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As a pretext of WAR - Expect another Massive Terrorist Incident in India


Jul 21, 2009
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It is visible that India is itching for a war.

As a pretext, I am laying my reading of India's possible path to it. In order to offend, rage and prepare its countrymen against Pakistan and get a justification before international audience, Modi would need a terrorist incident in India of similar scale like 26/11, (could be of a religious nature. An attack on hindu temple is likely in which the temple god will be insulted or it could be about Kashmir and support from Pakistan will be shown).

However, Modi will use this terrorist attack to gather International sympathies and pile pressure on Pakistan to act against those terrorists or face war - and America too will pressurize Pakistan to give in to Indian terms and these terms will secretly include reversing/halting Pak-China Economic Corridor and Gawadar Port. Pakistan will be given its option to decide if it wants a war or reversal and also action against terrorists. (USA has already stopped appreciating Pakistan's effort on terrorism and has started complaining again that action against all terrorists is not being taken.)

If Pakistan chooses not to reverse its cooperation with China, expect another terrorist incident or high levels of skirmishes at border specifically in Kashmir region - all blamed at Pakistan and these will be the last one before war. India needs to stop Pakistan from economic corridor as otherwise, it will be an Indian neck-strap... and to reverse/deny that India is most likely to approach it on the pattern I mentioned above.

USA has been silent on this economic corridor and lease of Gawadar Port to China, yet its reaction can be witnessed by its recent generosity and offers of military hardware to India. From these developments, you can read who's side is USA going to stand.

Expect China to come-up with a defence pact with Pakistan sometime soon and expect it would interfere with Indian border in Arunachal Perdesh as a distraction tactic - which after assurance from America, India won't fall to. USA would use its pressure but would not participate in this war. Russia would stay neutral.

I think there is still some time before this starts happening, India needs Rafale and few more off the-shelf procurements before it thinks its ready. Mind the speed at which Indian defence deals are being cleared.

I am not for war but I see it coming and being imposed on Pakistan.

Its just my reading of reality but Allah knows the best.
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You don't get to pick a war. If it knocks on your door you must answer. It will be an honor to kill Modi's soldiers for Pakistan. Attacking Pakistan is suicide and that's exactly what is expected of Hindutva nationalists who harbor more delusions of vedic glory than logic and common sense.

If a war is imposed on us, it will NOT be limited, it will be a full scale war which will look like WW-1 and there will be millions of casualties. We have enough armed men to defeat them and write a new chapter in Dehli's history which would put Taimur and Mongols to shame.

Will afford it or not is not the question here, India is going for it. Its not the best time for Pakistan to undergo a war with India but for India - it is possible now or never.
It is visible that India is itching for a war.

As a pretext, I am laying my reading of India's possible path to it. In order to offend, rage and prepare its countrymen against Pakistan and get a justification before international audience, Modi would need a terrorist incident in India of similar scale like 26/11.

However, Modi will use this terrorist attack to gather International sympathies and pile pressure on Pakistan to act against those terrorists or face war - and America too will pressurize Pakistan to give up to Indian terms and these terms will secretly include reversing/halting Pak-China Economic Corridor. Pakistan will be given its option to decide if it wants a war or reversal and also action against terrorists. (USA has already stopped appreciating Pakistan's effort on terrorism and has started complaining again that action against all terrorists is not being taken.)

If Pakistan chooses not to reverse its cooperation with China, expect another terrorist incident or high levels of skirmishes at border specifically in Kashmir region - all blamed at Pakistan and these will be the last one before war. India needs to stop Pakistan from economic corridor as otherwise, it will be an Indian neck-strap... and to reverse/deny that India is most likely to approach it on the pattern I mentioned above.

USA has been silent on this economic corridor, yet its reaction can be witnessed by its recent generosity and offers of military hardware to India. From these developments, you can read who's side is USA going to stand.

Expect China to come-up with a defence pact with Pakistan sometime soon and expect it would interfere with Indian border in Arunachal Perdesh as a distraction effort - which after assurance from America, India won't fall to. USA would use its pressure but would not participate in this war. Russia would stay neutral.

Its just my reading of reality but Allah knows the best.

To much of dreaming, the main focus of India is to grow economically. We have a population bigger than Pakistan that is aspring to run faster and climb the success. And if there aspiration are not meet, its would be much bigger loss than wagging a war with pakistan. So as of now Modi's only aim is to ensure that ample job is created, business opportunities is created and industrialization happens. All other things are secondary for him and for the Nation.

