pakistan are also migrating to the west due to land 'reforms' and taxation. The problem with our fuedal landlords is that they have already invested their money into other things such as cement production, factories, marble refinery and gem mining. So even If they are hit with land reforms, they break even if not make profit with their other ventures. They also mingle with political elite and get involved with politics making them untouchable. Most of them are in our current government today making the average Pakistani hopeless in ever trying to receive justice.

I'm not sure If this situation happened in Iran, but I am very interested in reading about Reza Shah's white revolution now. Maybe you can point me in the right direction. For me it is a quagmire of paradoxes, but I want to understand how Reza Shah rid Iran of this corruption and nepotism. At the same time, I hear the Iranian Mulllahs are a touch better, but still involved in corruption and nepotism from Iranian ex pats.

I find this discussion very interesting.
@rmi5 dadash mamnun tou thread mahabad zahmatesho keshidi

man bimarestan boodam bekhoda hamin alan bargashtam az biroon , aslan hosele jaro bahs nadaram

ye postam gozashtam paakesh kardan


@2800 agha idito bede yebar dige .

chi bood ? "PDF" ?
هیچ چیز نشده یک نفر نتونسته زیپ شلوارش را بسته نگه داره یک دخترم برای اینکه بهش تجاوز نشود از یک چند طبقه پریده پایین و مرده . مردم هم عصبانی شدن.
albate aval khial kardan ke mamoor etelaat boode taraf .

baad ke didan hamchin chizi naboode , zaye shodan . ma famil oun tarafa darim

migoft ye 100 nafari hastan inja hey sareshoon mikhare vase een chiza , kollan donbal bahane an
albate aval khial kardan ke mamoor etelaat boode taraf .

baad ke didan hamchin chizi naboode , zaye shodan . ma famil oun tarafa darim

migoft ye 100 nafari hastan inja hey sareshoon mikhare vase een chiza , kollan donbal bahane an
Hala az in ghazie bebin un terrorista che chize bozorgi sakhtan !
doostan midoonestin too Iran ham alan film haye rooze hollywood ro dar cinema namayesh midan?? manam nemidoonestam!!
I never knew Iranian cinemas are showing latest holywood movies in Iran!!

Here is a Pardis e Cenemayee dar gholhak:

سینما پردیس قلهک

I have a question for Iranians.

When reading Iranian history, I see some famous personalities with the last name Khan. Are there Iranians with the last name Khan today. If not, then who were these people in history, were they Iranians? If yes, then why is it not a popular last name today?
Khan (title) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

In its part about the meaning of the word it says:
According to the book Persian Inscriptions on Indian Monuments, the word khan has roots in Sanskrit and Persian and Sogdian language word khana or khanva meaning chief and khan in Persian means landlord and chief of town.

Today in Iran as other members mentioned.... We don't use khan word as Iranian society is not a tribal or landlord community... In old times we used to use it for main landlords or local administrators of small areas.... but KHAN az a suffix to the name was only used by Monghuls in their main controlled areas like Iran, Russia, Central Asia, Afghanistan, mongolia and India... Although we had exceptions like Agha Khan Ghajar which I guess is just a name and not a title...

you can learn more here:
Khan (title) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Dustan chera emruz hishki iranian section nist ???
Mahabad chi shode ?
Mahabad: Kurdish Rebellion Against Iranian Regime Continues

Hichi baba... harchi ke boode hanooz maloom nist va tahte bar rasie... vali inke Iraniha dar mahabad bian tazahorat bekhatere inke ye nafar mikhaste be ye dokhtar tajavoz kone.... hala che amniati bashe motajavez...che aslan motajavezi dar kar nabashe va faghat ye etefagh bashe.... che inke rabete dashtan zane va marde va khode hotel zang zade bashe be family dokhtare ke bian va dokhtare khaste az ye otagh bere ye otaghe dige ke lo nare ghaize...harchi boode... baraye man kheili ajibe ke mardom beran hotel ro atish bezanan va tazahorat ba in edea ke Iran bayad dast az tabeez bardare baram kheili ajibe...

agha ye nafar ye ghalati karde...bayad dastgir va mohakeme beshe... che rabti be tabeez dare? yani dolat dastoor dade boro tajavoz kon be zane!!?

hala agar be doshmani haye BBC, Al arabiyeh, Manoto1 tavajoh konid va ba,ad be mosahebeye namayandeye hezbe komole dar BBC be onvane karshenas!!! va davate mardom be inke in harkate democratic ro edame bedan va tamame shahr haye kurdii iran ro sholough konan va be atish bekeshan tavajoh konid...ghashang dastetoon miad ghazie chie....

