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They Hatin see us Rolling they hatin

There are no peaks high enough where the green flag has not been waved

Mount Everest conquered

Pakistani spirit drives the Youth forward on world stage
I still remember a clip from some Indian news, in which a wierd woman with an annoying voice was excited and shouting that Pakistan will finish in 6 months, and that loser ever hosted a panel discussing about this scenario, all douchebags were jumping over it and literally drooling over this scenario. Yet here we are stronger than ever, peace should prevail in subcontinent, but be assured majority of the Indian population has not accepted the reality of 1947 and will continue to be in denial for the next 1000 years, Pakistan's military and strategic assets are vital, we face a existential threat from our eastern neighbor as this mindset is a secret fetish among their civilian and defence establishment !!!

Majority of Indians more than 60% are born after 1970s .
Neither they have time nor interest in thinking matters about Pakistan .

If Pakistan can build up a good nation then that is good only for your people .Neighbours dont have to worry about it .

On topic : I am curious .Why should they repeat the same thing again and again .?
Winston Churchill said same thing about India .But do we actually care ?

I still remember a clip from some Indian news, in which a wierd woman with an annoying voice was excited and shouting that Pakistan will finish in 6 months, and that loser ever hosted a panel discussing about this scenario, all douchebags were jumping over it and literally drooling over this scenario. Yet here we are stronger than ever, peace should prevail in subcontinent, but be assured majority of the Indian population has not accepted the reality of 1947 and will continue to be in denial for the next 1000 years, Pakistan's military and strategic assets are vital, we face a existential threat from our eastern neighbor as this mindset is a secret fetish among their civilian and defence establishment !!!

Majority of Indians more than 60% are born after 1970s .
Neither they have time nor interest in thinking matters about Pakistan .

If Pakistan can build up a good nation then that is good only for your people .Neighbours dont have to worry about it .

On topic : I am curious .Why should they repeat the same thing again and again .?
Winston Churchill said same thing about India .But do we actually care ?
The facts state that Pakistan:

Is a nuclear equipped nation

Has the worlds 6th largest active military

Is part of the next 11

Played a crucial role in defeating the Soviets in Afghanistan, which played a large part in destroying the USSR

Has successfully defended itself from almost 70 years of constant aggression from India

Is crushing militants, something that even NATO with their fancy equipment cannot do

Has one of the lowest poverty rates in South Asia

Holds the worlds 3rd largest English speaking population

Holds multiple world records for things varying from the worlds tallest cake to the largest number of fighter jets shot down in under a minute

Is lucky enough to have all types of weather, from snowfall to blistering heat

Is blessed with wonderful landscapes, from deserts to forests to snowy mountains


I could go on and on, but the fact is Pakistan is a wonderful country, despite the problems it faces. Once they are removed, I have no doubt Pakistan will become one of the worlds greatest nations, mark my words.
dear you are right but if someone starts to make a list of our failures and dis honesty it will be even lengthy then this one. as far as our natural resources are concerned .yes we are blessed but we have failed miserably in using these resources for the maximum benefit and progress of the country
:D Pakistan will not be there and Pakistanis still everywhere.

Mark my words Pakistan in international politics is like Fazlur Rehman in Pakistani politics who is a must for every government for formation even with a one seat.
In my 35 year life, I am hearing these stupid predictions about Pakistans collapse, however Pakistan is there and progressing well.

Where as I have seen this in last 35 years.

Soviet union vanished and dozen countries appeared.

Yougslavia disintegrated in 3 countries.

Afghanistan is destroyed to ashes twice.

Iraq and Syria turned in to hell and going to hell.

Lybia destroyed by uncle Sam.
Iran went through serious economic crises due to sanctions.

North Korea facing world isolation sanctions.

Turkey started to be targeted by terrorists on daily basis.

European union countries facing severe economic crises, 2 countries went for bail out packages.

I can list a dozens of other failed states and there failure but let the world bark.

We can improve a lot but the sick mentality of our enemies makes us more loyal to Pakistan.

Bangladesh :D
Below is a piece of Iqbal's address in 1930;

India is a continent of human groups belonging to different races, speaking different languages, and professing different religions [...] Personally, I would like to see the Punjab, North-West Frontier Province, Sindh and Baluchistan amalgamated into a single State.

The guy who dreamt of Pakistan had some authority (I am not sure why he didn't name Bengal at the time). Believe me, Pakistan will stay.
Because Bengal was not meant to part of Pakistan intially; but a separate state in hr own right. It was a strategic mistake to accept a people so vastly different in race, langugage, culture and distance albeit the same religion. Perhaps East Pakistan should have been given its independence right after 1947; as the British would never have allowed an independent Bengal from the get go?
Because Bengal was not meant to part of Pakistan intially; but a separate state in hr own right. It was a strategic mistake to accept a people so vastly different in race, langugage, culture and distance albeit the same religion. Perhaps East Pakistan should have been given its independence right after 1947; as the British would never have allowed an independent Bengal from the get go?

No wonder this fellow always looks so angry


For most Pakistanis the image may not be familiar, but this man was the mover of your famous Lahore Resolution or "Pakistan" Resolution (though the word "Pakistan" was nowhere to be found in it, after all the word "Pakistan" was a "gift from the Hindus" as Jinnah described it! :p:) in 1940 which promised "Muslim provinces" (not one but "provinces") to be carved out of British India which later your Qaid E Azam described to have been "printing mistakes".
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So much for reading Pakistani textbooks
i m quite shocked with your general knowledge because whether with the britisher's or before them INDIA as a subcontinent was never under one flag instead of finding photos from google read history thoroughly and you'll know that INDIA was never under single ruler it was always under multiple rulling powers....... so go and read books rather than AKHAND BHARAT or whatever you call it :P :D
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How many nations on earth have to face a nation 8 times there size that has abundant access to the world's most sophisticated weapons and has the backing of the entire west? And on top of that, the same nation has been officially targeted for termination by the world's most powerful nation, america? NO nation on earth or that has ever existed has had to face the same security threats that Pakistan does. The fact that we have survived for nearly 70 years despite this is a miracle in itself.

I appreciate the fact those nations who were behind us economically in the 60s are now 10x ahead of us but they at no point faced our security threats. Not to mention the fact that we had to face off the soviet union.
So you are saying Pakistan existence is totally based on the decision and policies taking by some other nation or neighbours .Pathetic
Check the list of the biggest reciever of US aid and come back with a smile :D
Surviving on US donation, and claiming US about to collapse. Petty !!
Check the list of biggest US aid receiver and come back with a smile :P :D

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