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yo, have a quick question, saw your name is members online list: is this a Sikh look? I'm being BS'd that this guy is a Sikh, i'm saying the headcover is not a turban and dude doesn't look Indian/Sikh but Middle Eastern.


Come on man. What else are you going to believe that shows up on something called khilafah news?

Come on man. What else are you going to believe that shows up on something called khilafah news?


Could you please just answer the question? Pic is photoshop, that's not in dispute. Ethnicity of the man is.

yo, have a quick question, saw your name is members online list: is this a Sikh look? I'm being BS'd that this guy is a Sikh, i'm saying the headcover is not a turban and dude doesn't look Indian/Sikh but Middle Eastern.

He took the pic with that book?

Could you please just answer the question? Pic is photoshop, that's not in dispute. Ethnicity of the man is.
He is Sikh.

yo, have a quick question, saw your name is members online list: is this a Sikh look? I'm being BS'd that this guy is a Sikh, i'm saying the headcover is not a turban and dude doesn't look Indian/Sikh but Middle Eastern.


Man in original photo can be sikh,but its obviously photoshopped.I can't remember any single incident of sikh terrorism killing people in western countries in my lifetime.Sikhs are largely well integrated.
For all the Tarki in PDF, I dont know why you all keep posting so many women photo in PDF,
Especially Ayan Ali .............:mad:

The best women is the one who like us so much, not the ones who even never meet us, please stop worshiping them......... :coffee:


I already have some of your Masterpieces in my private folder ....dont lure me again...I lost my focus in PDF

My boy wanted my laptop to play mine craft----so he hooked up the chrome book to the tv thru hdmi---. Now I have a 46" screen to look at.
Once a fisherman got up very early on a Sunday morning. Since it was very dark, He decided to pass time. He found a sack full of little pebbles. He began tosing them into the river high and far. Atlast when he had only one pebble left, The sun rose. He saw the pebble, he was holding and It was a diamond. He then realised that, He had just thrown a sackful of diamonds.
NEVER Get up so early on a Sunday morning......!!!!!!
got it this morng
@S.U.R.B. @levina
how r u doing ppl?
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