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Recent content by grandmaster

  1. G

    Chinese public views Pakistan very favorably and Pakistanis view China very favorably as well

    This is because both Pakistani and Chinese are wise and smart, generally wise people are not easily brainwashed and misled by western propaganda to hate one another.
  2. G

    Top Economist Urges China to Seize TSMC If US Ramps Up Sanctions

    Your argument is like the thought of some worms always eat human po---op and think it delicious.
  3. G

    Top Economist Urges China to Seize TSMC If US Ramps Up Sanctions

    this saying is like China can say Alaska and Hawaii are not US territories
  4. G

    The Peaceful Rise of China

    China has right to rise and no one need to say about that. It is natural that the so-called and self-called "existing world order" and jealousy beings like Indian see the rise of China as the threat to them because they, the self-called "existing world order," don't feel safe on holding their...
  5. G

    EU should give a clear promise whether it'll join in US' anti-China alliance or not. So China could decide whether it'll offer aids to Russia

    China should send advanced weapons to Russia just like the US have been sending weapons to Ukraine. By doing that, the only outcome is Russia will win the war.
  6. G

    China’s support for Russia galvanises US, Europe as Washington examines once-unthinkable sanctions against Beijing

    The US abuses sanctions and power too much that they have no more sanction and power left. China endure too much sanctions, to the extend sanction is nothing to them.
  7. G

    ‘How can I survive’: Chinese stranded in Ukraine feel left to their fate as Russian shelling continues

    Everyone know that even a "super power" America dare not rescue and leave its citizens behind in Ukraine. That is even better laugh than your super propaganda.
  8. G

    ‘How can I survive’: Chinese stranded in Ukraine feel left to their fate as Russian shelling continues

    Your wisdom is too low to see your own problem. like a fool who laugh at neighbor houses get burned, when he go home, his house also get burned and still laugh.
  9. G

    ‘How can I survive’: Chinese stranded in Ukraine feel left to their fate as Russian shelling continues

    Your wisdom is too low to recognize Biden words is nothing. If his words work, why so many Americans stranded there? Not only American, chinese, many indians, and people from other countries as well. You are too aggressive and combative to Chinese to know the difficulty of all people live there.
  10. G

    ‘How can I survive’: Chinese stranded in Ukraine feel left to their fate as Russian shelling continues

    Thanks for your propaganda mouthpiece to mislead people believe Chinese bad this bad that. American feel angry for their citizens stranded too, people also believe American bad this bad that too. fair enough...
  11. G

    China backed Vietnam's first urban railway enters service

    That is true, any project backed by China is also likely demonized by western propaganda as well, I am pretty sure this project already appeared so much on VOA, BBC, etc saying this was bad, this was corrupted, China was not good, blah blah..
  12. G

    China Considering Foreign Booster Shot to Improve Efficacy of Its Vaccines

    This article is written and paid by US propaganda machine. What else you expect they said about their rival vaccine? The US vaccines are also not very effective against India variant virus. If US vaccines are effective against India variant virus, why the cases go up again? Not only in US, in...
  13. G

    Australain PM renews call for COVID-19 origins investigation after WHO's 'lab leak' call

    There is theory that coronavirus was leaked from moron Morrison's house. We should call for Chinese scientists to investigate Australia for coronavirus origin.
  14. G

    China pose threat to UK university 'free speech' warns Tory MP - 'Massive self-censorship'

    Faked excuse. Shutdown is no difference from ban. The rest of the world know UK is the world's dictator when it shutdown CGTN. No excuse for that.

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