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Patwario zinda ho?

Well - in my experience spanning over few decades "sharm" and "patwaris" have equal and opposite reaction - both repel each other.


SCIENTISTS have discovered a gene that makes patwaris more prone to doing things they will never regret in their lifetimes.

The breakthrough could explain why some patwaris are more likely to start a fight or create a new tangent in discussion attempting to avoid the real discussion points.

It could also lead to screening for the mutation so carriers can be advised to follow Sharif's less blindly or receive psychiatric treatment, researchers say.

The gene is believed to block a chemical from a certain part of the brain – which then kills self-restraint and stops patwaris having foresight into the consequences of actions for their country.

Maybe above is true - ;)
Aisa kya hogya jo woh zinda naheen thay? 2013 se zinda hain.
oye patwarkhana, zinda ho ya sharminda ho? :sarcastic:
back from the dead bro?
what have you been upto?
dont see you around anymore!!

i hope this return turn into a long and permanent stay now. :)
back from the dead bro?
what have you been upto?
dont see you around anymore!!

i hope this return turn into a long and permanent stay now. :)

ah nai yara, just took a break that went too long unintentionally, will try to catch up. miss you all :)
Did I.K feel shame?
About her daughter?
Marrying. A jew?
Marrying to Riham how dance like a......... and cocks pigs?
Fails to perform naptiual duty which Riham claims?
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