In saudi ha dar al arabiyeh nemidoonam daran chikar mikonan... az har 2 khabar yeki raje be Irane va mikhan masalan began mardome sunni dar Iran bar zedde Iraniha shooridan... hamash dorough va albateh mokhatabane inha ham jozve ahmaghtarin gheshr haye donya hastand va bavar mikonanad....

Fekr konid 3 rooz pish ba,ad az inke parleman pakistan rad kard lashgar keshi be yaman ro.... saudi imam jama,ate makke ro ferestade be pakistan ta ba Taliban va efrati haye salafi oonja didar kone va az oonha bekhan baraye jolo giri az eshghal va naboodie make va madine bedaste shia haye yamani ye arteshi 100 hezar nafari az salafi ha dorost konan va bian be yaman hamle konan!!!! mardome sunni pakistani ro bayad mididid vaghti imam jomeye makke dorough barashoon sare ham mikard...chikar mikardan.... yaroo migoft... Iran va shia haye yaman mikhan bian makke va madine ro ba khak yeksan konan...va mardom takbir mifrestadan ke ma khoone shia ha ro mirizim....akharesh ham ghol dadan ye lashgare az terrorist haye salafi pakistani dorost konan ve beran be komake saudi ha....

2 masale ro khoob saudi azash estefade mikone.... 1- dollar baraye kharidane hame...az senegal begir!!! ta france va pakistani ha va baghie 2- dorough sare ham kardan ke harki be Saudi hamle kone be makke hamle karde!!! va doroughe bozorg tar ke shia ha mikhan makke va madine ro ba khak yeksan konan!!!!

khodayeesh ta vaghti ba hamchin mardome aghab moonde va bi aghlo shoori tarafim... in mantaghe rooye aramesh nemibine
doostan midoonestin too Iran ham alan film haye rooze hollywood ro dar cinema namayesh midan?? manam nemidoonestam!!
I never knew Iranian cinemas are showing latest holywood movies in Iran!!

Here is a Pardis e Cenemayee dar gholhak:

سینما پردیس قلهک

Khan (title) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

In its part about the meaning of the word it says:
According to the book Persian Inscriptions on Indian Monuments, the word khan has roots in Sanskrit and Persian and Sogdian language word khana or khanva meaning chief and khan in Persian means landlord and chief of town.

Today in Iran as other members mentioned.... We don't use khan word as Iranian society is not a tribal or landlord community... In old times we used to use it for main landlords or local administrators of small areas.... but KHAN az a suffix to the name was only used by Monghuls in their main controlled areas like Iran, Russia, Central Asia, Afghanistan, mongolia and India... Although we had exceptions like Agha Khan Ghajar which I guess is just a name and not a title...

you can learn more here:
Khan (title) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Hichi baba... harchi ke boode hanooz maloom nist va tahte bar rasie... vali inke Iraniha dar mahabad bian tazahorat bekhatere inke ye nafar mikhaste be ye dokhtar tajavoz kone.... hala che amniati bashe motajavez...che aslan motajavezi dar kar nabashe va faghat ye etefagh bashe.... che inke rabete dashtan zane va marde va khode hotel zang zade bashe be family dokhtare ke bian va dokhtare khaste az ye otagh bere ye otaghe dige ke lo nare ghaize...harchi boode... baraye man kheili ajibe ke mardom beran hotel ro atish bezanan va tazahorat ba in edea ke Iran bayad dast az tabeez bardare baram kheili ajibe...

agha ye nafar ye ghalati karde...bayad dastgir va mohakeme beshe... che rabti be tabeez dare? yani dolat dastoor dade boro tajavoz kon be zane!!?

hala agar be doshmani haye BBC, Al arabiyeh, Manoto1 tavajoh konid va ba,ad be mosahebeye namayandeye hezbe komole dar BBC be onvane karshenas!!! va davate mardom be inke in harkate democratic ro edame bedan va tamame shahr haye kurdii iran ro sholough konan va be atish bekeshan tavajoh konid...ghashang dastetoon miad ghazie chie....

