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What normal Chinese people think of India and Indians

I some how doubt the Chinese posters on this forum , think they are from a different country trying to be Chinese, the level of insecurity displayed by some here is just too astounding to be true.
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People tend to be more revsere about their true feelings when are ask by a third party on street or interviewed by some foreigners.

The real feeling towards India are: many who has no idea about india, and therefore are indifference, others who know more, are think not very high about india, in general people in China dont take india seriously, and dont like the idea the west always try to group the two together.

The following link are posts contain keyword contain "india" in one of the largest social media online BBS in China, tianya.com

Check the link and if you dont believe me, using a google translator or ask someone who know Chinese, to translate their replies:enjoy:

I think most indians are very insecure (they may have a very convincing reason to be so through:rofl:) and care too much about other's opinions, in China most simply dont give a rat *** about how india/som othres view China or if india test another bromos shit whatever.

So to be honest, the only difference I can find between Chinese in PDF and Chinese in general, regarding india, is, the Chinese in PDF actually care much more about india than the rest Chinese for whatever reasons.
I some how doubt that Chinese posters on this forum , think they are for a different country trying to be Chinese, the level of insecurity displayed by some here is just too astounding to be true.

The word "Insecurity" has been used too often by PDF Indians as the last line of defense when they run out any sensible argument and logic. What in the world that Chinese would feel any "insecurity" about India?

Your lot can't handle the criticism from Chinese members here, so you just pretend that they were not Chinese. Very cute. :partay:
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From the video we can say that Chinese identify India with Bollywood.

And I can say from my experience that Indians identify Chinese through Jackie Chan movies.

It is strange that in-spite of being neighbors with a population of over a billion each, we know very little about each other.
From the video we can say that Chinese identify India with Bollywood.

And I can say from my experience that Indians identify Chinese through Jackie Chan movies.

It is strange that in-spite of being neighbors with a population of over a billion each, we know very little about each other.
i used to identify chinese people as all of them are black belt in kung fu lol
The curry smell is legendary. Here in US or Canada where houses are usually based on wood frames, it is very difficult to get the smell out after years of indian residence. Anyone has a good tip? The last tenant of my current apartment was an Indian. It is largely fine since it was renovated after he left. But one closet still has the smell.
The curry smell is legendary. Here in US or Canada where houses are usually based on wood frames, it is very difficult to get the smell out after years of indian residence. Anyone has a good tip? The last tenant of my current apartment was an Indian. It is largely fine since it was renovated after he left. But one closet still has the smell.

Have you tried some very strong fragrance, store it for a long time in the closet and see if that helps. Fight strong smell with another strong one :rofl:
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