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Don't Be Scared to Squeeze Pakistan

I hope decision / policy making apparatus of Pakistan understand that the events of the past several months shows a serious change in the policies of the US / West vis-a-vis Pakistan. Pakistan needs a serious pivot for its polices towards its neighbours and its international partners otherwise I am afraid it will be isolated further.
For starters " Get a young, energetic and empowered FM", make peace with Afghanistan and kick all the Talis out, this woul be a sound start.

It is totally up to the Pakistani leadership to decide their national course of action as a sovereign nation.
And how is the US going to do that,with what leverage?

- Pressurize IMF / World Bank / ADB and other economic entities to slow down its workings with Pakistan.
- Stop US economic and military support to Pakistan
- Put selective people in the military establishment on a sanction list.
- Prude EU to cuts its economic and military dealings with Pakistan.

I think there are hundreds of ways where the US can really hurt Pakistan if she wants too
kick all the Talis out, this woul be a sound start.

Yes we have kicked out TTP talis but their new host is very compassionate about them. And rest of afg talibans they are hiding under the cover of afghan refugees, inshallah their fate has also decided.
BTW did you hear the statement of interior minister of Baluchistan about afghan refugees?
Exactly, the US can seriously hurt Pakistan by pressurising IMF, World Bank and other economic bodies. People forget that with all its flaws the US is still the sole military and economic power in the world, China, Russia and others will think twice if they were to seriously endanger US interests.

You underestimate China here. Do you think China would just let US waste its billion dollars of investment in Pakistan and that which it plans to do in CPEC. Yes US can squeeze the economic bodies but do remember US has once already tried that during the 90s. Pakistan was under crippling sanctions and more so when we tested our nuclear weapons but that did not change our resolve. Infact if it did achieve anything was to make Pakistan self reliant. We would have never seen the likes of JF-17, Al-Khalid tanks and our missile program including cruise missile program had it not been for the US sanctions. I highly doubt if the US would want to take that similar approach towards Pakistan. The outcome would be the same. However what i think they might would want to do would be some sort of military misadventure against us. That is where i said that Pakistan policy makers need to wake up and smell the coffee. This time the threat is not economics but military and we need to prepare for it.
This website "national interest" always post topics against Pakistan and Yahoo-India keep it top of their data stack deliberately. One shouldn't give much importance to some random writers every now and then.
The only thing worse than being a enemy of the USA is being a friend of the USA

this is as much about China as it is about Pakistan

we are heading out of U.S sphere of influence and have strategic relationships being built up with other countries especially China

USA/india hate cpec, hate that they are not involved l, hate that we can block and hurt them, hate that china is involved and the strategic implications of that involvement

They want to corner China and Pakistan has become a block too that

more pressure will come but we need to look after our interests and screw the rest
Yeah,you are right,we have seen that in Syria and the SCS.

Are they seriously endangering US interest there? The US is winning just by having a stalemate there, where the Iranians are paying with their lives and money, the russians the same while the US keeps selling their weaponry to the alarmed gulf states.

How many American lives were lost in Syria ?
I hope decision / policy making apparatus of Pakistan understand that the events of the past several months shows a serious change in the policies of the US / West vis-a-vis Pakistan. Pakistan needs a serious pivot for its polices towards its neighbours and its international partners otherwise I am afraid it will be isolated further.
For starters " Get a young, energetic and empowered FM", make peace with Afghanistan and kick all the Talis out, this woul be a sound start.

I disagree I no longer see any point for Pakistan to support a stable Afghanistan
Are they seriously endangering US interest there? The US is winning just by having a stalemate there, where the Iranians are paying with their lives and money, the russians the same while the US keeps selling their weaponry to the alarmed gulf states.

How many American lives were lost in Syria ?
American interests doesnt mean just the loss of American lifes.
What if Syria falls into,Russian Iranian hands in the end?
What if China pressures by all means the SCS countries and takes over the whole SCS?
Look what Russia did to the Ukraine,no US or European interests there?
You underestimate China here. Do you think China would just let US waste its billion dollars of investment in Pakistan and that which it plans to do in CPEC. Yes US can squeeze the economic bodies but do remember US has once already tried that during the 90s. Pakistan was under crippling sanctions and more so when we tested our nuclear weapons but that did not change our resolve. Infact if it did achieve anything was to make Pakistan self reliant. We would have never seen the likes of JF-17, Al-Khalid tanks and our missile program including cruise missile program had it not been for the US sanctions. I highly doubt if the US would want to take that similar approach towards Pakistan. The outcome would be the same. However what i think they might would want to do would be some sort of military misadventure against us. That is where i said that Pakistan policy makers need to wake up and smell the coffee. This time the threat is not economics but military and we need to prepare for it.

Look my friend I sincerely want Pakistan to thrive, a thriving and peaceful Pakistan positively affects Afghanistan.
But you can't just wish things and for things to take a positive turn, Pakistan is really hurting itself by following current security centric policies. It needs to make a pivot, make piece with its neighbours and focus on improving herself economically. You are nuclear power, none in the region can match you militarily because of nuclear deterrence.
I disagree I no longer see any point for Pakistan to support a stable Afghanistan

So you are saying Pakistan has been supporting a stable Afghanistan in the last 15 years by supporting Tali proxies who have killed on average 100 Afghans each day?

Wow thats an interesting way of supporting Afghan stability.

Sorry for the harsh tone of my post, but we need to be frank with each other. If Pakistan carry on with its current policies, it will isolate itself further, reason being you are countering US interests and endangering a US ally aka Afghanistan.
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