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Pakistan deploys more troops on Indian border

Why does Pakistan need troops at the border with India? If India crosses or does hostile activity to Pakistan don't they know Pakistan will nuke them back to the stone age?:sniper:

You are talking about a nuclear device, it is not some firecracker you can toss into your neighbor's house and then giggle at his reaction.
If we nuke India, we effectively sign our own death warrant, if India's response does not destroy us, nuclear dust and radiation from our own device will.
Nuking India is a complete "LAST RESORT".
We defeated talibs in Bajor, Bunair, Malakand, Swat....

and ISAF ...only at marjah
where by the way taliban have full control at night according to reports generateing in west


as for india, its an enemy and it is doing what it does best...
LTTE is small example of indian involvement in other countries

Pakistan army may have defeated the Taliban.But what confuses me is that why aren't any international jornalists allowed in the frontline unlike the Iraq or Afghan war where journalists often went along with soilders to the main battle zone.One of CNNs international correspondent said he was getting frustrated as he was not being allowed to go byond a particular point.The question is has anyone seen the bodies of the dead Taliban fighters??
Pakistan army may have defeated the Taliban.But what confuses me is that why aren't any international jornalists allowed in the frontline unlike the Iraq or Afghan war where journalists often went along with soilders to the main battle zone.One of CNNs international correspondent said that he was getting frustrated as he was not being allowed to go byond a particular point.The question is has anyone seen the bodies of the dead Taliban fighters??

Journalists have been taken to the front line often:
Just check out some videos from here:
YouTube - Bajaur
You should see Al-Jazeera's documentry, "Battle for Bajaur".
And the journalists are not allowed to accompany troops to the frontline because the Taliban are desperate to take foreign prisoners for ransom from their respective countries, the soldiers can either fight or protect the journalists, in such a situation, they will not be able to fulfill heir defensive role..............
Pakistan army may have defeated the Taliban.But what confuses me is that why aren't any international jornalists allowed in the frontline unlike the Iraq or Afghan war where journalists often went along with soilders to the main battle zone.One of CNNs international correspondent said he was getting frustrated as he was not being allowed to go byond a particular point.The question is has anyone seen the bodies of the dead Taliban fighters??

Plenty, they aren't much to look at after you put two bullets through their heads........................:sniper:
NO seriously, I don't understand whats the point of having troops at the border with each other?
here is a line which some of the Indian jurnos can use ..!

After the Lahore bombings and the strategik dialogue with the US Pakistan has increased its troops at the Indian border thus promoting tensions ..:D

One Serious thought :
I guess the troops level is increased inorder to cater the low level infiltration from across the border . By having more troops ,it will certainly have an impact over the infiltration ops .. more ever ,considering the current shift in the reagional dynamics there could be a possibility that India might violate ceasefire and hence go back to the scenario which prevailed before the Afghan Invasion and in its early years .So taking under considerations those concerns, its a right move to increase troops level a lil bit just to avoid any evasive maneuvers created by sudden shelling and violation of a ceasefire "A stitch in time saves nine" ...!
NO seriously, I don't understand whats the point of having troops at the border with each other?

The point simply, my friend is to stop the other party from intruding into your country's territory, if no one is there to stop them they will just keep on marching.
Why may I ask you build a wall around your residence, use CCTV equipment and in some cases employ security guards, for security, to stop intruders, the very same reason is why we have armies.
here is a line which some of the Indian jurnos can use ..!

After the Lahore bombings and the strategik dialogue with the US Pakistan has increased its troops at the Indian border thus promoting tensions ..:D

One Serious thought :
I guess the troops level is increased inorder to cater the low level infiltration from across the border . By having more troops ,it will certainly have an impact over the infiltration ops .. more ever ,considering the current shift in the reagional dynamics there could be a possibility that India might violate ceasefire and hence go back to the scenario which prevailed before the Afghan Invasion and in its early years .So taking under considerations those concerns, its a right move to increase troops level a lil bit just to avoid any evasive maneuvers created by sudden shelling and violation of a ceasefire "A stitch in time saves nine" ...!

Now thats a mouthful !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:woot:
The point simply, my friend is to stop the other party from intruding into your country's territory, if no one is there to stop them they will just keep on marching.
Why may I ask you build a wall around your residence, use CCTV equipment and in some cases employ security guards, for security, to stop intruders, the very same reason is why we have armies.

arent Pakistani Rangers gaurds the border????
Armies dont do that job:cheers:
This step is the requirement of present time........
good step..:tup:
arent Pakistani Rangers gaurds the border????
Armies dont do that job:cheers:

Pakistan rangers are para-military, thus they are a second line force.
They "GAURD" the border but the Army "DEFENDS" the border.
Pakistan rangers are para-military, thus they are a second line force.
They "GAURD" the border but the Army "DEFENDS" the border.

thats what I am saying........Its job of Rangers.
need of army arises in case of conflict:angel:
thats what I am saying........Its job of Rangers.
need of army arises in case of conflict:angel:

Recent threats from Indian Govt and Military establishments have created a feeling of unease, it was necessary for the time being, and not all the Border with India is guarded by Rangers, Pakistan army has a full time presence at the LoC.
Pakistan army may have defeated the Taliban.But what confuses me is that why aren't any international jornalists allowed in the frontline unlike the Iraq or Afghan war where journalists often went along with soilders to the main battle zone.One of CNNs international correspondent said he was getting frustrated as he was not being allowed to go byond a particular point.The question is has anyone seen the bodies of the dead Taliban fighters??

It may sound circumstantial, but the reality is the majority of culprits fighting with the Pakistan Army are albeit bewildered fanatic terrorists, but none the less in some quarters still considered as Muslims. By showing their dead bodies in masses, no doubt some vested interests would try and capitalize on this situation, there are people on this forum who don't miss the opportunity of repeating and reminding us that we are fighting our own people while others rejoice in such triads as Muslims killing Muslims. How the menace of the suicide attacks on the main cities of Pakistan has been curtailed, is sufficient proof of Pakistan's determination and success in the WOT and should quieten the ardent critic.
Recent threats from Indian Govt and Military establishments have created a feeling of unease, it was necessary for the time being, and not all the Border with India is guarded by Rangers, Pakistan army has a full time presence at the LoC.

well, we both know that LOC is not border.

and dont know which threats you are talking about??
Plz explain
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