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  • Beta just been busy. Your Aunty is fighting cancer and that just keeps me worried and on my toes.
    Sir hru? long time i havent heard from you i hope your and fam are well and in good health! i hope there is no reason behind why you havent talk back with me and if there is please let me know talk to you soon inshallah AH..
    My number is +92(0)3345537914. But two hours before call, SMS me your name so i may know that it is you and i will wait for your call. I don't normally carry my mobile phone with me so please dont call without sending an SMS. Thankyou
    ok Galib sahib normally I only talk to people who I know please send me your tele number on my PM I will call you, I hope you don't mind.
    good evening sir! Any idea whats wrong with the private messaging here totally disabled ?
    Any ways,i just read your conversation with oosamaziadxb, and really today's add in news paper made me very disappointed i will commit suicide attack :p over the HQ of PAF if they didn't let me in the way i want!.. (btw i don't have any idea where the hell they are exactly ?)
    whats up with your connection and your cartoon..got repaired or still under maintenance ?
    Its tuff the first 3 weeks are hell no sleep and ragging all the time. Well most of the time and boys don't like the way they are treated , Yes I admit that PAF is at fault that they have given the cadets so much power in the Academy which is wrong. Let me tell you something the first few weeks you go everyone who is senior to you will say do this or you will be kicked out of the academy Tell him see my feet shove it up your *** because only a Air Vice Marshal in front of a jury can kick you out no one else. So dont come into there talk if they tell you I want 50 pushup you do 5 thats it and then try to dont do it just try to do it. In 6 months time you get so strong that you can do 6o pusups in 60 sec 60 pullups in 60 sec.My son did 89 pushup in 60 sec and 71 pull ups in 60 sec that a record hahahaha that cartoon always wanted to be better than every one that is why he won the Best Pilot trophy , and Sword of Honor. And I did not help him I mean he didn't get them because he was my son.
    hahahaha yes you can because with in the first week 20% cadets run away after a month 5 % after 3 months the course is left with half of what they started.
    let me check with Dpt chief of Air Staff Personnal. and will get back to you on monday.
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