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DW: Pakistan on collision course with Iran?

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Nuclear weapons are not the litmus test of the strength of a country. Is North Korea a strong country? The weapons they possess may be strong, but the country is weak, shaky, unstable.

Pakistan does not have independence, it is beholden to the interests of it's benefactors; China, Saudi Arabia and the United States. It is also a dirt poor country that is full of 10s of millions uneducated and impoverished people living with some of the World's worst standards of sanitation, limited access to justice and low quality education. Almost half the people there cannot even read and write according to their own reports. Pakistan has a terrible law and order problem that has led it's army having to also take on the role of police force and judiciary all in one and use it's own air force to bomb it's own territory. Just a few years ago more than a million of it's own people were forced from their homes to become internal refugees. It has little or no control over it's borders with either Iran or Afghanistan. It's bordering regions with us have no police or courts to speak of. They are safe havens for roaming gangs of criminals and terrorists.

These people need to stop burying their heads in the ground and get a grip. Pakistan is a very weak country faced with enormous challenges that they need to take very seriously and face up to. There is only so long that foreign aid will keep that country afloat before it implodes like some parts of it already have when they fell to Pakistan's own Taliban offshoot not too long ago.

Saudi Arabia is clearly placing a lot of undue pressue on Pakistan to do things that are against Pakistan's own interests.

Leaving aside nuclear weapons for a moment, there are around 200 countries in the world, and Pakistan's military is typically ranked amongst the top 15.

So even without nukes, you can't really call them a weak country.
Nuclear weapons are not the litmus test of the strength of a country. Is North Korea a strong country? The weapons they possess may be strong, but the country is weak, shaky, unstable.

Right, nuclear weapons is not the only measure of strength. Pakistan draws its strength from its people's patriotism, the rich culture, our faith, thousands of years of shared history and blood that ties all of us into a single powerful national consciousness.

India continues to underestimate our resolve to protect Pakistan and our people - see what we are up against:

- India is 7 times bigger (1.4 billion people) + armed to the teeth with nuclear weapons
- India gets all the bleeding edge military tech from Israel
- India gets the best military hardware from USA
- India gets the best military hardware from Europe
- India gets the best military hardware from Russia
- India has a massive economy that dwarves ours

So you think Iran can do what India couldn't? Think again. :-)

I don't want to dignify the rest of your post with a detailed response. Believe what you want, Pakistan poor weak failed, Iran stronk!! :tup:
Right, nuclear weapons is not the only measure of strength. Pakistan draws its strength from its people's patriotism, the rich culture, our faith, thousands of years of shared history and blood that ties all of us into a single powerful national consciousness.

India continues to underestimate our resolve to protect Pakistan and our people - see what we are up against:

- India is 7 times bigger (1.4 billion people) + armed to the teeth with nuclear weapons
- India gets all the bleeding edge military tech from Israel
- India gets the best military hardware from USA
- India gets the best military hardware from Europe
- India gets the best military hardware from Russia
- India has a massive economy that dwarves ours

So you think Iran can do what India couldn't? Think again. :-)
You are breaking your head with wall....The guy said Pakistan economy depend on US and KSA aid...while fail to prove his claim with number ....He is just repeating Iran best buddy Indian claims...
You are breaking your head with wall....The guy said Pakistan economy depend on US and KSA aid...while fail to prove his claim with number ....He is just repeating Iran best buddy Indian claims...

In OP he hinted at Iran taking action against Pakistan. Now tries to prove Pakistan is poor, weak, failed and reliant on aid. Well, then go for it - now is the best time to get us! :D
In OP he hinted at Iran taking action against Pakistan. Now tries to prove Pakistan is poor, weak, failed and reliant on aid. Well, then go for it - now is the best time to get us! :D
Deep down in there heart they know what Pakistan is and what not...They could have done if they can...
Hundred of civilians died when they were giving cover to Indian agent,,These tweets show them reality
Gen Asim Bajwa‏Verified account @AsimBajwaISPR
Part Text COAS's conversation with Iran's President in today's mtng;"There is one concern that RAW is involved in Pak,spec Bln&sometimes-1
n Asim Bajwa‏Verified account @AsimBajwaISPR
also use the soil of our brother country,Iran.I request,they should be told to stop these activities &allow Pakistan to achieve stability"-2
So much hate. :rolleyes1:
The people who hate Pakistan are evidently the Pakistanis themselves, the ones like you who obviously belong to the privileged minority of your country that have absolute contempt for the terrible conditions your fellow citizens have to endure, so much to the point that you deny the very poor conditions that millions of your people suffer under even exist. You are in denial. That is your self-loathing. Do not try to project it onto other people. I would not care at all to engage with Pakistanis if Iran did not have a cross-border terrorism problem with Pakistan. I have no interest in your country other than wanting this problem of cross-border terrorism and crime to be solved once and for all.
I dont agree. It's army is dependant on foreign aid. If the US and Saudi Arabia were to stop financing Pakistan, it's army would rot like the rest of that country. That's weak. They cant stand on their own legs because they are too skinny.

I mean, the US had to pay Pakistan just to move it's soldiers from it's eastern border to it's western one just a few years ago. That's pathetic. But that is another issue. I am interested in how far Pakistan will cave under Saudi pressue to stir up conflict on Iran's southeastern border. Time will tell. Of course, no Iranian is convinced that Jeash al-Adl isnt a pawn of some Arab states. Jeash al-Adl's social media feeds are enough of a give away.

Pakistan defense budget is close to 10 billion dollar and if we add budget allocated for nuclear weapon's programme and its over 400000 paramilitary forces than this is close to 15 billion dollar while the military aid US gives to Pak in not even 5% of defense budget. The Saudis Arabia has given Aids few times in 70 years of history.

