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Nadia Mirza with Pak-Turk school students and teachers

Its not our job to debate morality.. turk people hve shown they stand behind president urdugan..
If legitimate turk govt wants them deported... thats the way its going to be... let turks deal with them
For 21 years these teachers were teachers now all of a sudden they are terrorists with zero proof against them?

Actually they were. It's just that when Gulen and Erdogan crossed each other back in 2011-2012, they rivaled themselves. AKP himself helped and assisted these teachers and promoted their job abroad now they are biting each other. For us, both sides deserve a constitutional trial with the fiercest sentence to both.
Reis had simple belief that no person who prays Namaz and fasts can do anything heinous
the plague of Muslims for generations upon generations.

Guys guys... These teachers may be innocent and patriot but they are brainwashed by Fethullah Gulen. Gulen network use schools as cover for its sneaky goals. I tell you how it works at its simpliest way ;

- Invest and settle in the country via schools...
- Raise pro-Gulen students...
- Make good relationship with rulers and govt...
- Infiltralrate and capture key positions of the state ...
- Place Gulenists to key positions ...
- Eliminate anti Gulenists
- Capture the rule...

This is a 20 - 30 years of work ... Do not trust them...
A similar approach is taken by Hizb-ut-Tahrir and they are no less terrorists. So I can understand the frustration; however, one can evaluate the level of infiltration by interviewing these people.
This is tricky problem but there is a way out that should meet the concerns of both sides - the Turkish teachers cannot be held responsible for the coup attempt in Turkey. However the Gulenist organization that runs or set up the schools has been declared guilty by Turkey.

Therefore the schools should be immediatly taken over by the government and then another philanthropic organization approached in Turkey to take over the schools. By doing this you remove the management but save the schools. This is the best solution and way forward.

I don't think Turkish government would have a problem with this - their issue is with the management and not the ordinary teachers.

@xenon54 @KediKesenFare @Ottoman123 Thoughts?
All these Gulenists need to be kicked out of your lands, and returned to Turkey, that is the most important thing for me personally. Like you said, the schools can be taken over by the government and we can send in teachers, problem solved.
I don't understand the outcry? Yes, it's bad for the students, but, we have to make sure they're not being misled by Gulenist terrorists.
Yes, many of these teachers might not be bad, but, how can we be certain of it? Better safe than sorry.
All these Gulenists need to be kicked out of your lands
I see your point. Many of these teachers have cultivated very strong influence on students, their parents and other school staff and because they are oblivious of the big picture or what happened in Turkey with the coup there is this outcry.

From their perspective all they see is dedicated teachers - the Turkish teacher interviewed there spoke better Urdu than me. She has been in Pakistan for 20 years and has made a huge impact. All her students see is a nice, dedicated lady being sent back for no reason. They blame the Pak government for being unjust and unfair.
the next target needs to be the Kemalist heresy...dismantle the Kemalist shadow state and execute its leaders,,,,,
A similar approach is taken by Hizb-ut-Tahrir and they are no less terrorists. So I can understand the frustration; however, one can evaluate the level of infiltration by interviewing these people.
There is no infiltration or indoctrination in Pak Turk schools. They have been here for more than twenty years.

Anyone who criticizes Erodogan is automatically a terrorist, Gullenist, danger to democracy, pro-Western and whatnot. The people who think like that are no different than those who declare their opponents as kafir.
I see your point. Many of these teachers have cultivated very strong influence on students, their parents and other school staff and because they are oblivious of the big picture or what happened in Turkey with the coup there is this outcry.

From their perspective all they see is dedicated teachers - the Turkish teacher interviewed there spoke better Urdu than me. She has been in Pakistan for 20 years and has made a huge impact. All her students see is a nice, dedicated lady being sent back for no reason. They blame the Pak government for being unjust and unfair.
Again, if these teachers have nothing to hide, they should just return back to Turkiye and clear their names.
All this running to the Media and what have you, makes them look guilty.
They act as if they don't have to proof anything.

There is no infiltration or indoctrination in Pak Turk schools. They have been here for more than twenty years.

