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Harop, CBU-105: India's reply to terror squads

Justin Joseph

Mar 4, 2010
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Harop, CBU-105: India's reply to terror squads

Shiv Aroor
New Delhi, March 18, 2010

India has been working to strengthen its forces to meet such challenges in future. Two latest additions to its arsenal - Harop and cluster bomb CBU-105 - are set to enhance India's striking capabilities against the enemies manifold.

Harop, an insect-like machine, is considered the world's smartest suicide bomber. With a super-sharp microchip as its brain and some of the world's most advanced sensors, Harop is a remote-controlled killer. India will soon deploy this devastating lone ranger against its enemies.

Take this as a case: a ship confirmed to be carrying armed terrorists with high explosives is detected on the high seas and is heading straight for Mumbai harbour at high speed. All efforts to engage the terrorists fail. Then a Harop is launched. It zips towards the terrorist vessel. Once above the vessel, it acquires the target and confirms the identity. With target locked, the suicide mission begins and the Harop smashes into the ship.

A Harop can play havoc with Pakistan's terror training camps across the LoC. It can be discreetly launched across enemy lines, low enough to evade enemy radar. It can loiter in enemy airspace and smash into a terror training camp.

India to get smartest cluster bomb

The other hunter killer that the Indian Air Force (IAF) is acquiring is CBU-105, considered the world's smartest cluster bomb. There has been tremendous opposition to it because of the collateral damage cluster bombs are known to cause. But sources told Headlines Today that this bomb is really smart - if a CBU-105 fails to locate its target, it self destructs.

Consider this - a column of Pakistani tanks rumble towards the Indian border, ready to blast their way into the country. The Indian border defences watch in horror as the Pakistani tanks approach. Then B-52 aircraft flies in and drops a CBU-105 bomb. A single bomb releases several small bomblets which identify their individual targets destroying them almost simultaneously.

The air force's most intelligent tank-killing weapon disintegrates freeing bombs from the main CBU-105 unit. Each bomblet, fitted with geared with a laser sensor, is a tiny little hunter-killer in its own right. Once the tank target is acquired, the fireworks begin. A tiny copper warhead is blasted with explosive energy downward. The tank doesn't even know what has hit it. :cheers:

The IAF will be the first foreign user of the American cluster bomb, the world's most blisteringly intelligent anti-tank weapon. It is called the bomb with brains and has been used only once in anger before.

Harop, CBU-105: India's reply to terror squads: India Today - Latest Breaking News from India, World, Business, Cricket, Sports, Bollywood.
I am dying to know more abt Harop!!!!!!!!.This thing seems too advanced to even be in my dreams!.
Thanks for the good news!

"The IAI Harop (or IAI Harpy 2) is an unmanned combat air vehicle (UCAV) developed by the Malat (UAV) division of Israel Aerospace Industries. Rather than holding a separate high-explosive warhead, the drone itself is the main munition. This hunter-killer is designed to loiter the battlefield and attack targets by self-destructing into them. IAI developed the Harop for suppression of enemy air defense (SEAD) missions.

It is a larger version of the IAI Harpy and is launched from ground- or sea-based canisters, but can be adapted for air-launch. Unlike the fully-autonomous Harpy, however, the Harop is controlled in flight by a remote operator. The Harop features two guidance modes: it can either home in on radio emissions by itself with its anti-radar homing system,or the operator can select static or moving targets detected by the aircraft's electro-optical sensor.This latter mode allows the Harop to attack radars that are presently shut down and therefore not providing emissions for the aircraft to automatically home in on.

Turkey may have been the launch customer for the Harop in 2005.[3] In October 2005, MBDA submitted the Harop (under the name "White Hawk") to the United Kingdom's Ministry of Defence for consideration as the system for the Ministry's Loitering Munition Capability Demonstration (LMCD) program, otherwise known as "Fire Shadow".The Harop was selected as one of the finalists, but was rejected when the MoD decided that the contract should go to a British team. In August 2007, the government of India was negotiating to purchase eight to ten Harop systems In September 2009, the Indian Air Force announced that it will be inducting the 10 Harop systems purchased for$100 Million US . The Harop was publicly unveiled to the world for the first time in India, in the lead-up to the Aero-India 2009 show.

General characteristics

Crew: None
Length: 2.5 m (8 ft 2 in)
Wingspan: 3.00 m (9 ft 10 in)

Range: 1000 km ( miles)
Endurance: 6 hours 0 min

23 kg (51 lb) warhead




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Won't be useful. Its just another toy with remote in American hands.

Better India focus on funding public-private R&D at home.

