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The Uyghur issue

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Let's hear from Uyghur sister if there is oppression against them in China or not.
Seyit Kaya | Facebook

Ay yıldız team took down another Chinese government's website.

Another mosque in China.....Chinese soldiers preventing Uyghur Turks from friday prayers.

Freedom for Professor İLHAM TOHTİ


Good to have you back in the colors.
We must be careful in the East-Turkestan issue, doubtless they are our close relatives. But in this severe crisis time it seems like a plan / conspiration to sabotage our relations to China .

The current situation is depicted in this flag of East Turkestan.

The küffar Soviet dictators followed the same path, but backfired with dismantle of union; now China thinks battle against Islam will bring peace.

The radicals are seeking the next station, and China is waving a big sign of invitation for them.

:mod: Interesting...

The current situation is depicted in this flag of East Turkestan.

The küffar Soviet dictators followed the same path, but backfired with dismantle of union; now China thinks battle against Islam will bring peace.

The radicals are seeking the next station, and China is waving a big sign of invitation for them.
Footage of the 115 Uyghur Turks that has been returned to China by Tayland.





Curse china....these are just illegal immigrants but chinese threats them like terrorists. If Chinese still thinks oppression of the Uyghurs is a solution...they are dead wrong.
@Sinan how you expect China treat seperatists and terrorists? Do you even know HUNDREDS Uyghers join ISIS?

do youthink religion can outmatch national Constitution!


The current situation is depicted in this flag of East Turkestan.

The küffar Soviet dictators followed the same path, but backfired with dismantle of union; now China thinks battle against Islam will bring peace.

The radicals are seeking the next station, and China is waving a big sign of invitation for them.
dont bring in the whole Islamic group, peaceful Islam people are welcomed in China. you try to twist the fact by over exaggerating.
Uyghur issue is like Tibet 2.0, Tibet was big in 2008, today is irrelevant. Much like in 2008, the majority of Tibetan are far more than content with the chinese central government, likewise the majority of Uyghurs live fulfilling lives inside China. The chinese government over the years has provided preferential policies for them to assimilate the integrate them into the market economy and the political arena, instead you have terrorists cutting down mother and children in chinese cities.

In the world's geopolitics, money talks bullshit walks. Unless the turks have the capability to stop what does which is essentially China's internal policies, its time to shut up or put up.

Breeding anti-chinese sentiment will only hurt Turkish's core interests.
Do you even know HUNDREDS Uyghers join ISIS?

Yea you make a good point, Poor Uyghurs are decievied by Chinese intelligent to bring them Syria.

East Turkistan Solidarity Association Chairman Ismael Cengiz said, human traffickers offer money, homeland and good life conditions like living in europe to Uyghurs to bring them and while pass the Chinese border chinese soldiers let them to go without passaport or any documents.

Also Ismael Cengiz said, brought Uyghurs by China enter in oppositional side and Bassar Esad side as well. They dont know what happenned and fighting with two side against each other, otherwise they will be killed...

İsmael Cengiz says, China plan to blame Turkey about that Uyghur issue and China will say that Uyghurs are terrorists community thus Cihna will has right to pressure them.

Btw Our intelligent services detecting and catch a lot of Uyghur people who decievied by China.

Turkish source about news Çin'in Türkiye'ye Uygur Türkleri üzerinden Suriye oyunu arkadaşlar haberi daha düzgün şekilde çevirebilen olursa iyi olur malum benim ingilizce zayıf.
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China doesnt battle against Islam you idiots...........
Its a conflict between Uyghurs and Han for example the Hui (Han muslims) dont have any problems in China.
China points finger at Turkey after Uighur repatriation
Lucy Hornby in Beijing and Piotr Zalewski in Istanbul

China has accused Turkish diplomats of providing fake passports to members of the Muslim Uighur minority attempting to flee overseas, saying they then go on to become “cannon fodder” for jihadist groups in Syria and Iraq.

The accusations follow the forced repatriation to China of Uighurs from jungle camps in Thailand last week, which triggered violent protests in Turkey.

Thailand returned 109 Uighurs out of about 400 who were discovered last year in people smuggling camps in its southern jungles, in their attempt to flee China for refuge in Turkey. The week before, Turkey agreed to take 173 of the Uighurs, many of them women and small children.

Turkey had been in protracted negotiations over the fate of the refugees, who claimed to be Turkish when first discovered. Turkey’s Foreign Ministry called the Thai government decision to send them back to China “deplorable” and “in contravention of international humanitarian law”.

Chinese treatment of the Uighurs, most of whom follow a moderate branch of Sufi Islam, is increasingly becoming a sore point with Muslims overseas — particularly in Turkey, where nationalists embrace a Pan-Turkic identity spanning much of Central Asia. The Uighur language is closely related to Turkish.

