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  • buddy its been deletetd from firefox download library-- if u still have it due to past download, dont remove it as there is no active download source at the moment!
    Jinnah did state this:

    "The Raja started off by saying that since the Lahore resolution had been passed earlier that year, if and when Pakistan was formed, it was undoubtedly to be an Islamic State with the Sunna and Shariah as its bedrock. The Quaid’s face went red and he turned to ask Raja whether he had taken leave of his senses. Mr. Jinnah added: `Did you realize that there are over seventy sects and differences of opinion regarding the Islamic faith, and if what the Raja was suggesting was to be followed, the consequences would be a struggle of religious opinion from the very inception of the State leading to its very dissolution. Mr. Jinnah banged his hands on the table and said: We shall not be an Islamic State but a Liberal Democratic Muslim State."

    Iskandar Mirza's version is even starker when he quoted Jinnah: "Shariah? Whose shariah? No. I shall have a modern state."

    Here is the source for the earlier comment regarding Soviet pullout and a proposed deal between Zia and Najubullah on the behest of the Soviets to keep Afghanistan's moderate populace intact.

    Zia: No Deal With Najibullah; Before Signing a Peace Pact, Pakistan Wants a New Regime in Kabul - The Washington Post | HighBeam Research - FREE trial

    Zia of course refused because US did not want to see that happen and the war continued.
    i havent seen a pdf version anywhere , yet-- the uploaders have scanned there mags only -- but i'll keep an open eye for it!
    I am a Commandant under the French Foreign Legion (Légion étrangère). I am currently a french citizen under Français par le sang versé (French by spilled blood). I was promoted to the position of Commandant (equivalent to your "Major") from an NCO (non-commisioned officer) after qualifying for the position.

    Hope that answers your questions and sorry for the delay in answering,
    i'm just a concerned citizen who doesn't want to see weapon manufacturing manuals in the hands of violent fools.
    I'm a paediatrician (M.D.), currently studying for a degree in aeronautical engineering. I've been into aero modelling since last 12 years.
    The pleasure is mine,brother. It's always nice to find people who are interested in genuine technical discussions and not political ones! :)

    The image in question is taken from a collection of photos taken during a conference on "High Speed Trans Atmospheric Air and Space Transportation" in 2007 in Hyderabad. Others are sourced from a few research papers published on the topic.

    As of now, there are no documents on these projects in public circulation apart from a few papers published. I'll be posting a gist of them in the "Indian hypersonic thread"..

    However, if I do come across any such public document, I'll be sure to inform you about it.

    Nightcrawler, please remove those chem warfare manuals from your mediafire page.
    In fact, remove everything that allows people to make bombs or worse.

    I took the liberty to inform abuse@mediafire and info@cia.gov about this, I don't like such info in the hands of violent fools.
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