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Issues of Indian Muslims in US not different from those in India



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Nov 1, 2005
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Issues of Indian Muslims in US not different from those in India

WASHINGTONL: The issues facing Indian Muslims in America are not too different from Indian Muslims living in India, except for their living standard and access to education and other opportunities, says president of the Indian Muslim Council-USA.

In an interview, published on Saturday by Hindustan Times, Rasheed Ahmed, president of the Indian Muslim Council-USA (IMC-USA), said, “When I say they are not too different from Indian Muslims, what I mean is just like the larger community in India does not understand the unique challenges of Muslims, the larger Indian American community in America does not understand them either.”

He said Indian Muslims by and large are a well to do community in the US. A significant number of them are professionals – from engineers to doctors. More Indian Muslims are entering trade and other businesses.

He admitted that after 9/11 there was a pause in Muslims participating in mainstream American politics. But of late, there is a grassroots effort going on.

“Muslims in the US come from over 65 countries and have very diverse backgrounds. Yet there is a remarkable cooperation and a sense of community that can be used for more cohesiveness and maturity.”

IMC-USA was formed in 2002, after the Gujarat riots in India. ppi

Issues of Indian Hindus/Christians in US are not different from that of those in India either.

larger community in India does not understand the unique challenges of Muslims, the larger Indian American community in America does not understand them either

How about the other way around ?
It means 'We're all living in a dog eat dog world. Stop feeling special and get along with the world.'
Yeah next time Hindu's complain about their religious symbols being used on a pair of running shoes. Just let them know that it is a "dog eat dog world".
Yeah next time Hindu's complain about their religious symbols being used on a pair of running shoes. Just let them know that it is a "dog eat dog world".

Why bother ?

Quite a lot of non-Muslims already know that. We've seen them acknowledging that it in our lives.
Why bother ?

Quite a lot of non-Muslims already know that. We've seen them acknowledging that it in our lives.

Of course they have acknowledged it and their complaints to the NIKE corporation was evidence of this.......

Wasn't there a song that used Hindu words/symbols as well.....(Aerosmith/sony.Complaints there as well....

oh and the groups complaining about the misrepresentation of ganesh they were acknowledging it as well.

And isn't there a organisation called American Hindu defamation coalition. yes it is a dog eat dog world out here huh :lol:
No murders. No large scale rioting and violence.

The vast majority of Hindu's are not bothered with Nike stuff. Nobody put up a fatwa on Dan Brown. Nobody is doing a Buddhist equivalent of Jihad against the Chinese for occupation of Tibet. Not a bad word on Buddha despite oppression of Tamils by Sinhalese in the name of 'his religion'.

The vast majority of the non-Muslim world is not bothered with religion.
No murders. No large scale rioting and violence.

The vast majority of Hindu's are not bothered with Nike stuff. Nobody put up a fatwa on Dan Brown. Nobody is doing a Buddhist equivalent of Jihad against the Chinese for occupation of Tibet. Not a bad word on Buddha despite oppression of Tamils by Sinhalese in the name of 'his religion'.

The vast majority of the non-Muslim world is not bothered with religion.

Ok the above is almost farcical in it's misguided beliefs.
Hmmm wonder where that picture of Hindu's burning a Quran is? I must go and look it up.

Wonder why the Serbs persecuted the Bosnian Muslims (who had pretty much ditched all of the signs and symbols of the religion and for all intents and purposes were no different to any other person there.)

Wonder what the "troubles" in Northern Ireland between Catholics and protestants is all about?

What about the Sikhs who threatened a theatre in the U.K. when they showed a play which defamed their religion.

Just because you don't see it doesn't mean it is not there.
Yeah next time Hindu's complain about their religious symbols being used on a pair of running shoes. Just let them know that it is a "dog eat dog world".


I have a t-shirt with a religious symbol and my ex had a panties made of it...Yes it is a dog eats dog world. Maybe those Hindu's made hue and cry while you folks have been killing,rioting calling for death( cartoon issue) etc etc.. we are a bit more civilized that way.

I have a t-shirt with a religious symbol and my ex had a panties made of it...Yes it is a dog eats dog world. Maybe those Hindu's made hue and cry while you folks have been killing,rioting calling for death( cartoon issue) etc etc.. we are a bit more civilized that way.

I refer you to the religious violence that occurs in India for examples of Hindu religious violence.Of course Hindu's never riot and kill at all:lol:

and the pictures of those Hindu guys who seem to go out of their way to start trouble by knocking down religious places and burning Qurans.

Yes you are very civilised:lol:

spare me please.......
No murders. No large scale rioting and violence.

The vast majority of Hindu's are not bothered with Nike stuff. Nobody put up a fatwa on Dan Brown. Nobody is doing a Buddhist equivalent of Jihad against the Chinese for occupation of Tibet. Not a bad word on Buddha despite oppression of Tamils by Sinhalese in the name of 'his religion'.

The vast majority of the non-Muslim world is not bothered with religion.

if you are talking about the sinhalese that are in sri lanka thin what in blue hell are the tamil freaken tigers, may i remind you madam they are considered a terrorist organisetion by the US and most european countries also they are the ones that were the very first suicide bombers.
if you are talking about the sinhalese that are in sri lanka thin what in blue hell are the tamil freaken tigers, may i remind you madam they are considered a terrorist organisetion by the US and most european countries also they are the ones that were the very first suicide bombers.

I dont think he was supporting LTTE, which is a terrorist organization of the highest order
Hindus are not at all extremists i totaly agree and to prove this i present you the clips below.
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