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  • Hello Murad,
    Hope every thing is well. Couldn't understand this system, otherwise would have left a message earlier. How is Bhabi and how is her treatment going?

    Are you still in touch with old buddies. Was shocked to hear about Toti's passing away. Now both Jamal and Toti are not in this world. Let me know if you hear about Khattaka the dam dam.

    Assalamoalaikum uncle ...

    Uncle my cell phone is lost i lost all your contact numbers i had one in my moms cell phone on which you called once but that number is not working. :( And i also forgot my password of df.pk because of not coming online here for so long.i have been trying diffrent passwords since last night and i just got the right one few minutes back..But uncle you had my both numbers why didn`t you called me ? ? you know airforce force test in octuber i think so i appled in army 124th pma just for preparation.and you know what i cleared 4 of the tests just cleared physical test 2 days back and now i have an interview on 29th june..How is aunty now ?? and uncle when will you call me ?

    Sir jee replied your email.Send me the pic ill water mark it with Defence.pk :)
    As'salam Allaikum

    Dear Sir,

    I need some information. I am 22 Years Old my date of Birth is 21 Feb 1988.
    I have Done ICS Pre Eng (Subjects: Math, Phy and Computer) But my Percentage is 49.4%.
    I have also done B.COM these days and got 55% Marks.
    I am wiling to join Pakistan Army. Can i Join?
    Please give me complete info.
    I am realy very willing to join Pakistan Airforce.
    I will be very Thankful to you if you help me in this Regard

    Thanking you and hoping to hearing from you soon

    With Best Regards
    M. Ismaeel Irfan
    E-mail: dashing4u@hotmail.com
    Mob: 0300-7107177
    no its ok I dont want to say that on the phone just thought of it , check your pm after 1 min
    Assallam-o-Walikom sir Muradk you inspired me and your very well educated and have alot of knowledge thanks for serving in PAF salute you sir.
    Respected Sir Murad K.
    As per your request i have sent you my tele number on ur given e-mail address. Hope you should have recieved it by now. Btw i got 1 little question for you Sir. Do u know Late Wing Commander ( R ) Masud Ali Khan ? I believe he should be your coursemate or might be senior to you. I could be wrong though about the 2nd part. Highly intelligent person a vey good player of hockey, was found of breading pigeons. Used to fly Airbus 310 for PIA as a Captain. Oh ya just remembered Sir 1 of ur student is living in Sharjah, Wing Commander ( R ) Abraham. Has a vey nice business setup here. Oops getting late i will talk to you latter Sir. U tc of urself Regards. Allah Hafiz
    this is my email send number on this.

    Hadi and Toor are my students and in the early 80a they both worked under me one as Flt Commander OPS and Hadi Flt Commander Traning.
    we were playing cricket on a rainy day I hit a short Hadi kept running back words fell and is head hit a brick , Lost is memory for 2 weeks ha ha ha then he was ok.
    Toor also smokes like a choochoo train
    Thnx for the info it was really helpful. I din't knew Hadi retired as wing commander as per my cousin he retired as Air Cdre but i think as u were there teacher u must know well. Btw as per Hadi, Toor sir was 2 course juniour to him. Is that correct ? Btw the news of Toor sir being a defence secretary i got it from my cousin so am not sure how much truth is in it. Anything else i have missed out ? If so let me know i would try to reply on it. Till we meet next time u tc of urself Sir. Allah Hafiz.
    Honourable Sir MuradK.
    1stly i would like to apologize to you for not sending my number as i don't know how to do PM, as i told you i am a new entry here so i don't know the ABC of PM. Regarding my self what should i tell you am just an ordinary pakistani. Been living in Dubai for the past 25 years. Nacheez ko Shahzad Ahmed Malik kehte hein. My age is 27, married, working in the field of shipping. Now as to your question how do i know ur students ? well actually both ur students are very close friends of my cousin ( a civilian ). I haven't got the oppurtunity to meet Arshad Toor but i definatly have met Hadi couple of times. Once i flew with him from Dubai to Multan ( VIP Treatment ) ; - ) he's a gem of a person masAllah highly knowledgable but ofcourse a chain smoker.
    Dame its a small world , Toor and Hadi are both my students.
    The PAF never surrendered a fighter do you actually think IAF is so good that they will tell him to land, we both PAF and IAF were after blood, So that story is wrong.
    I keep in touch with both Toor because her daughter is in USA and Hadi her daughter just got married and is in California.
    now how about getting even with each other, you PM me your tele number and I will call you and you will tell about your self and how do you know the same 2 people who are my students. This means that you already know who I am. Am I right. Waiting for your number and dont make any excuses I wont bite I promise and I am 100% sure you know me if not you have heard my name more than any one after MM Alam
    our identities will remain confidential thats a promise.
    Toor retired as Air Marshall and Hadi as Wing Commander he joined PIA.
    oh when did Toor moved to the Ministry he was Chairman Civil Def.
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