There are two things i.e. military Power and country's strength (strong). Pak is far far more military powerful than Iran and Pak can crush Iran military in couple of days and your generals does know about this.
The people who hate Pakistan are evidently the Pakistanis themselves

Makes no sense at all.

the ones like you who obviously belong to the privileged minority of your country that have absolute contempt for the terrible conditions your fellow citizens have to endure,

You know nothing about me. And don't get personal.

I would not care at all to engage with Pakistanis if Iran did not have a cross-border terrorism problem with Pakistan. I have no interest in your country

You confuse me for someone who cares.

wanting this problem of cross-border terrorism and crime to be solved once and for all.

Cooperate and remove RAW from your soil. Your wish will be granted.
muslim coalition purpose is to solve ongoing conflict in syria.there are lots of conflicts in muslim world where iran proxy can be clearly seen.how dare you call pakistan weak? we aren't dependent on any country.saudia arabia knows the importance of pakistan army and they requested for our army presence just to safeguard Holy cities.let me remind my iranian friends that pakistan is a sunni muslim state and pakistan have many duties to fulfill.it's pakistan responsibility to safeguard holy places.there are also fantastic muslim armies including turkish,egyptian army.your proxy war and your support to hezbollah clearly shows that you aren't willing to end this conflict.it was pakistan's responsibility to ask whether you want to join coalition by ending your proxies in muslim countries.you said no.now you will see what this coalition can do to your proxies.enough of bloodshed.pakistan don't need permission from tehran for doing anything.we aren't the ones who only speak.we believe in action.there are also reports of your army wanting to get closer strategic relation with india.you called americans KAAFIR.what about india? iran is the same nation who appreciated americans when they lift sanctions on you.forget pakistan.we are capable enough to target enemy inside their territory.sky is the limit.
A third grade country like Iran and it's Persian people are saying Pakistan is weak and poor? If Pakistan is elephant, Iran is like a mouse. Persians and Indians share one trait in common, which is their grand delusion.
Pakistan is not weak. its very weak.

it exerts little political power outside its own borders, it has very very weak infrastructure and its economy is almost shit.

the health sector is very much struggling and its people are poor. these are mere facts and i'm not saying these to hurt anyone's feeling or as a "revenge" because of yesterday's terror attack. the future ahead of pakistan is not very bright. where there is low security, there is low chance of development

building nukes is from a previous bright era for pakistan which is long gone. many countries in today's world can build nukes if they wish and its not a technological advancement. Nano-tech, Space, bio-tech are the way to the future

the era of brute force is gone. brute force couldn't keep pakistan safe.

its the mentality that needs changing

bring more sanctions.i am telling everyone sanctions are the way ahead for iran.pathetic lol.

A third grade country like Iran and it's Persian people are saying Pakistan is weak and poor? If Pakistan is elephant, Iran is like a mouse. Persians and Indians share one trait in common, which is their grand delusion.

don't worry bro.very soon,they are getting trumped.you know what i mean! when i see iran commander pictures in moscow,i feel that this nation can't do anything on it's own.same complain against americans every year.i mean they only talk.they talk talk and talk.they do nothing.this is how they are living,so pathetic!
Pakistan is not weak. its very weak.

it exerts little political power outside its own borders, it has very very weak infrastructure and its economy is almost shit.

the health sector is very much struggling and its people are poor. these are mere facts and i'm not saying these to hurt anyone's feeling or as a "revenge" because of yesterday's terror attack. the future ahead of pakistan is not very bright. where there is low security, there is low chance of development

building nukes is from a previous bright era for pakistan which is long gone. many countries in today's world can build nukes if they wish and its not a technological advancement. Nano-tech, Space, bio-tech are the way to the future

the era of brute force is gone. brute force couldn't keep pakistan safe.

its the mentality that needs changing
i would suggest you keep supporting india... and india will keep destabilizing pakistan.. and you will get happiness
and then you will also get horrible war by israel.. and your friend india will help israel against you..

india supported BLA/BRA and JA in pak , most probably Jaishal Adl militant group in iran is also being supported by india...

indian spy Kulbhushan Jadhav network had been operating since 15 years... and iran/pakistan got a gift(terrorism) from india.. Passport of kulbhushan Jadhav was made in india not in iran but as always they found few traitors in muslims.
U.S allowed India to operate in Afghanistan with Indian Agencies.... for what? for good wishes?
india achieved nothing in afghanistan except spreading proxies in pakistan and now in iran bit by bit
i would suggest you keep supporting india... and india will keep destabilizing pakistan.. and you will get happiness
and then you will also get horrible war by israel.. and your friend india will help israel against you..

india supported BLA/BRA and JA in pak , most probably Jaishal Adl militant group in iran is also being supported by india...

indian spy Kulbhushan Jadhav network had been operating since 15 years... and iran/pakistan got a gift(terrorism) from india.. Passport of kulbhushan Jadhav was made in india not in iran but as always they found few traitors in muslims.
U.S allowed India to operate in Afghanistan with Indian Agencies.... for what? for good wishes?
india achieved nothing in afghanistan except spreading proxies in pakistan and now in iran bit by bit
You're so blinded by your hatred of India that you cannot see the realities.
You think i like seeing our own neighbor weak? Lol are you out of your mind? Even because of our own interests we need a very strong Pakistan to flourish
We need nothing more than a stable neighbor right now.
Stop with this India obsession. Our ties with India is like any other 2 countries seeking their interests. Nothing more nothing less
We don't give a fvck about your animosity with India
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