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  1. Shattered

    Europe vs America who would win ?

    Even though I am against war and I hate bloodshed. I saw this topic on an other forum I visit but the topic wasn't very debatable since the Euro members said they would win and Americans said they would. since most of the people on this site are from Asia I think you would provide a better...
  2. Shattered

    Human touchscreen

    ?Skinput? turns body into touchscreen interface - Innovation- msnbc.com Sweet i want me one of those =D.
  3. Shattered

    Fav Guitarist

    who is your fav Guitarist mine is buckethead he is awesoem i get my inspiration from him i wish i was that good T_T. what about you guys?
  4. Shattered

    Video game cheat websites

    First of all this isn't advertising sinces i don't get any money and neither am i posting antoher defence site i jsut want some good places tog et cheats >_>. so yea the question is where do you guys all of your cheats from ;-;.
  5. Shattered

    Your youtube Channel

    so like evreone uses youtube and offocrse evreone has an account there ;-; so whats your channel=P.
  6. Shattered

    The online gammer (funny video =P)

    i am sure you guys have already seen the vid but hey it's still aweosme i couldn't stop laughing for like 4 mins after watching both vids XD. WARNING [ Contains content unsuitable for minors] so what do you guys thing about it =P
  7. Shattered

    PS3 psn thread also *cod mw2*

    so like i decied it would be a good idea if we could shaere psn so how many of you got a psn. my psn is dx_hbk666 add me if you wish i usaly play cod online =P. what about you guys?
  8. Shattered

    Game of the year 2009

    So like who do you think should have goten the award for game of the year in 2009. I think call of duty mw2 should have got it i mean they made more then 550$ in the first 5 days of the release.
  9. Shattered

    I would like kinda make a complain.

    Okay so like the problem i am having is this. My threads most of time get closed they are not breaking the rules but why do they get closed When closing a thread a mod , sup mod or an admin should give a reason to let the starter know why its being closed. also recently i made a thread...
  10. Shattered

    Does any one here watchs or do pro werstling?

    so yea does any one here watch pro wesrtling or fights ? sorry about the dupicate topic it was a mistake you may delete this topic thanks.
  11. Shattered

    Does any one here watchs or do pro werstling?

    So yea do any of you guy watch pro werstling or even fights ?
  12. Shattered

    does anyone here do ghrapix?

    so yea does any one do gfx here. by gfx i mean do you guys make sigs and stuff using photoshop or GIMP? If so then lets share some art work ;D.
  13. Shattered

    An other sugestion.

    So like i was thinking agian =P how about we had BBcode to the site? Its a little option but will help alot i think. oh and another idea how about we had a search function Let me know if you don't get it and want me to go in more detail. Oh and one question can you put a tag or a...
  14. Shattered


    so like how many ppl here have msn ;D.
  15. Shattered

    I was thinking

    I was thinkin why not make a forum for gfx and art? and music
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