In saudi ha dar al arabiyeh nemidoonam daran chikar mikonan... az har 2 khabar yeki raje be Irane va mikhan masalan began mardome sunni dar Iran bar zedde Iraniha shooridan... hamash dorough va albateh mokhatabane inha ham jozve ahmaghtarin gheshr haye donya hastand va bavar mikonanad....

Fekr konid 3 rooz pish ba,ad az inke parleman pakistan rad kard lashgar keshi be yaman ro.... saudi imam jama,ate makke ro ferestade be pakistan ta ba Taliban va efrati haye salafi oonja didar kone va az oonha bekhan baraye jolo giri az eshghal va naboodie make va madine bedaste shia haye yamani ye arteshi 100 hezar nafari az salafi ha dorost konan va bian be yaman hamle konan!!!! mardome sunni pakistani ro bayad mididid vaghti imam jomeye makke dorough barashoon sare ham mikard...chikar mikardan.... yaroo migoft... Iran va shia haye yaman mikhan bian makke va madine ro ba khak yeksan konan...va mardom takbir mifrestadan ke ma khoone shia ha ro mirizim....akharesh ham ghol dadan ye lashgare az terrorist haye salafi pakistani dorost konan ve beran be komake saudi ha....

2 masale ro khoob saudi azash estefade mikone.... 1- dollar baraye kharidane hame...az senegal begir!!! ta france va pakistani ha va baghie 2- dorough sare ham kardan ke harki be Saudi hamle kone be makke hamle karde!!! va doroughe bozorg tar ke shia ha mikhan makke va madine ro ba khak yeksan konan!!!!

khodayeesh ta vaghti ba hamchin mardome aghab moonde va bi aghlo shoori tarafim... in mantaghe rooye aramesh nemibine
Half the movie will be censored so whatès the pointÉ
doostan midoonestin too Iran ham alan film haye rooze hollywood ro dar cinema namayesh midan?? manam nemidoonestam!!
I never knew Iranian cinemas are showing latest holywood movies in Iran!!

Here is a Pardis e Cenemayee dar gholhak:

سینما پردیس قلهک

Khan (title) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

In its part about the meaning of the word it says:
According to the book Persian Inscriptions on Indian Monuments, the word khan has roots in Sanskrit and Persian and Sogdian language word khana or khanva meaning chief and khan in Persian means landlord and chief of town.

Today in Iran as other members mentioned.... We don't use khan word as Iranian society is not a tribal or landlord community... In old times we used to use it for main landlords or local administrators of small areas.... but KHAN az a suffix to the name was only used by Monghuls in their main controlled areas like Iran, Russia, Central Asia, Afghanistan, mongolia and India... Although we had exceptions like Agha Khan Ghajar which I guess is just a name and not a title...

you can learn more here:
Khan (title) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Hichi baba... harchi ke boode hanooz maloom nist va tahte bar rasie... vali inke Iraniha dar mahabad bian tazahorat bekhatere inke ye nafar mikhaste be ye dokhtar tajavoz kone.... hala che amniati bashe motajavez...che aslan motajavezi dar kar nabashe va faghat ye etefagh bashe.... che inke rabete dashtan zane va marde va khode hotel zang zade bashe be family dokhtare ke bian va dokhtare khaste az ye otagh bere ye otaghe dige ke lo nare ghaize...harchi boode... baraye man kheili ajibe ke mardom beran hotel ro atish bezanan va tazahorat ba in edea ke Iran bayad dast az tabeez bardare baram kheili ajibe...

agha ye nafar ye ghalati karde...bayad dastgir va mohakeme beshe... che rabti be tabeez dare? yani dolat dastoor dade boro tajavoz kon be zane!!?

hala agar be doshmani haye BBC, Al arabiyeh, Manoto1 tavajoh konid va ba,ad be mosahebeye namayandeye hezbe komole dar BBC be onvane karshenas!!! va davate mardom be inke in harkate democratic ro edame bedan va tamame shahr haye kurdii iran ro sholough konan va be atish bekeshan tavajoh konid...ghashang dastetoon miad ghazie chie....

