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  1. Trango Towers

    Former PM of Isreal identifies current israelis as facists

    https://vm.tiktok.com/ZMY9nwea6/ @Beny Karachun I Hope you are proud you nazi
  2. Trango Towers

    This is the israel media does show.

    https://vm.tiktok.com/ZMFquoARs/ I want people to show what America and the West is protecting. Racism against black Jews. One white European colonisers is heard saying "you should be in camps " I hope the Jews on this forum and their supporters condemn this
  3. Trango Towers

    Gandhi refused to support zionists. Lesson for RSS supporters on PDF

  4. Trango Towers

    Aussie F35 an expensive DUD

    https://eurasiantimes.com/buying-f-35-fighters-biggest-mistake-of-australia-us-jets/?amp Did Turkey have a lucky break? This thing is so expensive to run and progressively the number of hours in the aussie air are to be reduced annually. Why would you buy an aircraft so expensive tk run and...
  5. Trango Towers

    Respect for bajwa

  6. Trango Towers

    Indian in london with rape list jailed

    https://uk.yahoo.com/news/stalker-terrorised-121-victims-jailed-112700802.html This is so sad. He has ruined his own life and the life of countless others
  7. Trango Towers

    Iran NOT a threat to israel Ex israeli spy cheif

    https://vm.tiktok.com/ZMN1GEENu/?k=1 Listen for yourself All the fascist nazis from Israel this is your boss speaking https://vm.tiktok.com/ZMN1te6mu/?k=1 Listen to the journalist and @Beny Karachun ...when will u tell the truth. U said they were children. Shame on you
  8. Trango Towers

    Saud family responsible for Palestine being in British and israeli hands . Document

  9. Trango Towers

    Indian man kills mother and eats her organs

    Speechless https://uk.yahoo.com/news/man-sentenced-to-death-for-killing-mother-frying-eating-her-organs-104631329.html News Yahoo News Man sentenced to death for killing mother, frying & eating her organs Sulagna D Tue, 13 July 2021, 11:46 am·2-min read An alcoholic daily labourer was...
  10. Trango Towers

    Israel is an apartheid state. Israeli human rights

    https://www.middleeasteye.net/news/israel-btselem-apartheid-state-palestine-occupation Even Jews are finally beginning to speak up. Only gulf arabs are blind.
  11. Trango Towers

    Trump threat to world - US economist Jeffery Sach tells Vatican

    The economic war on China is one way and clearly America is the global bully
  12. Trango Towers

    US senators threaten German port with sanctions

    https://m.dw.com/en/nord-stream-2-us-senators-threaten-german-port-with-crushing-sanctions/a-54473119 It's not just Chinese companies. America wants all the business. Greed greed greed
  13. Trango Towers

    Sheikh Rasheed and war with india

    Tun dain gaye...I almost died with laughter. He is a character
  14. Trango Towers

    India has always supported traitor in Afghanistan- say Taliban

    https://www.geo.tv/latest/288356-india-has-supported-traitors-in-afghanistan-taliban-say Home Geo Urdu Latest Coronavirus Pakistan World Sports Entertainment Business Health Amazing Sci-Tech Food Videos Shows Geo Asool Contact Us India has always supported traitors in Afghanistan...
  15. Trango Towers

    HAL HF24 Marut fighter jet designed by Kurt Tank a Nazi

    as you can see that the Indian will dance with the devil himself to get what they want. RSS is not a surprise as their links with NAZIs is shown in the articles below https://theprint.in/defence/when-nehru-and-nazi-germany-engineer-built-first-india-made-operational-combat-fighter/123749/...
  16. Trango Towers

    Turkey to develop fighter jets by 2023 and wants nukes

  17. Trango Towers

    Where is Abinadnan...indian news blackout

    Having been released ibto the hands of the Indian military Abhinandan has vanished???
  18. Trango Towers

    Future stealth aircraft with no control surfaces

    https://www.avweb.com/avwebflash/news/Drone-Has-No-Control-Surfaces-230054-1.html Drone Has No Control Surfaces Russ Niles | December 16, 2017 Piaggio Enters Receivership JAL Sets 24-Hour Booze Ban For Pilots Remembering ATC's Secret Weapon 737 Clips Light After Cockpit Typo BAE...
  19. Trango Towers

    Indian Suicide ... public health crisis

    https://uk.news.yahoo.com/high-suicide-rate-india-labelled-193909350.html Back YahooNEWS High suicide rate in India labelled a "public health crisis" Saptarshi Ray The Telegraph13 September 2018, 20:39 GMT+1 Family and economic pressures are thought to be behind the high number of suicides...
  20. Trango Towers

    Modi fails rural India. Wages drop sharply

    https://qz.com/1268788/rural-wages-in-india-have-dropped-sharply-under-modi-government-says-rbi/?utm_source=YPL&yptr=yahoo Never mind the promise of achhe din (good days). Under the Narendra Modi government, Indians in the hinterland have seen a significant decline in their incomes. Rural...
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