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10 captives, Over 20 soldiers, including Commanding Officer killed at Galwan border clash with China

Now wait for the Indians to come up with their own face saving story .. 3 brave Indian martyrs sacrificed their lives to take down entire Chinese army in Galwan valley. Chinese fatalities include 100 soldiers, 50 officers, 2 PLA Generals and Xi Jinping's own son!
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Is this news legit? If so India will submit and take the losses to avoid further confrontation but looks like Chinese are ready to clear the trespassers.
Is this news legit? If so India will submit and take the losses to avoid further confrontation but looks like Chinese are ready to clear the trespassers.

No India will not submit without getting embarrassed first, their ego is too big

India will take the bait and fight, we'll see what happens now
I guess that means "oh sh1t"

You killed a COMMANDING OFFICER?! A Colonel killed in direct action while China occupies 60 sq km Indian territory? OH....MY...GOD!!! China is literally, actually, HUMILIATING india beyond belief now :lol::lol::lol:

Gotta give it to you bros man---I thought Pakistan humiliated and dominated indians when we bombed their military sights, shot down their jets, paraded their wing commander on national tv, caused so much panic that they killed their own 7 air force officers and destroyed their own helicopter...

But PLA is literally one-uping Pakistan in a big way. Ya'll just walked right into Indian territory, occupied it, and killed their commanding officer (Colonel) in FIRST confrontation right away?!!

We don't treat Afghanistan this brutally. China is literally arse raping india in public :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:

China: 5
Pakistan: 1
india: -0.000 (Facepalm)

Modi is truly a blessing for us :lol:

@drumstick @GHALIB Fellas....??? :woot::woot:
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India soldiers killed in clash with Chinese forces

Three Indian soldiers have been killed in a clash with Chinese forces in Ladakh in the disputed Kashmir region.

The Indian army said "senior military officials of the two sides are meeting to defuse the situation", adding that both sides suffered casualties.

China responded by calling on India not to take unilateral actions or stir up trouble, the Reuters agency reported.

China has also accused India of crossing the border and attacking Chinese soldiers, the AFP agency said.

Chinese foreign ministry spokesman Zhao Lijian was quoted as saying that India had crossed the border, "provoking and attacking Chinese personnel, resulting in serious physical confrontation between border forces on the two sides".

Beijing has not announced any Chinese casualties. The country's Global Times newspaper reported that "solemn representations" had been made with India over the incident.

The clash comes amid rising tensions between the two countries. India has accused China of sending thousands of troops into Ladakh's Galwan valley.

The deaths are believed to be the first in decades in a confrontation between the two powers. They have fought only one war so far, in 1962, when India suffered a humiliating defeat.

India accuses China of occupying 38,000 sq km of its territory. Several rounds of talks in the last three decades have failed to resolve the boundary disputes.

In May, dozens of Indian and Chinese soldiers exchanged physical blows in a clash on the border in the northeastern state of Sikkim. And in 2017, the two countries clashed in the region after China tried to extend a border road through a disputed plateau.

Their armies - two of the world's largest - come face to face at many points. The two sides are separated by the poorly demarcated Line of Actual Control (LAC). Rivers, lakes, and snowcaps mean the line can shift, provoking confrontation.

There are several reasons why tensions are rising now - but competing strategic goals lie at the root, and both sides blame each other.

India has built a new road in what experts say is the most remote and vulnerable area along the LAC in Ladakh. And India's decision to ramp up infrastructure seems to have infuriated Beijing.

The road could boost Delhi's capability to move men and material rapidly in case of a conflict.

Both sides insist no bullet has been fired in four decades, and the Indian army insisted again on Tuesday that "no shots were fired". Local media outlets reported that the Indian soldiers were "beaten to death" but there was no confirmation from the military.

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Now wait for the Indians to come up with their own face saving story .. 3 brave Indian martyrs sacrificed their lives to take down entire Chinese army in Galwan valley. Chinese fatalities include 100 soldiers, 50 officers, 2 PLA Generals and Xingping's own son!
and a couple of J-20s :omghaha:

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