In saudi ha dar al arabiyeh nemidoonam daran chikar mikonan... az har 2 khabar yeki raje be Irane va mikhan masalan began mardome sunni dar Iran bar zedde Iraniha shooridan... hamash dorough va albateh mokhatabane inha ham jozve ahmaghtarin gheshr haye donya hastand va bavar mikonanad....

Fekr konid 3 rooz pish ba,ad az inke parleman pakistan rad kard lashgar keshi be yaman ro.... saudi imam jama,ate makke ro ferestade be pakistan ta ba Taliban va efrati haye salafi oonja didar kone va az oonha bekhan baraye jolo giri az eshghal va naboodie make va madine bedaste shia haye yamani ye arteshi 100 hezar nafari az salafi ha dorost konan va bian be yaman hamle konan!!!! mardome sunni pakistani ro bayad mididid vaghti imam jomeye makke dorough barashoon sare ham mikard...chikar mikardan.... yaroo migoft... Iran va shia haye yaman mikhan bian makke va madine ro ba khak yeksan konan...va mardom takbir mifrestadan ke ma khoone shia ha ro mirizim....akharesh ham ghol dadan ye lashgare az terrorist haye salafi pakistani dorost konan ve beran be komake saudi ha....

2 masale ro khoob saudi azash estefade mikone.... 1- dollar baraye kharidane hame...az senegal begir!!! ta france va pakistani ha va baghie 2- dorough sare ham kardan ke harki be Saudi hamle kone be makke hamle karde!!! va doroughe bozorg tar ke shia ha mikhan makke va madine ro ba khak yeksan konan!!!!

khodayeesh ta vaghti ba hamchin mardome aghab moonde va bi aghlo shoori tarafim... in mantaghe rooye aramesh nemibine
Vaghan harum zade tar az in arabestn tu tule tarikh vojud nadashte. Keshvare ma kollan ajibe dalilesham ine ke 10 ha canale mahvareyi sobh va shab daran bar zede regime kos sher migan, 100 ha site zede jomhuri eslami va fergheyi ghomi vojud dare va..... Ina ro hame ro west dare kharj mikone vagar na asheghe cheshm va abruye mardome iran nist. West mikgad iran ro ham mesle afghanistan va iraq nabud kone. In 10 ha canal va 100 ha site zede irani baes shode ta hatta age ye tajavoz be ye dokhtar jayi anjem beshe mardom bian bar zede regime tazahorat konan.
Vaghan harum zade tar az in arabestn tu tule tarikh vojud nadashte. Keshvare ma kollan ajibe dalilesham ine ke 10 ha canale mahvareyi sobh va shab daran bar zede regime kos sher migan, 100 ha site zede jomhuri eslami va fergheyi ghomi vojud dare va..... Ina ro hame ro west dare kharj mikone vagar na asheghe cheshm va abruye mardome iran nist. West mikgad iran ro ham mesle afghanistan va iraq nabud kone. In 10 ha canal va 100 ha site zede irani baes shode ta hatta age ye tajavoz be ye dokhtar jayi anjem beshe mardom bian bar zede regime tazahorat konan.
Vase kososher gooi kilooi pool migiri ya kalamei?

Gharb mikhad Irano nabood kone? Iran ke zire daste jomhoori eslami shode yeki az faghir tarin va be dard nakhor tarin keshvaraye donya. Faghir, bi pool, bi masraf, bi farhang. Ye dictatorie efratgar ke ba zoore choob keshvaro dare beham negah midare.

Hame ya daran az Iran farar mikonan, ya to fekre fararan. Har cheghadam arabestaniyaye malakh khor haroom zade bashan, hade aghal mardome keshvaresh to refahan. Ye hade aghali vojood dare.

Hade aghale akhoondistane to chie?
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