Stop living in a world of your own:taz:.These drones dont come up in days.It takes years of R&D.Moreover, its not like, we are not putting efforts on our own.
Going by your logic our country will remain toothless for the world to
walk upon.
A balance had to be maintained
In this case whats wrong in buying these drones which might be extreemly helpful in stopping terrorists??.

ps: I assume u are aware of efforts made by us in R&D
We thought only Speilberg could do such marvels.
Sounds like a very advanced version of 'identificption machines' used in Minority Report.

Jai Ho.
It flys with low speed, can't it be shot down easily. High price for nothing, plus the way article was written was stupid.
how many cbu-105 india acquire by usa and also is India has any experience using any cluster bomb.
Harop, CBU-105: India's reply to terror squads

Shiv Aroor
New Delhi, March 18, 2010

India has been working to strengthen its forces to meet such challenges in future. Two latest additions to its arsenal - Harop and cluster bomb CBU-105 - are set to enhance India's striking capabilities against the enemies manifold.

Harop, an insect-like machine, is considered the world's smartest suicide bomber. With a super-sharp microchip as its brain and some of the world's most advanced sensors, Harop is a remote-controlled killer. India will soon deploy this devastating lone ranger against its enemies.

Take this as a case: a ship confirmed to be carrying armed terrorists with high explosives is detected on the high seas and is heading straight for Mumbai harbour at high speed. All efforts to engage the terrorists fail. Then a Harop is launched. It zips towards the terrorist vessel. Once above the vessel, it acquires the target and confirms the identity. With target locked, the suicide mission begins and the Harop smashes into the ship.

A Harop can play havoc with Pakistan's terror training camps across the LoC. It can be discreetly launched across enemy lines, low enough to evade enemy radar. It can loiter in enemy airspace and smash into a terror training camp.

India to get smartest cluster bomb

The other hunter killer that the Indian Air Force (IAF) is acquiring is CBU-105, considered the world's smartest cluster bomb. There has been tremendous opposition to it because of the collateral damage cluster bombs are known to cause. But sources told Headlines Today that this bomb is really smart - if a CBU-105 fails to locate its target, it self destructs.

Consider this - a column of Pakistani tanks rumble towards the Indian border, ready to blast their way into the country. The Indian border defences watch in horror as the Pakistani tanks approach. Then B-52 aircraft flies in and drops a CBU-105 bomb. A single bomb releases several small bomblets which identify their individual targets destroying them almost simultaneously.

The air force's most intelligent tank-killing weapon disintegrates freeing bombs from the main CBU-105 unit. Each bomblet, fitted with geared with a laser sensor, is a tiny little hunter-killer in its own right. Once the tank target is acquired, the fireworks begin. A tiny copper warhead is blasted with explosive energy downward. The tank doesn't even know what has hit it. :cheers:

The IAF will be the first foreign user of the American cluster bomb, the world's most blisteringly intelligent anti-tank weapon. It is called the bomb with brains and has been used only once in anger before.

Harop, CBU-105: India's reply to terror squads: India Today - Latest Breaking News from India, World, Business, Cricket, Sports, Bollywood.

when did india hav b-52 lol:rofl::rofl:
There is no point in wasting money on it. This toy will end up in republic day and wasteful war-games exercises and ofcourse its "simulated use" in media articles(fantasies) and newspapers to induce confidence in Indian people and prepare them for next 26/11.

India already has enough weapons to destroy terror camps, what it needs to buy is "guts". Unfortunately, its not sold in market.

Better spend that money on Semiconductor R&D in India & lure NRI scientists back to India by paying them 10 times what other nations pay them.
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Guys I have a doubt, but Isnt our LAKSHYA a pilotless drone aswell?? Which is remotely piloted by a ground control station....

lol the article has not been written properly.
Indian rabbit i read in an article that harrop has a speed of 100 knots.
Its max altitude is 6000m.I think is flies fast and high enogh to avoid enemy
gun fire.
but the the problem is that these drones self distruct after their patrolling time gets over.
10 million gone !
It can verry useful at patrolling when there is a credible threat
India should modify its own Lakshya and just buy the sensors from Israel, rather than wasting money on buying the whole crap which self-destroys itself rather than releasing just a bomb & returning to base.

Israel can afford such wasteful stuff because they have lot of money. India should use brain and fuse its own Lakshya with Israel sensors.

Atleast that would be something sensible than buying the whole thing.

But I won't be surprised if they bought whole thing which is nothing new. Because 1000 Carore into home-grown Lakshya project gives zero kickbacks to MoD babus but they get 200 carore bribe if 1000 carore goes to Israel's version of modified Lakshya.

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