Native to resource-rich Xinjiang, many Uighurs feel discriminated against in education and employment in China, while some also chafe under restrictions on Muslim religious practice.

China maintains that Uighurs seeking to leave the country are trying to join extremist groups overseas, pointing to a brutal knife attack at a Chinese railway station last year by a group of Uighurs who had been prevented from crossing the border into Vietnam.

Tong Bishan, division chief of the Ministry of Public Security’s Criminal Investigation Department, accused diplomats in the Turkish embassy in Kuala Lumpur of providing documentation to Uighurs, at a weekend press conference to which only a few foreign media were invited.

Several months ago Chinese authorities detained a number of people in Shanghai on charges they were providing Turkish documentation to Uighurs hoping to leave the country.

Mr Tong claimed that Uighurs have been sold to extremist groups in Syria after arriving in Turkey. ”They are very easily controlled by certain local forces,” Mr Tong said. “They organise the youths, they brainwash them, and get them to the front line to fight. They are cannon fodder.”

He added: “There is competition for them. Some are sent to Iraq, some to Syria. The terrorist groups there lack people. They will snatch people away. The terrorist groups will pay at least $2,000 a person. It’s their way of recruiting soldiers.”

News of the repatriations stoked anger in Turkey. A crowd of protesters attempted to storm China’s embassy in Ankara, the Turkish capital, on Thursday, before being turned back by police. The previous night, dozens of protesters attacked the Thai consulate in Istanbul, smashing windows and furniture.

Turkey’s president Recep Tayyip Erdogan, who plans to visit Beijing later this month, sought to calm tensions by condemning the violence. “Incidents that we never want to see and which we will never condone took place,” he said.

China’s Ministry of Public Security said 13 of the repatriated Uighurs had been implicated in terrorist activities while two others had previously escaped detention, according to a report by the Xinhua news agency that did not specify charges against the other returnees.

Photos posted online in China this weekend showed hooded male and female prisoners being escorted off planes by Chinese police.

The Beijing government has moved to limit the damage to its image in Turkey by denying reports that Uighurs were banned from observing fasting and religious worship during the holy month of Ramadan.

“China fully respects freedom of religious beliefs of Muslims,” the Chinese embassy in Ankara posted on its website. Claims to the contrary, it said, “were completely at odds with the facts”.

Additional reporting by Christian Shepherd in Beijing
Yea you make a good point, Poor Uyghurs are decievied by Chinese intelligent to bring them Syria.

East Turkistan Solidarity Association Chairman Ismael Cengiz said, human traffickers offer money, homeland and good life conditions like living in europe to Uyghurs to bring them and while pass the Chinese border chinese soldiers let them to go without passaport or any documents.

Also Ismael Cengiz said, brought Uyghurs by China enter in oppositional side and Bassar Esad side as well. They dont know what happenned and fighting with two side against each other, otherwise they will be killed...

İsmael Cengiz says, China plan to blame Turkey about that Uyghur issue and China will say that Uyghurs are terrorists community thus Cihna will has right to pressure them.

Btw Our intelligent services detecting and catch a lot of Uyghur people who decievied by China.

Turkish source about news Çin'in Türkiye'ye Uygur Türkleri üzerinden Suriye oyunu arkadaşlar haberi daha düzgün şekilde çevirebilen olursa iyi olur malum benim ingilizce zayıf.
I think you got deceived. China deliberately let Uyghers pass the border without passport? Ask our Pakistani friend if so. Those traffickers are either Turks or Uyghers separatists/ terrorists living in Turkey, who provide fake Turkish passport to those Uyghers stowaway. Most surprisingly is your customs officer can't identify those passport are fake and just just let them in. Now Turkey had become a base of Uyghers terrorists. Those 'East Turkestan' Uyghers utilize the sympathy pertain to blood relatives with Turks to launch terrorist attack to China, it serves some dirty purpose of some Turkish right wing politician. Don't take us as fool, and don't cheat yourself anymore. I'm saying that Turkey is now turning to China's potential threat.
China doesnt battle against Islam you idiots...........
Its a conflict between Uyghurs and Han for example the Hui (Han muslims) dont have any problems in China.
We have problem with separatists, not Islam people. We will not give any religious group the impunity to take action against China sovereign integrity. Don't mix the separation plot with religious problem! You Turks wanna let Uyghers establish a independent country and separate Xingjiang away from China? On our bodies!

Ow that's scary..
When I say it, I mean it. You are crossing the lines.
@wanglaokan No we don't want to establish an Independent Country there. It is ridiculous. It is a sensible Topic in Turkey. I believe China would react much more fierce, if Chinese minorities abroad would be attacked. I recognize one main Problem, the influence of extreme "Islamists" on the Uigur minority. That can be a "foreign" plan to split good Chinese-Turkish Relations.
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