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Don't Be Scared to Squeeze Pakistan

The aid in real terms may be peanuts taken piecemeal, but as whole, in terms of the intangibles that US goodwill and support at various economic forums entail are quite significant. The real squeeze begins when the economic squeeze in terms of easy accessibility to loans, financial credits from markets and other intangibles begins. There is no doubt as to the diplomatic and economic clout which US still has.

That So Called 'Clout' Existed As Long As There Was Only WB IMF and ADB But Now With AIIB USA Does Not Have That Clout Anymore.
It is communication .... am communicating that it is unlikely ... unlikely means may or may not happen ..... sorry I quoted you ... don't get so aggressive !!!!:hitwall:
:rofl::rofl::rofl: Relax man,unlikely is a ''no go'' in this case,China will never stop openly supporting Pakistan with accepting all the consequences by doing so.
Ignore the press, since it is nearing an election and all sorts of hysteria is being pumped up. USA and Pakistan do have, and will continue to have, a working relationship despite any temporary ups and downs.

You have a point here.

i am saying it is no longer in our national interest to help Afghanistan

initially it was but as soon as we did, Afghan politicians not only spoke against us but invited and supported out mortal enemy india

a unforgivable sin

I do not see the benefit of a stable Afghanistan to us anymore, for what purpose? so it can help the U.S or india against us

i rather see Afghanistan as an enemy and a risk

Pakistan has superb relations with China, Turkey, GCC and far beyond, how are we isolated. the USA is a pain in the *** we can do without

Alright mate, you win :)
Huff & Puff. They did their utmost to turn Pakistan into Syria but it has not worked so now they are doing aggressive posturing and nothing more.
Rookie mistake 101, by automatically marking and putting your immediate neighbour with her you have more in common to the Indian camp. Smart people make allies, you seem to be making enemies by automatically defaulting countries in your competitors camp :)

By that logic, the only country that you can work with is China, because Iran which signed a chabahar contract with India is already in the Indian camp,along with Saudi,UAE and other allies.

Iran does not host TTP, at least not yet, Afghanistan does. Chabahar is of no significance to us and neither is it a threat to Gawadar. Pakistan did not become a party to Saudi Iran conflict, in fact we tried to act as a bridge between the two sides to bring them closer. So there is no mistake 101 here, its a fact. Afghanistan has been told repeatedly and so is the US, yet both chose to look the other way because those getting killed were not Afghans or Americans but Pakistanis. For any peaceful engagement, Afghanistan will have to alter its behaviour towards Pakistan. We have no problem with Afghanistan's relation with India but Afghanistan will have to stop becoming a party to India Pakistan conflict.
:rofl::rofl::rofl: Relax man,unlikely is a ''no go'' in this case,China will never stop openly supporting Pakistan with accepting all the consequences by doing so.

Was a jest, apologising for quoting you ... and well taken ..... thanks:cheers:

That So Called 'Clout' Existed As Long As There Was Only WB IMF and ADB But Now With AIIB USA Does Not Have That Clout Anymore.

Please read about the world economic transaction and financial system.

AIIB is a baby step in an effort to break US' stranglehold .... China alone can not do much in a globalized financial market .. and would not like to

Please also go through the financial flight from China (of overseas remittance by Chinese citizens themselves) totalling almost US $ 500 Billion

Also the economic report of China .... it is the biggest manufacturing based economy ... there are serious consequences for China antagonizing majority of the countries which are the markets for its economy.

Suggest just read up on the financial set ups and also Chinese economy ... may be helpful.
:rofl::rofl::rofl: Relax man,unlikely is a ''no go'' in this case,China will never stop openly supporting Pakistan with accepting all the consequences by doing so.
Damn never knew china loves pakistan so much:pleasantry:, on a serious note solution for u r every problem is china what if china became pakistans problem :whistle::whistle:
I hope decision / policy making apparatus of Pakistan understand that the events of the past several months shows a serious change in the policies of the US / West vis-a-vis Pakistan. Pakistan needs a serious pivot for its polices towards its neighbours and its international partners otherwise I am afraid it will be isolated further.
For starters " Get a young, energetic and empowered FM", make peace with Afghanistan and kick all the Talis out, this woul be a sound start.
They who have power in the US have never changed their policies towards Pakistan; it was and is and will always be about destabilizing Pakistan with an ultimate aim of denuclearizing her by hook or by crook. They are just using Afghanistan for this purpose.
I think you people are either underestimating USA or simply in denile mode.

No matter whether you are Pakistan india Israel or Japan you better a trusted friend of the mighty USA and respected nation THAN A potential enemy or mistrusted suspected nation against USA interests.

China despite its enormous GDP has a fraction of soft global USA power.

