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China says India building up troops amid border stand off


Jun 11, 2016
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(Reuters) - China's Foreign Ministry on Thursday said India has been building up troops and repairing roads along its side of the border amid an increasingly tense stand-off in a remote frontier region beside the Himalayan kingdom of Bhutan.

The stand-off on a plateau next to the mountainous Indian state of Sikkim, which borders China, has ratcheted up tension between the neighbors, who share a 3,500-km (2,175-mile) frontier, large parts of which are disputed.

"It has already been more than a month since the incident, and India is still not only illegally remaining on Chinese territory, it is also repairing roads in the rear, stocking up supplies, massing a large number of armed personnel," the foreign ministry said in a statement.

"This is certainly not for peace."

Early in June, according to the Chinese interpretation of events, Indian guards crossed into China's Donglang region and obstructed work on a road on the plateau.

The two sides' troops then confronted each other close to a valley controlled by China that separates India from its close ally, Bhutan, and gives China access to the so-called Chicken's Neck, a thin strip of land connecting India and its remote northeastern regions.

India has said it warned China that construction of the road near their common border would have serious security implications.

Despite China's numerous diplomatic representations, its foreign ministry said, India has not only not withdrawn its troops but has also been making "unreasonable demands" and is not sincere about a resolution.

"If India really cherishes peace, it ought to immediately withdraw its personnel who have illegally crossed the border into the Indian side."

Thu Aug 3, 2017 | 11:16 AM EDT
China says India building up troops amid border stand off
9h ago | 01:12
China accuses India of "concocting excuses" over border dispute

(Reuters) - China's Foreign Ministry on Thursday said India has been building up troops and repairing roads along its side of the border amid an increasingly tense stand-off in a remote frontier region beside the Himalayan kingdom of Bhutan.

The stand-off on a plateau next to the mountainous Indian state of Sikkim, which borders China, has ratcheted up tension between the neighbors, who share a 3,500-km (2,175-mile) frontier, large parts of which are disputed.

"It has already been more than a month since the incident, and India is still not only illegally remaining on Chinese territory, it is also repairing roads in the rear, stocking up supplies, massing a large number of armed personnel," the foreign ministry said in a statement.

"This is certainly not for peace."

Early in June, according to the Chinese interpretation of events, Indian guards crossed into China's Donglang region and obstructed work on a road on the plateau.

The two sides' troops then confronted each other close to a valley controlled by China that separates India from its close ally, Bhutan, and gives China access to the so-called Chicken's Neck, a thin strip of land connecting India and its remote northeastern regions.

India has said it warned China that construction of the road near their common border would have serious security implications.

Despite China's numerous diplomatic representations, its foreign ministry said, India has not only not withdrawn its troops but has also been making "unreasonable demands" and is not sincere about a resolution.

"If India really cherishes peace, it ought to immediately withdraw its personnel who have illegally crossed the border into the Indian side."


China's defense ministry last month warned India not to harbor any illusions about the Chinese military's ability to defend its territory.

Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi is to visit China early in September for a summit of BRICS leaders.

Indian officials say about 300 soldiers from either side are facing each other about 150 meters (yards) apart on the plateau.

They have told Reuters that both sides' diplomats have quietly engaged to try to keep the stand-off from escalating, and that India's ambassador to Beijing is leading the effort to find a way for both sides to back down without loss of face.

Chinese state media have warned India of a fate worse than the defeat it suffered in a brief border war in 1962. China's military has held live fire drills close to the disputed area, they said last month.

(Reporting by Ben Blanchard; Editing by Clarence Fernandez)
China defence department just released statement in midnight.

the counterdown to A new China-India War is in final hours.
it will never be 1962 level.because Indian' flesh is more juicy under Dragon's claws now.:pop:
China the paper warning tiger is doomed. India is this, India is that. Nutheads.
easy, kid. if your people could take 3 hours to enjoy boring Indian movies , dance and *** shaking.fiction hero like Modi.:azn:
why could not just take several days to enjoy the foreplay of your whole nation's collapse,again?:coffee:
China defence department just released statement in midnight.

the counterdown to A new China-India War is in final hours.
it will never be 1962 level.because Indian' flesh is more juicy under Dragon's claws now.:pop:
What were the Chinese planning to bring on that class 40 road, right upto Indian/Bhutanese border?

I am sure it must be something heavier than those Hummer copies that Chinese drive.

It's akin to aggressive posturing by Chinese, so India and Bhutan are well within their right to protect their long term interests. Cry as much as you want, the situation is not going to change unless Chinese give up that aggressive approach.
easy, kid. if your people could take 3 hours to enjoy boring Indian movies , dance and *** shaking.fiction hero like Modi.:azn:
why could not just take several days to enjoy the foreplay of your whole nation's collapse,again?:coffee:
First have some courage to show your country flag. Then talk to me.
And tell me your age before addressing me as a kid.
Hold on.

Today morning they said we have withdrawn.

Now they are saying we are adding troops.

CCP; make up your mind before putting allegations.
@Han Warrior ...Tagging you here...Now which lie is the truth..according to your Warning department?..LOL...Confucius much!

They haven't decided what propaganda to use

- yesterday they decided we will say India is a coward and ran away
-Today the decided it is better to present india as a warmonger

@Han Patriot at least ask you guys to decide on a consistent line :)
Hold on.

Today morning they said we have withdrawn.

Now they are saying we are adding troops.

CCP; make up your mind before putting allegations.
Why not?
India reduce troops at Donglang but repairing roads and building up troops all along the border.
This is going to be a full blown war.
Very Exciting Indeed.
Remember to keep yourself safe and avoid getting lynched when war starts.
China defence department just released statement in midnight.

the counterdown to A new China-India War is in final hours.
it will never be 1962 level.because Indian' flesh is more juicy under Dragon's claws now.:pop:
What was said in the statement
Any stats. how many Indian troops have been posted ever since the scuffle?
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