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Catalonia declares independence from Spain

as opposed to most countries where constitutions allows for independence.. lol...
this is the dumbest argument anybody can give....
Since the Catalonians voted FOR this constitution (90% in Calalonia approved),
they have created their own problem.
If they want independence, they must first get an agreement on a change of the constitution.
as opposed to most countries where constitutions allows for independence.. lol...
this is the dumbest argument anybody can give....

I just pointed out that Spain's constitution clearly states that secession is illegal. Catalonia in the vast majority adopted the constitution. (The Yes vote was among the highest of any Spanish regions)

Catalonia is also among the regions enjoying the most autonomy,on vital matters such as education,health,security,culture etc.
Well, 42% of the resident in my building voted to separate administrative control between the land of my building and the Australian Government, and we, 42% of resident voted our building in Blacktown to be independence from Australia. And today, the country of "308 Stephen St" as a country formally established. All hailed the 308 Stephen St............And since Australia is a parliamentary democracy, by law they will need to grant my building Independence from the country of Australia


Jokes over. This is not something Catalonian should have done, now, they will lose whatever left with their autocracy for sure, what worse is, Madrid government is going to come down hard on them and most likely Federal Police will go down there and arrest each and every one of Catalonia Parliament and crack down on these movement, and the Madrid government would have EU and UN backing.

The legitimacy of Catalonia declare independence is as much as I declare my building independent from Australia. It is a moot point, it only serve as a blanche carte for Madrid government to get rid of this cancerous node.
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Spain is going to use all necessary measures and means to make respect the constitutional order everywhere in Catalonia. Never it is going to split from Spain. Be realistic.

Catalonian Tank Man?


I just pointed out that Spain's constitution clearly states that secession is illegal. Catalonia in the vast majority adopted the constitution. (The Yes vote was among the highest of any Spanish regions)
Catalonia is also among the regions enjoying the most autonomy,on vital matters such as education,health,security,culture etc.

Be realistic, We're talking 40 years now.

Even Zimbabweans voted to elect Mugabe and now he's a class 1 d!<k. Apparently there are 10 countries that allow secession. https://www.nationalia.info/new/109...dence-to-some-of-their-territories-and-france

Catalonians were bound to accept the constitution because anything was better than Dictator Franco, who conveniently oppressed Catalonian culture/language/social/economics.
Catalan will get get anything by splitting themselves from Spain its better to solve the dispute through discussion and remain united .

Do you think the same is true for Bangladesh/East Pakistan?
Western democracy is flawed. The so called freedom tactics they used to sow discord or create trouble against enemies outside western europe will come back to haunt them.

China can't even spell democracy, let alone point out its flaws. Let the West have their democracy and let Chinese have whatever China's has and leave it at that.

It has already begun. It is called a taste of your own medicine.

Now watch how Indian rapists are going to go into a rage frenzy over this LOL Let's grab some popcorn. The show is about to begin.

Only you can manage to include India in this thread. Obviously, someone's obsessed here. If so interested in Catalans seeking their independence, would you object to Balochistan seeking theirs?

As much as I have sympathy and respect for Catalonia,it is against Spain's constitution - Spain is never going to allow this - No country,especially European is going to recognize Catalonia's independence - Everybody recognizes the right for Spain to maintain its territorial integrity.

Catalonia also delcared independence in 1934. It lasted ten hours.

Spain's senate has just given Madrid powers to impose direct rule on Catalonia.

So it's Catalans acting up again. No doubt things will get hot and then cool. They will return to the fold. Catalans were also the prime movers behind the Republic government in the 1930s and look what happened to them. It's just not going to happen.
A dangerous precedence. This is just the beginning, much worse things are to yet come in Europe. This will be the start of lot more secession movements across Europe.
It has already begun. It is called a taste of your own medicine.

Now watch how Indian rapists are going to go into a rage frenzy over this LOL Let's grab some popcorn. The show is about to begin.

Shut up. @The Eagle Name calling is allowed if done by Pakistanis?
I am appalled that the UK government has not recognised the free will of the Catalan nation to become independent.
This after the UK gave the Scots the free choice to declare independence.

Every nation should have the right to break away from any Union. The idea that Catalonia can be kept prisoner against it's will in the Spanish Union is outrageous.
Will the USA invade Spain to give democracy and freedom to Catalonia?

Don't hold your breath. :lol:
I am appalled that the UK government has not recognised the free will of the Catalan nation to become independent.
This after the UK gave the Scots the free choice to declare independence.

Every nation should have the right to break away from any Union. The idea that Catalonia can be kept prisoner against it's will in the Spanish Union is outrageous.

I think it works both ways as the Spanish made it clear that they support the territorial integrity of the UK when it comes to the Scottish referendum, and that they would not support an EU application if they won.
However they have been antagonistic when it has come to British sovereign territory regarding Gibraltar.
I say we should be neutral and leave it at that. If Spain stays together fine, if Catalonia breaks way, we should have no issue.
They were not smart and mature enough to give a simple vote which would have probably resulted a win for the Spanish union, now they are in a mess which will last for decades. The threat of removing the Catalan police force is a very close step to physical conflict.
Spain is going to use all necessary measures and means to make respect the constitutional order everywhere in Catalonia. Never it is going to split from Spain. Be realistic.
Yes,let the Catalans dream about it,what a ridiculous action.
I think it works both ways as the Spanish made it clear that they support the territorial integrity of the UK when it comes to the Scottish referendum, and that they would not support an EU application if they won.
However they have been antagonistic when it has come to British sovereign territory regarding Gibraltar.
I say we should be neutral and leave it at that. If Spain stays together fine, if Catalonia breaks way, we should have no issue.
They were not smart and mature enough to give a simple vote which would have probably resulted a win for the Spanish union, now they are in a mess which will last for decades. The threat of removing the Catalan police force is a very close step to physical conflict.

UK would most probably have been neutral if it was not for Brexit.

The whole thing sticks of the utmost hypocrisy when the UK rightly allowed the Scots the option to break away from the British Union.

I used to have a soft-spot for Spaniards as I thought they were nice and friendly people. This whole episode has made me change my mind.

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