Pakistanis are sticking china,s coat tails because there is no one left.
The US's real interest lies in getting out of the Afgan quagmire ASAP. One of the most intelligent Western leaders, Winston Churchill*, understood it within a year of Gallipoli (Chanakkale) campaign, which was his brainchild. He retreated by saying, "We're fighting against GOD". Some wars aren't worth fighting. Usually, empires are brought down by being engaged with rogue elements - only if they knew...

*As a young officer stationed in India, he took part in one of the wars against Afgnaistan - British couldn't undermine the Afgans but could rule 300 million Indians with 4K military officers. Why one needs to be "Baptized" in Afganistan to understand the Hakikat (Reality)?
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China has far bigger strategic interests in terms of its relations with the US comparing to Pakistan. When it comes to bigger scheme of things if shit hits the fan, China will dump Pakistan in a second if Chinese relations vis-a-vis US were to be a in a serious downhill spiral.

China is looking to establish herself as a world power, that sole ambition in itself puts her in a direct conflict with the US and it's allies like you guys aka the Kabul puppet state, the fact that there is already a standoff in the south China sea with the US provoking China in every step of the way, there is a lot of vested interest China has for one of her closest ally Pakistan, anyone who thinks that China does not have such ambitions is either a fool or a liar.

The probability of China dumping Pakistan which in itself is idiotic and stupid to even think about but still would be the same as the US dumping it's relations with Israel as countless times in the past China has stated that "Pakistan is our Israel".


You are seriously delusional if you are thinking China would dump Pakistan in any scenario, the countless investment and specially CPEC's core objective being to alleviate the threat US poses in the south China sea, but I don't think you are, I think you are just a liar.

Also you should be clear on this, a US and an Indian puppet regime in Afghanistan is and will always will be an existential threat to Pakistan, you have proven and will continue to prove this in the future, your presence is against our interest and against the interest of Afghanistan in general.
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Pakistan has nothing to lose...these guys cost peanuts to prepare and millions to take out...!
It an economic punch to uncle sam!

The US's real interest lies in getting out of the Afgan quagmire ASAP. One of the most intelligent Western leaders, Winston Churchill*, understood it within a year of Gallipoli (Chanakkale) campaign, which was his brainchild. He retreated by saying, "We're fighting against GOD". Some wars aren't worth fighting. Usually, empires are brought down by being engaged with rogue elements - only if they knew...

*As a young officer stationed in India, he took part in one of the wars against Afgnaistan - British couldn't undermine the Afgans but could rule 300 million Indians with 4K military officers. Why one needs to be "Baptized" in Afganistan to understand the Hakikat (Reality)?

We made this Afghans a shining example of spanking world wide..so your assesment does not hold true..
China is looking to establish herself as a world power, that sole ambition in itself puts her in a direct conflict with the US and it's allies like you guys aka the Kabul puppet state, the fact that there is already a standoff in the south China sea with the US provoking China in every step of the way, there is a lot of vested interest China has for one of her closest ally Pakistan, anyone who thinks that China does not have such ambitions is either a fool or a liar.

The probability of China dumping Pakistan which in itself is idiotic and stupid to even think about but still would be the same as the US dumping it's relations with Israel as countless times in the past China has stated that "Pakistan is our Israel".


You are seriously delusional if you are thinking China would dump Pakistan in any scenario, the countless investment and specially CPEC's core objective being to alleviate the threat US poses in the south China sea, but I don't think you are, I think you are just a liar.

Also I think you should be clear on this, a US and an Indian puppet regime in Afghanistan is and will always will be an existential threat to Pakistan, you have proven and will continue to prove this in the future, your presence is against our interest and against the interest of Afghanistan in general.

What makes Afghanistan puppet?

Pakistan has nothing to lose...these guys cost peanuts to prepare and millions to take out...!
It an economic punch to uncle sam!

We made this Afghans a shining example of spanking world wide..so your assesment does not hold true..

Churchill was alluding to the times when Pakistan was not on the map :)
What makes Afghanistan puppet?

Not Afghanistan, your Kabul regime which the US planted after it's decade long invasion and also allowing India to get involved during this time period, I would rather allow a CIA operative to describe this situation better than me.

Not Afghanistan, your Kabul regime which the US planted after it's decade long invasion and also allowing India to get involved during this time period, I would rather allow a CIA operative to describe this situation better than me.

Well there is no such thing as puppet in the arena of geopolitics, if we go by that definition then probably the sole sovereign state would be the US as the global power and to some lesser extent China or Russia.
Countries make decisions based on their national interests and its in the Afghan interest to host American bases an that is why we have signed a strategic agreement with them which was ratified by the Afghan parliament.

Pakistan had hosted US forces in Pakistan in some of your air bases to operate drones in Afghanistan and also target Pakistani citizens TTP in Pakistani territory, so as you see discussion of being a puppet an being sovereign becomes very muddy very soon.

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