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Let us analyse Bihar elections

Yes.. A lame duck government. Unless Modi wants to learn correct lessons and kick out AS and Jaitley.
I doubt anything of that sort is going to happen. Modi is obstinate himself. Either he will march strongly to greater radicalism or straight to failure.
Foreign tours like this we have never seen so many foreign tours by modi that he has left india on foul mouthed leaders to make merry with stupid comments

Even illiterate villagers laugh and crack Jokes at him. Even for supporters these celebrations in stadiums look embarrassing. Wonder who is his adviser.
daily jang's news top headline today
I doubt anything of that sort is going to happen. Modi is obstinate himself. Either he will march strongly to greater radicalism or straight to failure.

Thats what I am afraid of. We probably over estimated the guy. 2019 is very difficult if Adityanaths are not controlles and more allies not won over.
It's not about egos anymore. The India story is over for now. Expect populism to take over here on. The 'secular' camp will milk this victory to their fullest. There will be great consolidation of 'secular' forces. I doubt 'communal' Hindus will ever be able to overcome that. That is me being honest. :P

There is no synergy bro between what RSS wishes to change and what strong personality leader like modi is able to concede and this has created mess of sorts

Even illiterate villagers laugh and crack Jokes at him. Even for supporters these celebrations in stadiums look embarrassing. Wonder who is his adviser.

Well unfortunately instead of changing there way of running a govt they are blaming media and defeated cong for all this mess
It's not about egos anymore. The India story is over for now. Expect populism to take over here on. The 'secular' camp will milk this victory to their fullest. There will be great consolidation of 'secular' forces. I doubt 'communal' Hindus will ever be able to overcome that. That is me being honest. :P

There is no secular camp amongst the common Hindus and Muslims, they are more concerned with bettering their lot. The people are largely indifferent unless provoked externally.

Agent Provocateurs like the media and politicians are the ones which have camps and agenda.
There is no secular camp amongst the common Hindus and Muslims, they are more concerned with bettering their lot
Not in Bihar and UP. The 'cow belt' works differently. BJP should lose other states as well, if the opposition unites as in Bihar. It is impossible for BJP to win any election single handedly. And no major regional party will ally with BJP because making money will be out of the question.
Not in Bihar and UP. The 'cow belt' works differently. BJP should lose other states as well, if the opposition unites as in Bihar. It is impossible for BJP to win any election single handedly. And no major regional party will ally with BJP because making money will be out of the question.

One thing is for sure. Single party dominance is not going to work in Hindi belt anymore. BJP will have to cede some space to allies. In UP, BSP can be a good ally . Maya will ask for CM seat and she should be given that. I however think Maya will go with Congress. Corruption if not visible, is not a big factor in aam aadmi's views. Thats something BJP should ponder over.
Not in Bihar and UP. The 'cow belt' works differently. BJP should lose other states as well, if the opposition unites as in Bihar. It is impossible for BJP to win any election single handedly. And no major regional party will ally with BJP because making money will be out of the question.

In other words BJP's success has now become the major reason for it's defeat. Ironic
beef is banned as per law so its illegal to consume it, what ever is consumed is illegal and is subject to punishments upt o 10 yrs if caught eating
ohhh poor biharis now whats options in their BBQ?
still better then ghunda raj of RSS and shiv sena bhai jaan .
well yopu have no idea about gunda raj under lalu last time he was in power just small hint of it is in movie gangs of waseypur but jo hua achha hua :D
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