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BRICS declaration may strain China-Pak ties: Chinese scholar

Don't know what they were thinking while signing this declaration ........... because Hizb ut Tahrir is in the list ........... that organisation is banned by Pakistan, whereas india is yet to ban that organisation.

There is no Hizb ut Tahrir in India to ban :cheesy:
There is no Hizb ut Tahrir in India to ban :cheesy:

You should look at countries that have banned it China Russia included.

But still we will sign it right? Its no fun when a bigot extremist hypocrite starts whining and blaming others.
You should look at countries that have banned it China Russia included.

But still we will sign it right? Its no fun when a bigot extremist hypocrite starts whining and blaming others.

LOL...... I have no idea what you are trying to say. English please :lol:
Argument is sound.

Dr. Kaiser Bengali had quite a noticeable change of heart on the subject along these kind of lines.


Early 2016:


Few days back:


@Desert Fox @Psychic @Syed.Ali.Haider @LeGenD @That Guy

I do think his concerns are valid and should be addressed by Pakistan policy makers as much as they can. Pakistan needs more backbone for its economic direction right now, otherwise China will be free to apply pressure (on issues it prioritises which would not necessarily be congruent with those of Pakistan) more readily and frequently as time progresses. The exact feed-back loop impact of that on Pakistan is also a matter of debate now I would imagine.
Indian victory on diplomatic front. A lesson for Pakistan is China will be the new US. Lets face it and embrace it or try to change the course of it.
Dr. Kaiser Bengali had quite a noticeable change of heart on the subject along these kind of lines.


Early 2016:


Few days back:


@Desert Fox @Psychic @Syed.Ali.Haider @LeGenD @That Guy

I do think his concerns are valid and should be addressed by Pakistan policy makers as much as they can. Pakistan needs more backbone for its economic direction right now, otherwise China will be free to apply pressure (on issues it prioritises which would not necessarily be congruent with those of Pakistan) more readily and frequently as time progresses. The exact feed-back loop impact of that on Pakistan is also a matter of debate now I would imagine.

It is up to those who control Pakistan's' policies to respond to the situation as it is evolving. I am perfectly content to observe from the sidelines to see what happens. :D
Check this out. Front page item:


Dr. Kaiser Bengali had quite a noticeable change of heart on the subject along these kind of lines.


Early 2016:


Few days back:


@Desert Fox @Psychic @Syed.Ali.Haider @LeGenD @That Guy

I do think his concerns are valid and should be addressed by Pakistan policy makers as much as they can. Pakistan needs more backbone for its economic direction right now, otherwise China will be free to apply pressure (on issues it prioritises which would not necessarily be congruent with those of Pakistan) more readily and frequently as time progresses. The exact feed-back loop impact of that on Pakistan is also a matter of debate now I would imagine.

Indian victory on diplomatic front. A lesson for Pakistan is China will be the new US. Lets face it and embrace it or try to change the course of it.
India Ecstatic Over BRICS Naming Pakistan Terror-Groups

It must have been a great day in India yesterday, with the entire nation in a celebratory, ecstatic mood. Probably on par with the Duke of Wellington defeating Napoleon in the battle of Waterloo. It couldn’t have come at a better time for New Delhi, with the economy devastated by Modi’s self-destructive demonetisation, the summer of discontent in Kashmir, Darjeeling and Northeastern India, and withdrawal from the Donglang/Doklam border standoff with China.

No, it’s not a military victory that sent Indians into a frenzy across the land of godman. It’s a self-proclaimed, delusional “diplomatic” victory. Yesterday, the front page news of the Indian printed media was inundated with the following typical battle cry:

“India achieved a major diplomatic victory over Pakistan—and China—when the association of BRICS nations condemned terror by naming several Pakistan-sponsored terror networks such as Lashkar-e-Taiba, Jaish-e-Mohammad, the Haqqani network and Tehrik-i-Taliban Pakistan. “

But, what did the BRICS Declaration actually say? Nothing to write home about for a calm, rational person :

“48. We, in this regard, express concern on the security situation in the region and violence caused by the Taliban, ISIL/DAISH, Al-Qaida and its affiliates including Eastern Turkistan Islamic Movement, Islamic Movement of Uzbekistan, the Haqqani network, Lashkar-e-Taiba, Jaish-e-Mohammad, TTP and Hizb ut-Tahrir.”

China didn’t sell out or betray its “iron-clad” brother Pakistan in agreeing to include the three Pakistan-based militant groups in the BRICS Declaration. Much less under Indian pressure. The three groups have been banned by Pakistan itself since 2015. If anything, it’s just China and Russia throwing a sop to the delusional and petulant Modi to prevent him from disrupting the BRICS Summit, akin to throwing a piece of bone to a hungry dog to stop the barking.

The following report from the horse’s mouth, Pakistan’s major daily The Nation, confirms what it’s really all about:

“ISLAMABAD/Lahore – Pakistan Monday wondered at India’s celebrations over BRICS’ naming some alleged Pakistan-based terror networks that are already on country’s list of banned outfits.”

“Indian officials and media tried to sell mention of the Lashkar-e-Taiba (LeT) and Jaish-e-Mohammad (JeM) among the terrorists groups as a diplomatic defeat for Pakistan, ignoring the fact that Islamabad regards these groups anti-peace entities and had declared them proscribed organizations years ago.”

As in the BRICS Summit in Goa last year, India doesn’t get what it desperately wants this year : Naming Masood Azhar, founder and leader of JeM, as a terrorist and putting him on the UN sanctions list. Nor is there mention of cross-border terrorist attacks allegedly committed by the Pakistan-based groups.

Days earlier, both China and Russia had issued statements supporting Pakistan in its anti-terrorism efforts after Trump scolded Islamabad for not having done enough. That’s more substantive and meaty than mere mention of the three Pakistan-based militant groups already proscribed by Islamabad.

Both Xi Jinping and Putin are focussed on the big picture, while Modi is still mired in hostility with its neighbor. Once again, it shows clearly the provincial politician in Modi has failed to rise to become a player in geopolitics. He and his Modibob are still stuck at the binary gears of sulking or fits of exuberance. A classic case of “Much ado about nothing”!
Anyway, India is one of the BRICS, Indians write those articles. None of Chinese main media has any detail about those content. I only see Indians report those kind of news, bla,bla,bla....
Try it on UN, it will be veto again.

Bold part. Agreed.

Indians can try their luck again in UN after this "victory" at BRICS. :)
And what is wrong with North Korea? it is far, far better then your filthy country. I wish Pak did become more like North Korea. Clean, disciplined, ordered and educated society.

Dude, seriously now?
I doubt it will.

China has Pakistanis by the balls. Right now ,and even in the foreseeable future, there isn't a lot of countries Pakistanis can ask for money or military help.

Let's see:

Pakistanis need military supplies. Where do they have to go now since US and the west is distancing itself from Pakistan?

A - China

Pakistanis need loans and grants. Where do they go?

A - Not IMF or WB since they are all too heavily controlled by the west. China.

Pakistan is taking a lot from China and when you're so heavily dependent on someone, your options are pretty limited.

Pakistan is pretty much turning into another North Korea with all but China willing to bear its liability and even China gets tired every now and then.

bad news for India.
Well all those heros of Let and Jaish are UN designated terrorists, meaning china has endorsed it already in UN Security Council. Only for Pakistan they are freedom fighters. It is matter of time before entire nation is declared state sponsor of terrorists and face world sanctions worse than NK.

Last time they imposed sanctions on Pakistan (in the 1990s), the country became a nuclear power... and North Korea a few years later.
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