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Not Even Kabul Is Safe from the Taliban


Jan 20, 2013
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United States
Sobering article by none other than Dexter Filkins on the New Yorker. Article here, excerpts below:

Atrio of true believers from the Taliban blew themselves up in downtown Kabul today, leaving behind the sort of macabre tableau that much of the world has become sadly used to: writhing bodies, severed limbs, wailing mothers. At least thirty people died in the attack, and more than three hundred people were maimed and wounded. But here’s a question worth posing, even now—indeed, especially now, in the fifteenth year of the American war in Afghanistan. What on Earth could the Taliban’s commanders hope to gain from such an act of mass murder, in which many, if not most, of the victims were civilians?


Under such circumstances, why would the Taliban ever sit down with the government in Kabul and make a deal? At this point, in the spring of 2016, events are proceeding exactly how they want them to.
Waiting for someone to get up and blame Pakistan for that too.
Well, ask your foreign secretary. He admitted providing shelter to Taliban just last month.
I was expecting someone from our western side to raise a point, surprisingly our eastern neighbor is more worried than the western one.
I have heard NDS building was attacked? @A-Team
Afghan Taliban pose a credible threat the the Afghanistan government. Unless, all participants are not sincere in the peace talks, Afghanistan might not see peace for a long time.
With many areas out of government control and many areas under high threat, Afghanistan needs to act fast.
I was expecting someone from our western side to raise a point, surprisingly our eastern neighbor is more worried than the western one.

But he has a point.

I have heard NDS building was attacked? @A-Team
Afghan Taliban pose a credible threat the the Afghanistan government. Unless, all participants are not sincere in the peace talks, Afghanistan might not see peace for a long time.
With many areas out of government control and many areas under high threat, Afghanistan needs to act fast.

Well the ANSF is kicking their butt all over the place, these cowards cant fight the ANSF but rather resort to killing civilians.
Even the mighty ISI+Pak army was not able to stop the Peshawar massacre, reason being terrorising the innocent is not like conquering the moon, you just need a couple of brainwashed maggots.

BUT whats important is that Talis are losing the war in a strategic sense because the 99 percent of the Afghans stand behind the ANSF and the NUG and that is the winning formula.

Talis will make peace or we will continue killing them, here is a good example of Hekmatyar who is now practically begging to make peace with us, the same fate relies to the Talis.
Well the ANSF is kicking their butt all over the place, these cowards cant fight the ANSF but rather resort to killing civilians.
Even the mighty ISI+Pak army was not able to stop the Peshawar massacre, reason being terrorising the innocent is not like conquering the moon, you just need a couple of brainwashed maggots.

BUT whats important is that Talis are losing the war in a strategic sense because the 99 percent of the Afghans stand behind the ANSF and the NUG and that is the winning formula.

Talis will make peace or we will continue killing them, here is a good example of Hekmatyar who is now practically begging to make peace with us, the same fate relies to the Talis.
Firstly, you did not answer the question. Was NDS building attacked?
Secondly, Afghan Taliban and TTP are completely different groups. We can discuss it in a spread thread.
Thirdly, yes the ANSF might have gained some victories, but the ground situation is quite bad.
I might he wrong as I am speaking from Pakistan and you from Afghanistan, but many people are of the view that Afghan Taliban have local support and many citizens support them.

You are quite naive to think that Afghan Taliban are losing. Your previous posts picture you pretty ill informed about ground realities and the role of Pakistan. The Afghan government is not sincere for peace. We lost a chance when peace talks were stalled due to the revelation. Your government blames Pakistan frequently. The reason for the situation in Afghanistan is the government itself. And then, as the saying goes in Pakistan :
"Oulta choor qutwaal ko dante. " or something like that...
But he has a point.

Well the ANSF is kicking their butt all over the place, these cowards cant fight the ANSF but rather resort to killing civilians.
Even the mighty ISI+Pak army was not able to stop the Peshawar massacre, reason being terrorising the innocent is not like conquering the moon, you just need a couple of brainwashed maggots.

BUT whats important is that Talis are losing the war in a strategic sense because the 99 percent of the Afghans stand behind the ANSF and the NUG and that is the winning formula.

Talis will make peace or we will continue killing them, here is a good example of Hekmatyar who is now practically begging to make peace with us, the same fate relies to the Talis.
You may take a sarcastic dig at the Pak army, but let me assure you in a head to head battle we can decimate any military force in your nation including your mighty ANA without breaking a sweat.
Firstly, you did not answer the question. Was NDS building attacked?
Secondly, Afghan Taliban and TTP are completely different groups. We can discuss it in a spread thread.
Thirdly, yes the ANSF might have gained some victories, but the ground situation is quite bad.
I might he wrong as I am speaking from Pakistan and you from Afghanistan, but many people are of the view that Afghan Taliban have local support and many citizens support them.

You are quite naive to think that Afghan Taliban are losing. Your previous posts picture you pretty ill informed about ground realities and the role of Pakistan. The Afghan government is not sincere for peace. We lost a chance when peace talks were stalled due to the revelation. Your government blames Pakistan frequently. The reason for the situation in Afghanistan is the government itself. And then, as the saying goes in Pakistan :
"Oulta choor qutwaal ko dante. " or something like that...

- So you say that you are sitting in Pakistan and yet you have more clear picture of how the Tali maggots are doing in Afghanistan than I do? Thats an oxymoron my friend.

- Can you tell me whats the difference between TTP an Afghan Taliban ?

You may take a sarcastic dig at the Pak army, but let me assure you in a head to head battle we can decimate any military force in your nation including your mighty ANA without breaking a sweat.

Stop trolling me man, I have no interest in arguing with you. Keep away.
So stop taking digs at our armed forces!

Nobody is making fun of the Pak security institutions, I was taking a stance that even the most disciplined institutions sometimes fail to defend against these maggots. What happened in the US, Brussels, Paris are other good examples of such episodes.

Stop reading between the lines.
- So you say that you are sitting in Pakistan and yet you have more clear picture of how the Tali maggots are doing in Afghanistan than I do? Thats an oxymoron my friend.

- Can you tell me whats the difference between TTP an Afghan Taliban ?
Please kindly go through my post again and reply to all my queries.

As for the situation, I might he sitting in Islamabad, but the information I have is confirmed by everyday news coming from Afghanistan. From ANSF personnel defecting to Afghan Taliban to gaining ground. You are quite ill informed as I said before...
You are always welcome to prove me wrong...
take care!
Pdf should ban whomever support afghan taliban.

I support Afghan Taliban because they were the legitimate rulers of Afghanistan before the American invasion and they deserve to govern Afghanistan again.
I support Afghan Taliban because they were the legitimate rulers of Afghanistan before the American invasion and they deserve to govern Afghanistan again.
By your logic TTP is the 'legitimate ruler' of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa and BLA is the 'legitimate ruler' of Baluchistan. Tell me, did Afghan people ask for Taliban government in 1994 ?

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