CPEC might be the biggest thing that had happen in Pakistan and probably the only thing which you all eye upon for your growth and hence have a fear. For us the the biggest thing is doubling the GDP as fast as possible. If we can do that we can economically take care of dozens of CPEC kind of projects by raising a competition.

Modi can't afford a war with a country with 70 million armed citizens.
ha ha ha those 70 millions who would not even pay proper taxes for country, you are expecting to them to pay there life for country....
what is indian stance now on Gurdaspor attack ?
i mean intruders entered in uniform then changed cloths (shalwar kamees)

ou are expecting to them to pay there life for country....
crisis though cna change people overnight... smae desis follow all rules when they land UK, USA etc (though its just pressure not crisis)
You don't get to pick a war. If it knocks on your door you must answer. It will be an honor to kill Modi's soldiers for Pakistan. Attacking Pakistan is suicide and that's exactly what is expected of Hindutva nationalists who harbor more delusions of vedic glory than logic and common sense.

If a war is imposed on us, it will NOT be limited, it will be a full scale war which will look like WW-1 and there will be millions of casualties. We have enough armed men to defeat them and write a new chapter in Dehli's history which would put Taimur and Mongols to shame.

Some people still live in the era of Bin Qasim...
In current era the weapons and method of raging a war has changed.
Its now more economical and information war games. And is this game, Pakistan stands no where in front of India.

Chances of having full scale war in next to negligible in current era. And even if a situation like that arises, either Pakistan would be made to surrender by global forces or it will be destroyed completely by global forces in rage to get control over Nuclear Stocks.

And reason for that is that Pakistan Harbors a big stock of Nuclear war heads and in case of war with India, its ability to ensure safety of weapons or passing it on to proxies is the biggest challenge, that no country in world would like to see happening.
You don't get to pick a war. If it knocks on your door you must answer. It will be an honor to kill Modi's soldiers for Pakistan. Attacking Pakistan is suicide and that's exactly what is expected of Hindutva nationalists who harbor more delusions of vedic glory than logic and common sense.

If a war is imposed on us, it will NOT be limited, it will be a full scale war which will look like WW-1 and there will be millions of casualties. We have enough armed men to defeat them and write a new chapter in Dehli's history which would put Taimur and Mongols to shame.
Bang on target
We have enough armed men to defeat them and write a new chapter in Dehli's history which would put Taimur and Mongols to shame.
bro we are not vicious animals... we have to revive example of our Prophet SW.. anyway, anger had no place in war.. its vefy short lived

though command to launch nuclear assets couls revive mongols horrors..(some few words as destructive as thousands of armies combined)
Pakistan's nukes are not for proxies, they were built with the name of every Indian population center on them.

Some people still live in the era of Bin Qasim...
In current era the weapons and method of raging a war has changed.
Its now more economical and information war games. And is this game, Pakistan stands no where in front of India.

Chances of having full scale war in next to negligible in current era. And even if a situation like that arises, either Pakistan would be made to surrender by global forces or it will be destroyed completely by global forces in rage to get control over Nuclear Stocks.

And reason for that is that Pakistan Harbors a big stock of Nuclear war heads and in case of war with India, its ability to ensure safety of weapons or passing it on to proxies is the biggest challenge, that no country in world would like to see happening.
India is trying to distract pak army from western border where their own proxies are facing defeat
Pakistan's nukes are not for proxies, they were built with the name of every Indian population center on them.

Expect India to use Nuclear Weapons on Pakistan first. If India is choosing to rage war, it would try to minimise nuclear response from Pakistan as the "first things in war".
Pakistan's nukes are not for proxies, they were built with the name of every Indian population center on them.

Yes in no war situation they are meant that way, but in war when you cannot use them directly because of global pressure and fear of complete destruction there after, the proxies become front channel for Pakistan. Kargil is clear case, where you said its Mujahids / non state actors etc etc.
Only mercy in war is "speed" with which you slaughter your enemy. If we are incapable of a mass slaughter of Indian combatants, we should be ready to have them do to our women and children what they are doing in Kashmir. When a war starts whoever kills more wins.

bro we are not vicious animals... we have to revive example of our Prophet SW.. anyway, anger had no place in war.. its vefy short lived

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