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Does Pakistan needs a secret Ops overseas hit squad?

I am thinking secret ops hit squad like Mossad going around hunting terrorist in capitals which are providing them safe heaven...There are many abettors of terrorism in Pakistan which needs to be silenced..when are we going to get out of this pacifist mode and get a little proactive.?
We already do; they are called the Zarrar company but are very classified.



Im all for that and had heard abt an ultra classified ISI team of assassins used to exist long ago That team had the best of the best pakistan had to offer at time and was of just 4-6 men.

Dont know about its status after 90s, but yes as time is passing we must have such teams who cn tke out our targets in America, Europe, Afghanistan, India and so on.
A proven set of capability to neutralize HVTs in foreign countries exists. Throughout the 70s, 80s and 90s various HVTs were neutralized in a number of countries. People like Tarek Fatah are just circus clowns, their job is to carry out media stunts in return for a retirement package. Stated capability is not deployed against circus clowns, it is deployed against elements who are posing an unavoidable threat to your foreign or domestic objectives or are aiding terrorism.

Such HVTs are most often protected by the secret services of their host countries who also provide armed cover for their stay so they are free to carry out their activities in Pakistan which makes it hard for them to be intercepted. Most international players do have such capabilities often called in the pop culture as the "Black Ops". Having established the existence of this capability, i must stress though that neutralizing an HVT in an XYZ country is not always a "solution", though it may be a tempting mirage of a solution.

Mossad has been operating such units throughout its existence, so much so that in Israeli intelligence community, assassinations are considered a form of 'art'. Mossad can also be credited with making Israel more "unsafe" through such stunts because they draw way too much unwanted attention while offering little tactical advantages to shift the scales on a given operation.

It is relatively easy to neutralize a HVT in a foreign country from an operational point of view, heck even MQM can do it and see how it turned out for them. Whats not so easy is to "pacify" the HVT or to make him/her "irrelevant" to for example a terrorist organization in Pakistan. While assassinations offer a quick impression of a fix and domestic public does get to see and smirk over it, the problem doesn't go away. If your aim is to solve the problem then you need to take a subtle, less deadly approach to end the conflict or an insurgency.

@somebozo @Hyperion @Icarus @balixd
We totally agree, assassinations are shortsighted to say the least. There are much better ways to accomplish such goals, however, none of them can be discussed openly.

A proven set of capability to neutralize HVTs in foreign countries exists. Throughout the 70s, 80s and 90s various HVTs were neutralized in a number of countries. People like Tarek Fatah are just circus clowns, their job is to carry out media stunts in return for a retirement package. Stated capability is not deployed against circus clowns, it is deployed against elements who are posing an unavoidable threat to your foreign or domestic objectives or are aiding terrorism.

Such HVTs are most often protected by the secret services of their host countries who also provide armed cover for their stay so they are free to carry out their activities in Pakistan which makes it hard for them to be intercepted. Most international players do have such capabilities often called in the pop culture as the "Black Ops". Having established the existence of this capability, i must stress though that neutralizing an HVT in an XYZ country is not always a "solution", though it may be a tempting mirage of a solution.

Mossad has been operating such units throughout its existence, so much so that in Israeli intelligence community, assassinations are considered a form of 'art'. Mossad can also be credited with making Israel more "unsafe" through such stunts because they draw way too much unwanted attention while offering little tactical advantages to shift the scales on a given operation.

It is relatively easy to neutralize a HVT in a foreign country from an operational point of view, heck even MQM can do it and see how it turned out for them. Whats not so easy is to "pacify" the HVT or to make him/her "irrelevant" to for example a terrorist organization in Pakistan. While assassinations offer a quick impression of a fix and domestic public does get to see and smirk over it, the problem doesn't go away. If your aim is to solve the problem then you need to take a subtle, less deadly approach to end the conflict or an insurgency.

@somebozo @Hyperion @Icarus @balixd
We totally agree, assassinations are shortsighted to say the least. There are much better ways to accomplish such goals, however, none of them can be discussed openly.
Do you mean Jinns? :D

We are talking intelligence ops here..not one said murder..it could be something as mundane as stealing a shoe..

I see living in Germany hasn't changed your old habit of stealing shoes & slippers from outside the masjid :lol::lol::lol:
As long as you are not discovered and not acknowledge it...you are fine..
In this day and age? Neither is possible.

Mossad have killed many Hamas and Arab leaders like that in Europe and their own homelands....... They even exterminated key Iraqi nuclear scientists in Europe.......
If a person is declared threat...... then upon his killing by secret ops must not create any global political backlash.......
Again, that's because they have US backing. Pakistan doesn't, and China wouldn't be able to protect Pakistan from the consequences.
Yes, I am advocating the Idea since long. We need the "hit and run" squad in our neighboring countries to deal with guys those are out of our reach and threat to our national security.

P.S. You can call them black ops/ assassins / secret ops.
Perhaps such a team needs to at the very least have a quiet word with Amrulah Saleh.
When you kill a CEO of a company, the position will be filled by some other guy. Same is the case in terror groups.
Well to start with..there are number of names..
Altafu Hussien
Tarek Fatah

Who else needs to be silenced?
Do you even think before you write ? both of them are British & Canadian Read : (NATO) citizens
If such a foolish ops is ever launched, do you even know what will be the retaliation ? M16/Cia will come in full form with their own list of ISI/Army Generals that they would love to take out , & believe you me they sure as hell can , so how will you guys deal with the backlash ?

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