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Catalonia declares independence from Spain

Catalan parliament declares independence from Spain

The Catalan regional parliament has voted to declare independence from Spain, just as the Spanish government appears set to impose direct rule.

The move was was backed 70-10 in a ballot boycotted by opposition MPs.

Spanish Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy earlier told senators direct rule was needed to return "law, democracy and stability" to Catalonia.

The crisis began when Catalans backed independence in an illegal vote earlier this month.

Spain is going to use all necessary measures and means to make respect the constitutional order everywhere in Catalonia. Never it is going to split from Spain. Be realistic.

Nah bruv. Let's be realistic. It is over.
It has already begun. it is called a taste of your own medicine.
The double standard western world will claim what applies to others is not applicable to me.

I am superior and others are inferior. Inferior being will subjected to my standard and manipulation. Superior being will played God. The rest of the world shall realize the evil of western society.

Spain is going to use all necessary measures and means to make respect the constitutional order everywhere in Catalonia. Never it is going to split from Spain. Be realistic.
Its not about realistic or not. Its about western Europe or society are not doing what they preach or projected. "Freedom" We called this , double headed snake. Nobody will respect this kind of behavior. Not to mention lecturing about others. You have no right. You are not even fit to do that.
Well, they shouldn't stop it there, French Catalonia also should declare independence. North Italians and Baverians... Specially I would like to see Germany crambling.
Nah bruv. Let's be realistic. It is over.

As much as I have sympathy and respect for Catalonia,it is against Spain's constitution - Spain is never going to allow this - No country,especially European is going to recognize Catalonia's independence - Everybody recognizes the right for Spain to maintain its territorial integrity.

Catalonia also delcared independence in 1934. It lasted ten hours.

Spain's senate has just given Madrid powers to impose direct rule on Catalonia.
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As much as I have sympathy and respect for Catalonia,it is against Spain's constitution - Spain is never going to allow this - No country,especially European is going to recognize Catalonia's independence - Everybody recognizes the right for Spain to maintain its territorial integrity.

Catalonia also delcared independence in 1934. It lasted ten hours.

Spain's senate has just given Madrid powers to impose direct rule on Catalonia.
as opposed to most countries where constitutions allows for independence.. lol...
this is the dumbest argument anybody can give....
Catalan will get get anything by splitting themselves from Spain its better to solve the dispute through discussion and remain united .

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