Anyone who criticizes Erodogan is automatically a terrorist, Gullenist, danger to democracy, pro-Western and whatnot. The people who think like that are no different than those who declare their opponents as kafir.
I hate Erdogan, Not dislike, i absolutely hate this man to the core
But, Turkey has many anti-Erdogan in Media and they're living well, and not arrested lol... so, yeah, lets be real here.
I hate Erdogan, Not dislike, i absolutely hate this man to the core
But, Turkey has many anti-Erdogan in Media and they're living well, and not arrested lol... so, yeah, lets be real here.
How many thousands have been arrested over alleged links with Gullen?
That is the persecution of an entire group of people who follow Gullen or are working in his organization. I know that most of the Turks on pdf hate Erodogan, I am not new on pdf so I know. I didn't mean the ordinary people.
After the failed coup, Erodogan is out there to persecute anyone related to Gullen and all of those common people who follow a particular political ideology have been declared terrorists and traitors. Have they been conducting terror attacks in Turkey? I don't thinks so.
We had seen enough of this in our country as well. We have people who call the army to take over. We even have and had politicians and ordinary folk who supported the TTP and the Al-Qaeda but unless a person is directly involved we can't just persecute them like you are doing, how many were awarded death sentences after the coup? 11000? I forgot. I hope that Erodogan shows some heart and forgives them.
This philosophy of purging a particular group of people from the society is sickening.

And the Pak Turk schools aren't breeding terrorists or occultists here either.
How many thousands have been arrested over alleged links with Gullen?
That is the persecution of an entire group of people who follow Gullen or are working in his organization. I know that most of the Turks on pdf hate Erodogan, I am not new on pdf so I know. I didn't mean the ordinary people.
After the failed coup, Erodogan is out there to persecute anyone related to Gullen and all of those common people who follow a particular political ideology have been declared terrorists and traitors. Have they been conducting terror attacks in Turkey? I don't thinks so.
We had seen enough of this in our country as well. We have people who call the army to take over. We even have and had politicians and ordinary folk who supported the TTP and the Al-Qaeda but unless a person is directly involved we can't just persecute them like you are doing, how many were awarded death sentences after the coup? 11000? I forgot. I hope that Erodogan shows some heart and forgives them.
This philosophy of purging a particular group of people from the society is sickening.

And the Pak Turk schools aren't breeding terrorists or occultists here either.
At the same time thousands have been released and cleared of any wrongdoing .
I am not here to defend Erdogan, the man is a lunatic.
These schools will be fine, the teachers will be sent back as soon as possible. THERE'S NOTHING TO SEE HERE.
These GULENISTS are terrorists, PKK, ISIS, you name it. You don't seem to be aware of the threat they pose to ordinary Pakistanis and Turks.
There is no infiltration or indoctrination in Pak Turk schools. They have been here for more than twenty years.

Anyone who criticizes Erodogan is automatically a terrorist, Gullenist, danger to democracy, pro-Western and whatnot. The people who think like that are no different than those who declare their opponents as kafir.
They might not have, the issue is not with Pak-Turk schools but with the Gullenists. Most of these ideologies have their bases within the western states. Be it Gullenist or HuT.

As for Pak-Turk; I think the teachers being removed is overkill. They are just employees of what might be a subversive organization; but they might be just that, simple employees earning a living.
They might not have, the issue is not with Pak-Turk schools but with the Gullenists. Most of these ideologies have their bases within the western states. Be it Gullenist or HuT.

As for Pak-Turk; I think the teachers being removed is overkill. They are just employees of what might be a subversive organization; but they might be just that, simple employees earning a living.
Or those teachers could be brainwashing students to become terrorists, we don't know, that's why we should find out, before it's too late, what harm can it do in the long term??
First, we are looking at one side of the story here.

We need to remember what happened in Turkey during the coup attempt and all the people who died there. There are no easy answers in this debate but a balance must be struck.

So do I stand with these Turkish teachers in Pakistan? Absolutely, I do. It is morally the right thing to do. Personally, the right way to handle this issue would have been to cut off financial ties between Gulenist organizations and any schools or businesses they may operate in Pakistan rather than uprooting *all* the Turkish teachers who live and work in Pakistan. There is no evidence whatsoever that *all* these Turkish teachers are Gulenist.

The current blanket approach by government of Pakistan is undoubtedly high-handed and does not serve Turkey well or the teachers and the students.
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