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  • خیلی ممنونم
    اینجام مثل میلیتاری گونی بازی پس کار خودت بوده :-))))
    Kodom goni bazi, joneh azizam?
    سلام داداش من یه پست بر علیه ترک ها رد کردم ولی نیستش اینجام سریع پست مخفی میکنن؟
    khob chonkeh postet kheili khaam bood digeh. Ba mantegh adam mineviseh keh taraf ajez besheh.
    The pic represents my wife (when I first met her). She (and according to her many others) is living with a hamartia that they can't figure out how to overcome. However she has stumbled upon the solution.
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    Regardless, I have a neurological tendency to see Chinese all alike. And I have a weakness for Chinese girls. I don't know why. I just feel they are cute. And also there is this subtle depth when you are with a Chinese girl, I don't know where it comes from but I can feel it. Anyways that is probably only me.
    Hamartia Antidote
    Hamartia Antidote
    If you pop the pic up big you can see it is animated...she winks.
    Uh, I see that now. A twinkly wink! Thank you for telling me!
    Well absorption/adsorption chiller run on hot water. So wanted to calculate how much heat output in terms of kWh I will get by using 281,025,958 Mcf of gas from CC power plant. This will enable me to calculate cooling capacity.
    You are right about the decision making process. I did the analysis as a concerned person to show others what is coming to haunt them for next generation. Even my stripped down analysis is saying about 95 GW of power plants!!
    Maybe because other things are of more importance to them. For example apologizing on behalf of Takfiris. But you do not know to worry. They will suffer because of their own delusions. And they should not be even allowed to blame anyone or anything else.
    Yes you are right. Religion should be a private matter. I am not sure why we only talk about the differences and call each other kafirs. We really should be talking about the problems faced and how to resolve them. Have some tolerance for others.
    Use a CC gas power plant (55% electricity efficiency) and adsorption for cooling from hot water. So system efficiency is 80%. 800kWh per capita for 188.7 million people. This make 150,994,414,445.60 kWh total. 30% of this is 45,298,324,333.68 kWh. I will need 281,025,958 Mcf to produce it (based on 1 kWh = 3600 kilo Joules). So how much heat/cooling as a by-product can be produced?
    Thanks, Shah.
    Sorry, I did not understand your question. I am not getting what "adsorption" you are talking about, because adsorption is something entirely different. Also you have to think about it as a waste heat left from generating electricity that is used to do some extra work. So in CC plants it is 40% waste heat and in trigeneraiton it is about 60%.
    Hi Daneshmand, Need your help with some calculations on the power production side.
    ok. write here and let's see if I can help you.
    Mark my words, Pakistan will never take part in Yemen Conflict, we're satisfying flying Ego of Saudis. Recent updates like we took matter in Parliment is another way of saying Big "NO" which we cant say right in-front of them
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