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Second Russian warplane violates Turkish airspace as tensions escalate

I don't know about "2nd biggest". After all it is not like Turkey has nuclear deterrence with second launch capabilities of UK or France. The NATO's primary mission has always been the protection of Western Europe. That is the core mission of NATO.

I am talking about actual manpower and numbers
I am talking about actual manpower and numbers

Good. Then in that case, deal with Russian air force. Next time, one of their planes "harasses" you, shoot them down. See what happens next.
US will not do anything in the support of turkey against russia except "condemnation" .They know very well whom to mess with and russia is simply not in that list
Russia: Bad Weather Caused Jet To Violate Turkish Airspace

MOSCOW — Russia on Monday said one of its warplanes had briefly entered Turkish air space during raids in Syria at the weekend due to bad weather, after the incident sparked concern in Ankara and the West.

The defence ministry in Moscow said measures had been taken to prevent a repeat of such incidents in the future.

"This incident is a result of unfavorable weather conditions," the Russian defence ministry said in a statement.

"There is no need to look for some conspiracy theories."

Turkey said the Russian aircraft exited its airspace after it was intercepted by two Turkish F-16 fighter jets.

Moscow said that a Russian Su-30 warplane entered Turkish air space for "several seconds" on Saturday as it sought to return to Syria's Hmeimim air base after carrying out raids against Islamic State militants.

"The Hmeimim air base is located some 30 kilometers from the Syrian-Turkish border," the ministry said, adding that warplanes approach the airfield from the north under certain weather conditions.

Commanders of Russia's air forces, which are carrying out the Syria raids, analyzed the incident and had taken "necessary measures to prevent a repeat of such incidents in the future."

On Sunday, the Russian military had sent necessary explanations to Ankara via its embassy in Moscow, the defence ministry said.

The Turkish army also said that two Turkish jets were harassed by an unidentified Mig-29 fighter jet on the Syrian border Sunday.

But the Russian defence ministry said Moscow had nothing to do with that incident.

"There are no planes of this type at the Hmeimim air base," it said.

Earlier Monday NATO member Turkey warned Russia against violating its airspace during raids in Syria and NATO condemned the "extreme danger" of such intrusions.

US Secretary of State John Kerry for his part said the Russian warplane's "incursion" into the Turkish air space risked provoking a serious escalation
Good. Then in that case, deal with Russian air force. Next time, one of their planes "harasses" you, shoot them down. See what happens next.

I love the way you say "see what happens next". I almost jumped out of my chair to get some popcorn going...
Just make sure the popcorn is not radioactive. :lol:

Idk, if it gives me a shot at becoming a hulk, it might just be worth it. But then again its a long shot, like how it would be for countries to go nuclear just over a few jets. Huge increase in war of words might erupt like this one annoying country we have to deal with barking at us every morning giving us threats of various temperatures. :coffee:
turkey dont have the balls hehehhe
turkey usa and nato violates syria airspace all the time including israel
NATO planes violate Syrian airspace on a daily basis, but that's ok .... er because we say so. :girl_wacko:

Erdogan said Russia had no business in Syria because it did not have a border.

And then he called the US+alliance to support the moderate rebels more actively. After he spotted Ottoman-built mosque in Havana, now we have learned that the US, France, Qatar, KSA and many others had in fact border with Syria.

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Could be but Turkey is also bound by polices of NATO and has to abide by them even if it doesn't agree too much. In the news brief you could see very different reactions by turkey's def chief and Nato spokesperson with turkey being all friendly and nato flipping out.

Do you even know what you are talking about bro?o_O As usual you are trying to say its the E.U and U.S who have been forcing Turkey to back the rebels against Assad all along. Typical Muslim middle eastern mentality always putting the blame on the west and not themselves for their own actions. lol

For your information, Turkey has been one of Assad's fiercest opponent/critic and the main backer/supporter of the rebels fighting Assad. Left for Turkey alone, Assad should have been toppled long ago. Turkey has been pleading with the U.S/U.K/E.U to intervene and topple Assad for years now, though the U.S/UK/E.U have been reluctant to intervene militarily/launch a full scale invasion of Syria due to our own public opposition to any wars in the region.So its funny to see someone trying to pass the blame on NATO for forcing Turkey to act the way it has been doing/backing the rebels. Turkey has its own interests and policies, it has nothing to do with the 'evil' U.S/E.U. So suggest you look for another excuse to justify your 'brother' Turkey's action in Syria. lol

Truth is Turkey is obviously not happy about Russia's intervention and even more so Russian fighters continuous violation of its airspace. However, there is nothing much Turkey can do apart from scrambling its own fighters to intercept and escort Russian war planes away from its territory like most countries do. So no big deal really.:bounce:

outside of USA , Turkey is the 2nd biggest power in NATO
if they are not gonna support one of their biggest powers , then what is the point of the union


I am talking about actual manpower and numbers
By that measure India should be the second biggest power in the world. same with North Korea, which should be among the the top 4 biggest powers in the world.:rofl: China should also be the world mightiest power dwarfing the U.S by far.:lol:
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Yes, NATO is good for protecting Western Europe. I do not think NATO will ever even seriously contemplate to go to war with Russia and risk World War III to protect a Muslim state. Do you think Danish, French, Belgians and Americans would want to die in a nuclear fireball to protect a Muslim state named Turkey?

It seems Russia is willing to sacrifice Russian lives for another Muslim state called Syria. How does that work? Is Russia a Muslim state?
When NATO do its ok when some other do .............. blah blah blah
Russian aircraft have flown into the US air defence zone (the airspace equivalent of the 12 nmi coastal waters) over Alaska repeatedly. Do you hear much about that?

It seems Russia is willing to sacrifice Russian lives for another Muslim state called Syria. How does that work? Is Russia a Muslim state?
Real politik. Syria is Russia's only remaining ally in the Middle East.
Erdogan said Russia had no business in Syria because it did not have a border.

And then he called the US+alliance to support the moderate rebels more actively. After he spotted Ottoman-built mosque in Havana, now we have learned that the US, France, Qatar, KSA and many others had border with Syria.

Just read the post of Mike. His borderline arrogance and insanity is very much the exemplary brainwashed sheeple we have in the US dominated part of the world.

Russian aircraft have flown into the US air defence zone (the airspace equivalent of the 12 nmi coastal waters) over Alaska repeatedly. Do you hear much about that?

Real politik. Syria is Russia's only remaining ally in the Middle East.

Hey, remember:

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