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  1. Ra's al Ghul

    Dear Brother and Sisters i need your Zakat !

    Asalam o alikum dear brother and sisters, i hope you all are fine and good . i am an old member of PDF . i usually have created some threads about my personal life . i was kind of sufaid posh person few months ago . but now things have changed . my mother got ill few months ago , for which i...
  2. Ra's al Ghul

    Need Urgent Medical Help

    Hi to all brothers and sisters, i need your urgent help, regarding this medical item. i need this for my mother. i have search alot this myself in whole karachi from last couple of days . but i couldnt find it. i found it on daraz but its out of stock. so no one in karachi has it. if someone can...
  3. Ra's al Ghul

    Need Help to Know about New Brunswick Canada ......

    Hi friends and brother, recently i gt some news about opportunity in canadian province, new brunswick , my english isnt very good, but what i can understand is that they are looking for immigrants workers for white or blue color jobs etc . on fresh passport and without any bank statement or...
  4. Ra's al Ghul

    Want to Sale a Cricket Bat Signed by Ex-Pm Imran Khan for medical reasons

    hello brothers , one of my friend have a cricket Bat Signed by ex-Pm Imran khan. he wants to sell it becoz Doctors suggest heart surgery to his father . he manages some amount of money from his saving but he needs more amount for it . if someone is interested to buy it thn plz send me msg. i...
  5. Ra's al Ghul

    what kind of machine is this ? and where to buy from ? need help

    hi brothers , can anyone tell me what kind of machine is this and where can i buy from ? can any Pakistani or indian brother tell me about it ? its kind of hand made machine to make diapers at home , looks cheap but it can done the job i need . i need this for medical purpose at my home , and i...
  6. Ra's al Ghul

    what the hell is going on with Pakistani Public ?

    i dont get it, yesterday IK got bullets in the leg, it could take his life, but i see no changes in public response , not even from PTI leadership , tonite his speech was same like what he always saying in last 6 months, what you will get by only protesting ? if not PTI thn people should take...
  7. Ra's al Ghul

    What Opportunities are Available for an Unskilled Person in US

    hello my friends, one of my friend is unmarried and single also he is not skilled in any kind of profession. he has done graduation. he is only a teacher in middle school . he belongs to lower middle class family. his age is almost 38 . his english is average and just fine . someone...
  8. Ra's al Ghul

    I seriously need a rishta .....

    since i have eaten my ego, i want to offer my rishta to any widowed, separated, divorced, annulled , girl or woman from Pakistan or abroad, who wants to get marry . i am willing to move abroad with her or if she lives in Pakistan i am ready to be ghar damad. i have no demand of jahez. if she...
  9. Ra's al Ghul

    Imran khan have no balls .....

    yes, i am right. and before you people say i am a patwari. i am not. i live in karachi. also i support IK. but he talk too much and i see no practical at all. he had chances to run over this imported govt but he didnt do it. now he is playing cat and mouse with establishment. PDM is effing...
  10. Ra's al Ghul

    coming out from the closet ...... i am ghey

    since girls and thier families are rejecting me becoz i am a poor person and i am doing teaching to support my family. i have no bank balance or car or anything. i am single but i am still considering to marry, a widow or divorcee and separated woman without kids, but i have no luck . so i am...
  11. Ra's al Ghul

    The future of middle class in Pakistan. why is everyone silent ?

    no one is asking questions about prices of petrol, flour, oil and daily necessities of middle class and poor people. why everyone is silent, why PTI, JI, PML-Q, TLP etc are silent, if PDM and Establishment is culprit, than same goes for other parties. they should have gathered masses on rise...
  12. Ra's al Ghul

    Stephanie matto ' i made $100,000 selling my Farts in a Jar' her biggest clients were Indians

    TV Star Hospitalised After Trying To Fart Too Much https://www.ndtv.com/offbeat/stephanie-matto-tv-star-retires-from-selling-farts-after-heart-attack-scare-2691855 @ 7:30 to 8:30 , Heres her claim about Indians :sarcastic:
  13. Ra's al Ghul

    If India attack Bangladesh, what options BAF have to defend and reply back in same manner ?

    My respected brothers, the thread title says it all. i will explain a lit bit more. what we want to know that if India attack Bangladesh, for whatever reason, what will BAF option to tacke IAF in air to air combat today ? or say tomorrow like in 2026 etc ? how many 3rd gen fighter it has ...
  14. Ra's al Ghul

    Discover Pakistan - A new TV Channel

    Watch Live - https://discoverpakistan.tv/ Youtube Channel - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCFgNFVvOtVRg5Zgn2xGJQcw/videos @Apollon
  15. Ra's al Ghul

    Red Alert : cyclone shaheen near karachi

    hi friends, i am making this thread to have an update of the cyclone shaheen, i hope people with met knowledge will share there info here. its not looking good. can some people share there info regarding this cyclone , ist a low or medium kind of cyclone or what ? is karachi safe from it ...
  16. Ra's al Ghul

    A Traitor from AJK , airing on Indian media giving locations of Pak Army Positions at LOC

    Whos this MC dr. amjad ? i didnt want post this crap media clip but i had to, since hes famous to appear regular on indian media and giving out the Pak army positions on LOC and leak many internal affairs , someone plz find and report this bastard and send some Markhors to hunt him down. ******...
  17. Ra's al Ghul

    need help to understand the joining process in PAF

    PAF announced some positions for metric pass males, my nephew is intrested to join PAF but we both dont know what all these positions means, PAF is offering , -Aero trader -PF&DI -Proccest trader -GC so my question is whats meaning of these all things in layman language, and possibly...
  18. Ra's al Ghul

    Did Pakistan test Babar II missile on 19th march ?

    According to national security planners and Pakistan watchers, this was the second consecutive test failure of the Babur II sub-sonic missile after the previous test failed on April 10, 2018...
  19. Ra's al Ghul

    The Saudis reject Islamabad’s request to call an OIC's foreign minister meeting on Kashmir

    If the reports are accurate, then Pakistan is in a fix. Saudi Arabia has reportedly turned down Islamabad’s bid to call a meeting of top Muslim diplomats on the disputed territory of Kashmir. Pakistan is seeking an immediate session of the Council of Foreign Ministers (CFM) of the...
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