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Taliban trains 'monkey terrorists' to attack U.S. troops


May 30, 2010
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Taliban trains 'monkey terrorists' to attack U.S. troops June 28, 2010


"Monkey soldiers" use machine guns in target practice


Taliban soldiers train monkeys

Afghanistan's Taliban warlords have developed a bizarre way to deal with foreign forces: they have trained monkeys who love to eat bananas and peanuts to be killers.

Taliban forces have taught monkeys how to use the Kalashnikov, Bren light machine gun and trench mortars. They also teach them how to identify and attack soldiers wearing U.S. military uniforms.

Ironically, the idea of training monkeys to fight was first invented by the U.S. Central Intelligence Agency. The CIA in the Vietnam War initiated a program that used the peanuts and bananas as prizes to train some "monkey soldiers" to kill Vietnamese in the jungle, according to a report by British media on June 27, 2010.

It is reported that these monkey soldiers are mainly composed of macaques and baboons hunted at an early age in the jungle and sold to the Taliban. These monkey babies who lost their mothers are sent to a secret Taliban training base one-by-one to become killer monkeys. Taliban militants use a series of rewards and punishments to gradually teach them how to use the lethal weapons.

Recently, a British journalist went to Pakistan and Afghanistan border of Waziristan’s tribal region where he witnessed a few of the monkey soldiers armed with an AK-47 rifle and Bren light machine gun. Taliban militants in the past have strictly kept the program secret.

However, Taliban leaders have recently taken the initiative show monkey soldiers to tourists of the Pakistan-Afghanistan border area. Apparently, the Taliban look on monkeys as "propaganda tools."

"If a person who loves animals knows the monkeys may be injured in the war, they might pressure the government to force the withdrawal of western forces in Afghanistan," said one Taliban insider.

A senior U.S. military source confirmed the existence of the Taliban monkey soldiers, military experts call armed monkeys "monkey terrorists."

By People's Daily Online
Taliban trains 'monkey terrorists' to attack U.S. troops - People's Daily Online
Taliban trains 'monkey terrorists' to attack U.S. troops June 28, 2010


"Monkey soldiers" use machine guns in target practice


Taliban soldiers train monkeys

Afghanistan's Taliban warlords have developed a bizarre way to deal with foreign forces: they have trained monkeys who love to eat bananas and peanuts to be killers.

Taliban forces have taught monkeys how to use the Kalashnikov, Bren light machine gun and trench mortars. They also teach them how to identify and attack soldiers wearing U.S. military uniforms.

Ironically, the idea of training monkeys to fight was first invented by the U.S. Central Intelligence Agency. The CIA in the Vietnam War initiated a program that used the peanuts and bananas as prizes to train some "monkey soldiers" to kill Vietnamese in the jungle, according to a report by British media on June 27, 2010.

It is reported that these monkey soldiers are mainly composed of macaques and baboons hunted at an early age in the jungle and sold to the Taliban. These monkey babies who lost their mothers are sent to a secret Taliban training base one-by-one to become killer monkeys. Taliban militants use a series of rewards and punishments to gradually teach them how to use the lethal weapons.

Recently, a British journalist went to Pakistan and Afghanistan border of Waziristan’s tribal region where he witnessed a few of the monkey soldiers armed with an AK-47 rifle and Bren light machine gun. Taliban militants in the past have strictly kept the program secret.

However, Taliban leaders have recently taken the initiative show monkey soldiers to tourists of the Pakistan-Afghanistan border area. Apparently, the Taliban look on monkeys as "propaganda tools."

"If a person who loves animals knows the monkeys may be injured in the war, they might pressure the government to force the withdrawal of western forces in Afghanistan," said one Taliban insider.

A senior U.S. military source confirmed the existence of the Taliban monkey soldiers, military experts call armed monkeys "monkey terrorists."

By People's Daily Online
Taliban trains 'monkey terrorists' to attack U.S. troops - People's Daily Online

These monkeys are from india ... no monkeys found in Afghanistan sorry ... look closely at the black and white image , behind you can see some indian temples :wave:
Soon the monkeys will realise its the taliban who are nuts!

but if this is true, its not too surprising. humans have used animals for war for a very long ime now. Russians used dogs for anti-tank missions in WW2
Taliban trains 'monkey terrorists' to attack U.S. troops June 28, 2010

Monkeys may be trained for terrorism. Earlier in 2002/2003 Taliban used dogs in Afghanistan as suicide bombers. Dogs were sent to the place of garbage where allied troops left their food remains. Dogs were sent to the places and when dogs come across the allied camp the remote control bombs strepped to the body of dog detonated causing serious casualties to allied forces. Finally it was ordered that do not allow stray dog to move around bases of allied forces and shot to kill orders were passed.
The premise of the 'Planet of the Apes' movies is that humans trained apes to do all kind of things and one day the now-smarter monkeys decided to payback for the abuse.
But knowing human depravity...no animals is going to match the large scale destruction humans cause.

So...Hail to the Planet of the Apes!
Afghanistan is not a habitat where monkeys thrive but imagining that the Talibs could have smuggled monkeys from Pakistan, we can still call it false because:

1) Pakistan is home to the Makak monkey, which is a small to medium size breed of monkey and lacks the strength to lift a Klashnikov.

2) Monkey's arms are too short to hold the AK up straight.

3) Aiming and firing mortars takes months if not years of practice and training for men, for monkeys, i'm not sure but i'm certain it will take longer than their life expectancy .

So I can conclude that this story is bananas(pun intended).

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